President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C87 Overindulge

C87 Overindulge

2"I don’t buy it!" Ji Xiaohan laughed out loud.    


Tang Youyou imitated his tone and said: "Wait until my son inherits your career. Won't his money be my money? Why can't I earn it? It is so easy to earn. "    


"You …" Ji Xiaohan was suddenly speechless.    


Tang Youyou immediately became angry: "CEO Ji, don't underestimate me. Whether or not I can earn your money just depends on my thought. But don't worry. I'm not interested in your money. No matter how much I will earn, every penny of the money will be earned by myself, due to which I can use it with ease."    


"Tang Youyou, do you believe that I will let you lose your job?" When Ji Xiaohan heard that she wanted to earn money with peace of mind, he immediately wanted to do something bad.    


"I signed a ten-year contract with One Thought. I looked at the contract, and if you want to fire me, you have to pay me at least 500,000 yuan. With this 500,000 yuan, I can still hold out for a while and continue looking for other jobs …" Tang Youyou was not threatened by him at all.    


"I can make you find no job in this city." Ji Xiaohan tried his best to threaten her.    


Tang Youyou was immediately furious, "Even if I can't find any job, I am at least your children's mother. Do you dare to do anything bad to me? If you do something bad, I'll also let my two children do something to you, so don't go too far."    


Ji Xiaohan couldn't help but to move his phone a little further away. This woman was really vixenish, and her sharp voice was even enough to make him deaf.    


"I'm just joking with you, and you take it too seriously. You're even more childish than a child. Don't worry, I promise I won't harm you. But you can't ignore children." Ji Xiaohan immediately recovered his usual tone, and did not dare to be presumptuous to this woman anymore.    


"Hmph, I can't be bothered with your nonsense!" Tang Youyou was so angry that she did not even want to hear his voice, and directly hung up.    


Tang Youyou originally planned to work overtime for two hours to draw the manuscripts. The contract that she had signed with Xia Ziyan required to hand in ten pieces of works that satisfy her within half a month. Since she only had three pieces that satisfy Xia Ziyan in her hands, it would be very challenging for her to complete this task within half a month facing such a captious client.    


However, Ji Xiaohan said that he had social meet-ups at night, so Tang Youyou could only bring her work home to do.    


The Ji Family was still unfamiliar to those little fellows. She should first return and accompany them, especially the truly dependent daughter. Tang Youyou was really afraid that she would cry.    


When Tang Youyou drove the car back to Ji Family's beach villa, she saw a very strange scene when she walked into the living room.    


In the luxurious living room, there were now two more cute little fellows.    


"Mommy, you're back. Come and take a look at Little White and Little Black. Aren't they cute? I like them so much." When Tang Xiaonai saw that mommy had returned, she instantly jumped over in joy. She grabbed one of mommy's fingers and pulled her to see her cute new pet.    


"This …" Tang Youyou hadn’t yet recovered from the strange scene when he saw Uncle Yuan walking over from the dining-room next to the living room.    


When Uncle Yuan saw Tang Youyou, his expression was also unspeakable.    


"Uncle Yuan, how did you agree to let them bring little ponies into the living room?" Tang Youyou didn't know whether to laugh or cry. These two little fellows were too mischievous.    


Uncle Yuan could only smile and said: "As soon as they came back after school, Little Young Master and Young Miss would circle around the two ponies. Even when it was dark, they refused to go home. But unfortunately, there are too many mosquitoes on the grassland, so I called Young Master for instructions. When Young Master heard that the two little fellows had been bitten by mosquitoes, he immediately agreed to let them bring the ponies back to the living room to play with."    


Tang Youyou felt it was so unbelievable. Had Ji Xiaohan’s brain been kicked by a horse? How could he agree to such a thing?    


"Mommy …" Tang Xiaonai was still desperately pulling on her fingers, "Mommy, come quickly. Come quickly and say hello to Little White and Little Black. They are really fun. They are obedient and docile just like brother and I."    


"Miss Tang, why don't you accompany the children to play? Young Master just called and said that he won't be home to eat dinner, and dinner will be ready soon." Uncle Yuan said with all his heart.    


"Thank you, Uncle Yuan!" Tang Youyou said politely.    


Tang Xiaorui sat on the sofa with his legs crossed like a little adult, holding a drawing board, and he seemed to be drawing.    


It was a picture of the two foals standing in the living room and staring blankly at each other.    


It was obvious that the two ponies were not used to this strange environment. They occasionally cried out a few times, looking quite pitiful.    


"Mommy, quickly say hello to Little White. It likes me very much." Tang Xiaonai was extremely excited, and her little face was red, as she pointed to the small pony.    


Tang Youyou squatted down and patted the little pony's head with her hand, then said in all seriousness: "Xiao Nai, Xiao Rui, you guys have gone too far. The ponies are not used to standing here, and they like to live on the grass. So, I request you to immediately send the ponies back."    


"Why? Mommy, I haven't had enough fun with them. Daddy said we could take them into the living room." When Tang Xiaonai heard that mommy would not allow her to play with little ponies, she immediately became anxious.    


"Your father must be crazy. Facing such unreasonable request of yours, he actually agreed?" Tang Youyou definitely would not allow that man to spoil her children to such a reckless state. With a stern face, she said: "Mommy isn't joking with you guys. Now let Uncle Yuan send the ponies out. If you want to play with them, do that tomorrow after school. Do you hear me?"    


"Mommy is so fierce …" Tang Xiaonai's eyes instantly turned red. She looked at her little pony pitifully, and then looked at dumbstruck Tang Xiaorui who was half done with his painting. "Big brother still wants to draw for ponies, and it's not even done yet. Mommy, can you let them stay here for a little longer?"    


"No, you must listen to what Mommy says. Don't mess around." Tang Youyou did not want to develop this kind of habit of doing whatever they wanted, so her requirements were still as strict as before.    


Tang Xiaorui had a pitiful expression on his face as he placed the drawing board to his side, and said faintly: "Alright, we will listen to mommy's words. Mommy don't get angry."    


Tang Xiaonai wanted to continue to persevere, but hearing that her brother had surrendered, she had nothing to say, and could only sit to the side in silence, feeling wronged.    


Tang Youyou immediately turned around to find Uncle Yuan, who ordered two servants to lead the two small horses out.    


Tang Youyou walked over to see his son's drawing. It was extremely abstract, and normal people would not be able to appreciate it.    


"Xiao Nai, are you angry?" Tang Youyou squatted in front of his daughter and planned to make up with her.    


"I miss daddy…" Tang Xiaonai's mouth was flat as tears rolled down her cheeks.    


"Even your father were here, mommy would still take the ponies out." Tang Youyou was shocked. Her daughter had already switched to Ji Xiaohan's camp. Just a few sentences about scolding made her dare to bring out her daddy to oppress Tang Youyou. Hmph, little thing. She must be disciplined well.    


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