The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C58 Failing Reputation

C58 Failing Reputation

2“Perhaps you can reconsider…..”    0


“There is nothing else left for consideration. I have made my decision”    


“But my lord, this is simply ludicrous! We cannot complete this under 15 days”    


“Hire more workers. Work longer hours. No matter what, this has to be completed in under 15 days”    


“We can’t hire more workers, my lord! This is work for specialists”    


“Hire more laborers then. You’re just making excuses. I’ve seen the way you work and I am absolutely positive that this can be finished in 15 days. If you cannot do it, then I would call in contractors from other kingdoms. Surely you know the implications of that, do you not?”    


“I…..will talk to the others”    


“Don’t be so downcast. I’ll increase the money I’m offering to 150,000 Polis per specialist and 20,000 for laborers. That should get you enough laborers, no?”    


“Yes, my lord”    


The contractor left, downcast. Amaika looked up from their work, staring at the young lord. Even though he was a foreigner, he acted like he owned the place, controlling people with money and his connection to the princess.    


“What if it can’t be completed in 15 days?”    


“I can allow for a delay of two days. Giving them more time would delay the project even more. They know what’s on the line so they will give it their best. I’m not concerned”    


“At this rate, you’d get a bad reputation which would spread to my master once she arrives. Please control yourself”    


“I don’t want to hear that from you. I heard of how you beat up the thugs in the market when they tried to grope you or how you challenged the captain of the palace knights and they’re now training like maniacs because a little girl beat them. Why didn’t you tell them you weren’t a girl?”    


“They’re too weak to be able to protect my master. There’s no need for me to correct them as long as it’s for the benefit of my master”    


“You almost sound like you’re in love with her or something”    


“I know you are not very knowledgeable so I’ll tell you. Werephoenixes don’t have any concept of love or hate. We just have loyalty to the one we imprint on. If we are cast aside, we might as well be killed”    


“Hmm, you’re a boring person anyway. I don’t see why anyone would want to sleep with you”    


“And I pity the princess who has to be tied to you for the rest of her life”    


Sparks flew and the two were one step from drawing their blades when the door to the office opened and the princess stepped in. Behind her was a servant carrying a tray of tea. The two smiled at her like nothing was wrong.    


“You’ve been working for quite a while so I thought I would bing tea”    


“Thank you, your highness” they both said, accepting the tea from the servant, who exited the room as soon as they collected the tea.    


“I saw the contractor leave the palace with a constipated expression. Did something happen?”    


“I just asked him to finish the project within 15 days”    


“Isn’t that a lot to ask?”    


“We’re going to be behind on schedule if I extend this. Please let me have my way with this, your highness”    


“Oh no, I’m not trying to intervene. It’s just….there have been a lot of unsavory rumors about you. I’m a little worried”    


“This is just my personality. Everything would die down once we begin to show the fruit of our plans. Put your mind at ease and believe in me”    


“.....okay” she replied, still evidently worried. Amaika thought Sebastian would do something to put her mind at ease but the man was as sharp as a log of wood. They pitied the princess more and more, knowing she would have to marry the emotionally immature Sebastian.    


Once the princess left, a green light flashed above Sebastian’s hand and a letter hovered a magic circle that suddenly appeared in the midst of the green light. He took the letter and opened it, reading it immediately. He passed it to Amaika, who read the contents too.    


“Isn’t exposing the Crown prince’s crimes a little too suspicious?”    


“It is but it’s my sister we’re talking about. I’m sure she will be fine. There is one thing I’m worried about. Even if that Kristen bastard takes the throne, I don’t think he would let my sister go willingly. She keeps telling me to trust her but how exactly is she going to free herself from him?”    


“I want to trust her too but I’m worried she would do something reckless. But according to this letter, we absolutely cannot return and you have to rush your wedding with the princess. Would the Queen agree?”    


“I don’t know. We just have to do it somehow. If my sister is planning to come here, I have to make sure everything is comfortable for her, no?”    


“That’s right,” Amaika agreed, smiling.    


After sending the letter, Natalia sighed. She had been working herself sore for the last few days but it wasn’t without merit. Because the whole capital was focused on the allegations against the Crown prince, it was easy for her to sneak her mother and a few trusted guards on their way to Polivia. The hard part was having to tell Count Umel her real plans to leave and not have him immediately spill to Sebastian.    


It was only two weeks before the Extermination Campaign began. People had already started to move to the southwest, many of them offering to bring her along with them. Since they were using the teleportation array, it wasn’t necessarily a long journey but she wasn’t ready to go back. There was a particular couple that insisted on going with her and those were the last set of guests to visit the Duke’s mansion.    


“You look like you haven’t slept in days, Natalia. I’m worried”    


“Thank you for your concern, Count Selene but I’m fine for now. I can endure this for a few more days since I would be returning home soon”    


“Can you at least rest today? We can come back tomorrow to discuss”    


“No, this is important. I heard you two were searching for the Kijin sighted in Jade valley”    


“Yes, we were. Did you hear anything about it?”    


“I heard there were two sighted there and one seems to be protecting a nest”    


“That’s incredible! It’s rare to see them nest and when they do, they don’t do it for a long time. We have to go see it as soon as possible. Oh, but the extermination campaign….”    


“Don’t worry about it and just go. I’ll inform his majesty on your behalfs”    


“We couldn’t……”    


“Please….do this for me. Please”    


“Alright” the couple reluctantly agreed, seeing the desperation in her eyes.    


“Natalia, would you allow us to look at your pulse? Your eyes are looking a little darker compared to when we last saw you”    


“I had a doctor check. I’m not pregnant”    


“No, we’re not talking about pregnancy. Because of your skin color, it’s a little harder to spot but I think you’ve been poisoned”    


“Oh. You may check my pulse then”    


Countess Selene rose to check her pulse with her magic, finding several traces of the very toxic poison corroding her system. The intrusion of Countess Selene’s magic wouldn’t have felt painful but because of how weak her body had become, it made her break into a fever almost immediately.    


“Dear gods, your condition is terrible! How are you still standing?!”    


“Is it that bad?”    


“If it’s not treated soonest, you could die within a few months! No, perhaps you have just mere weeks instead! You have to see a doctor immediately”    


“But the doctor that came to check me didn’t find anything. I don’t think…..there’s any cure for it if it cannot be seen so easily”    


“Don’t lose hope so quickly. Don’t worry, we would contact the Grand Duke on your behalf and get the treatment you need. I won’t let you die, Natalia”    


Natalia felt bad lying to Count and Countess Selene. She also felt bad about using them as pawns in her plan. Sending them to the Jade Valley would ensure their survival and they could choose not to come back to the kingdom if the new king decided to purge some nobles. She could definitely see Fredrich flying into blind rage once she ‘died’. It was pitiful that it wasn’t because she was loved. It was rather because she was someone extremely useful he had lost. It was her revenge on him.    


“Thank you for always taking care of me, both of you. I won’t forget for as long as I live. You two became my parents when mine were too useless to be one to me. It was because of you, I was able to become who I was. Thank you”    


“You don’t have to thank us. We treasure you like a child and we will protect you at any cost”    


“I know,” she smiled, a little sad they would soon part forever.    


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