The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C134 An Imperial House Visit

C134 An Imperial House Visit

2“Your next transaction is in Polivia. I don’t think you look well enough to travel. Should I reschedule?”     3


"No, I will attend to it regardless. We will get ready to travel soon. Have you told the head butler that I wish to see Grandmother?"    


"Yes, my lady."    


"Then I shall go to see her."    


Her assistant looked worried but Natalia had more important things to worry about. She walked to her Grandmother's office and saw a familiar face there. She gave a courteous greeting.    


"Hello, Lady Edna Hazel."    


"Natalia. You still greet me formally like we aren't cousins."    


"You are the future family head. I can't address you any other way."    


"You are putting a conscious distance between us. Not only that but you don't socialize with the other family descendants unless you're mandated to. Are you trying to say you're not interested in a part of this family's inheritance or are you trying to say we're unworthy of your presence?"    


"I had no idea my actions were interpreted this way. I have barely been home these past few years because of my tasks so I hoped everyone would excuse me for my absence. I think working with the Merchant Association makes me less greedy for a family inheritance, doesn't it, Lady Edna?"    


"Of course, it's not like I don't understand the situation. However, the rumor of the most glamorous friends in Ducroft's high society has reached here and we were all just wondering if you preferred staying in the company of strangers rather than your own family?"    


"Just because we're always seen together in high society parties doesn't mean we're always together. The reason we've received recognition is because of the things we have accomplished and to accomplish these things, we are constantly working."    


"No wonder they always talk about your excellent negotiation skills. Your words are as sweet as candy. Do they always hold so much poison?"    


"Poison? For what reason would I hold a grudge against this family? I thought you were perfectly content treating all of us as outsiders. Now that we behave like outsiders, you're complaining that we don't associate with the family as much. Were you looking forward to trampling over us?"    


"Of course not. I would never do that. I don't know why you think we were excluding you. Your family always kept to themselves even at family events. The only elder you speak to in this family is Grandmother."    


“And what does that have to do with anything? It feels like you are nitpicking for no reason. When my mother was suffering, which one of the elders voted to save her? Which one of them even brought it up? Or which one of my cousins even knew we existed and wanted to save us? You’re only trying to associate with us now that we have some form of success. No one wants your throne, Edna and I would love for this conversation to end and never happens again. Maybe our cousins and elders should learn some shame.”    




The door to Dame Violet’s office opened and Natalia walked in, ignoring Edna. Unlike Natalia, she did not have an appointment to see their Grandmother.    


“Natalia greets the family head.”    


“You’re finally back and you wish to leave again. Do you not rest?”    


“I have more than enough rest on my business trips. I would rather not be here. Mother travels constantly too so we run into each other more.”    


“Your mother is currently on a vacation with your stepfather. Perhaps you should take a vacation after completing this deal.”    


“I will consider it. I will also consider staying at home more if you keep your dogs on their proper leashes. I don’t like being barked at.”    


“They’re your family and they’re just angry you don’t spend time with me.”    


“Are you on their side or mine, Grandmother?”    


“Forcing me to choose sides in my own family? How sly of you.”    


“I am not. I am asking you if you can keep them from me. Before you know it, they’ll be telling you who I should marry.”    


“Why aren’t you pushing your marriage with that boy then? I’ve seen the way you look at it like he’s the only man in the world. Why won’t you just get engaged to him so your marriage partner won’t be up for debate?”    


“So, you won’t protect me, Grandmother?”    


“Your surname isn’t Hazel. There isn’t a thing I can do. And since your sister is the Saintess of the church of Ducroft, there isn’t a thing I can do about it as well. I don’t know why you fear marriage so much but your decisions have never been unwise so I will leave it in your hands.”    


“Thank you, Grandmother. Before I leave, what about the investigation you were doing on the organization that keeps attacking me?”    


“I haven’t been able to find anything about them. There is some higher power protecting them and has made it harder to find even a spec of information about their activities or even where they are hiding.”    


“I see. Thank you, Grandmother. I will be leaving now.”    


“Please come back safely, just like you always have.”    


Natalia smiled and curtseyed, walking out of the room. She passed Edna and the frantic head butler who ran straight into the office she just came out of. She had never seen the man like that before but after seeing the carriages bearing the imperial seal by the front door, she knew what was happening immediately. She ignored them, going down to her own carriage already prepared to leave. She had already drawn a transportation array for long-distance journeys so as soon as she got into the carriage, they were already on their way to Polivia.    


The imperial carriage she saw happened to have brought one of the most important people in the imperial family, the crown prince. He was greeted at the gate by the head of the Hazel family and the heir of the family. The rest of the family observed curiously from wherever they could find.    


“The Hazel Estate is as impressive as always, Dame Violet.”    


“We are happy to have you here, your imperial highness. We only wish you would’ve sent a message in advance so we could welcome you properly.”    


“Oh, I was only in the area and decided to visit. I’m sure you are always prepared for occasions like this.”    


Dame Violet raised her eyebrow but said nothing. If he was truly in the area like he said, her spies would’ve told her something. He was actually planning to come here. But for what reason? She could only hope he wasn’t coming to demand something unreasonable or she would go straight to the Emperor.    


“You are right, your imperial highness. Please come in.”    


The crown prince followed her in, looking around like he was looking for someone. She ignored that, knowing he didn’t personally know any member of the Hazel family. She led him to the living room where he was served one of her high-quality tea in impressive glassware he commented on.    


“My granddaughter bought that for me on one of her travels.”    


After she said that, his eyes seemed to sparkle. Dame Violet finally realized why he was here, even though she always had that suspicion.    


“This Granddaughter of yours has an eye for quality. I would love to have this to gift my father. Is that granddaughter of yours here?”    


“Unfortunately, she has left on a business trip and will not be returning soon. I do know where she got this commissioned and I will send a commission on your behalf so you can present it to his imperial majesty.”    


“How considerate of you. It’s almost like you don’t want me to meet this granddaughter of yours. She’s so famous in the continent, I thought I would finally have the chance to meet her.”    


“As her grandmother, I don’t even meet her often. If you’re meant to meet one day, then I am sure you would see her, your imperial highness.”    


“Instead of doing it that way, what do you think about a marriage tying our two families? The Hazel family can become the in-laws of the imperial family.”    


“That is wonderful. I have a lot of beautiful granddaughters that are of marriageable ages. My heir, Edna, does not have a marriage partner yet. She’s the most outstanding of all my granddaughters and she has both beauty and brains. I am sure she would make an excellent wife for you, your imperial highness. Why don’t you greet his imperial highness, Edna?”    


Everyone in that room knew who he preferred to marry so Edna couldn’t fathom why her grandmother was giving her up instead. Marrying the crown prince wasn’t exactly bad but the embarrassment of being the second choice wasn’t something she thought she would have to experience as the heir.    


“Edna Hazel greets his imperial highness,” she curtseyed.    


“You have very beautiful granddaughters indeed, Dame Violet. I am yet to discuss this with my father but I have an official invitation to the ball my imperial mother is organizing next month. I will drop three invites here. I hope to see you and your granddaughters there.”    


Edna was surprised. The prince didn’t reject her outright. He still dropped three invites but that means he was considering her as a choice in case Natalia didn’t show up. She saw her chance and vowed that she would never miss it.    


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