The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C131 Friends

C131 Friends

3“Did you intentionally interrupt our dance?”     4


“Why would you think that?! I only came to give you food! Honestly, you’re such a sister lover!”    


Natalia froze upon hearing that. If it was the Sebastian of her past lives, then she woud’ve believed it. But if it was the Sebastian she knew now…    


“You’re just jealous that I’m closer to Natalia than you are. It’s okay. If you kneel and call me teacher, then I can teach you how to get closer to her.”    


“WHAT?! That is preposterous! I am already her sister, I don’t need to…”    


“PFFT! HAHAHAHA!” Natalia burst into laughter. She never thought she would hear something like that from Adelie’s mouth, especially since she spent the last two lives trying to kill her.    


“Why are you laughing?”    


“Oh, nothing. The both of you are just so adorable, I couldn’t help myself.”    


“W-What?! What do you mean Adorable?!”    


While the argued, the door opened again but this time, it was their mother. She heaved a sigh of relief and walked to where Sebastian was standing and sat beside Adelie. She leaned on the girl’s shoulder.    


“You children are so cruel, leaving your mother like that.”    


“But mother, didn’t you leave a trail of carcases? I don’t think there is a single noblewoman who could defeat you verbally,” Natalia giggled.    


“Of course there isn’t. I’m so glad you take after your mother.”    


“Who else am I supposed to take after? Mother’s the best.”    


“Oh, my daughters are so great!” Vivia hugged her children. Even though she was included included in the hug, Adelie gave herself the excuse that it was just because she was in the middle. It was a nice, warm hug. The night passed peacefully and the time for their play date came again.    


Adelie couldn’t tell just why Natalia was interested in teacher her Theology when she was sure her talent for magic was just average. The nonsense about getting her to be the Saintess of the Church of Ducroft sounded too far fetched. But she couldn’t just say she didn’t want to do it.    


“You can’t argue a simple principle like that! The laws of a god cannot be subject to human standards!”    


“Isn’t that what you’re doing? In the original translation, it was recorded as ‘He who eats must feed his neighbor, care for one another and love nature’. But the original translation had a lot of errors and the principles were eventually changed. They didn’t even know which god that temple was dedicated to and yet here you are arguing about simple principles.”    


“If you’re so great at this, Natalia, why don’t you tell me who translated this version you speak of?”    


“It’s the current pope of the Church of Ducroft. It’s also how he got his position as the pope. He was able to translate the ancient scriptures accurately and tell which god the scriptures belonged to. The real translation is ‘the earth cares for the living so the living must care for his neighbor’. Doesn’t that make more sense than the translation you are so proud of?”    


Fredrich immediately turned crimson. As a child, he was more adorable with his defiant red eyes. The corruption that dirtied his soul had not yet set in. But he was still a stubborn little demon.    


“Now that you’ve heard the real translation, Adelie, quiz time. Can you tell me which god this belongs to?”    


“...Kerot, the god of the earth?”    


“No. Can you try, Lord Fredrich?”    


“Quene, the god of wisdom?”    


“Those are good guesses. Bastian, do you want to try?”    


Sebastian lowered his bow and removed his blindfold, walking over to where they were. Even in his deep concentration, he could somehow still hear his sister’s voice. All of them could confirm his firmly rooted sister complex.    


“It’s Egerth, the god of nature.”    


“Correct! I knew my brother was so smart!”    


“What?! Egerth is just a myth and he’s not known to exist!” Fredrich argued.    


“Do you really want to contest the original gods, my lord? We have time.”    


Fredrich was learning that there was no winning an argument with Natalia and if she had her brother as backup, it would be complete annihilation. Anyone who saw the eldest Adamantine would think he was only brawns but the boy was far smarter than anyone Fredrich had come across, including his mother and the royal tutors.    




“Who is that rude person?” Fredrich asked, annoyed. Natalia could recognize that annoying voice, even in her sleep. She had not seen him in a while so she thought they were practically rid of him but the future Count Umel was persistent. He was also running in front of Sebastian’s targets. A huge grin stretched on Sebastian’s face as he saw his friend, scaring both Adelie and Fredrich. The man raised his bow again but this time, without an arrow.    


“What is he doing?” Adelie whispered to Natalia.    


“A very embarrassing friendship greeting.”    


Adelie and Fredrich watched dumbfoundedly as Sebastian fired an empty bow and the other boy pretended it hit him in the chest, dramatically falling down.    


“Save me, Natalia.”    


Natalia took her face away, pretending she didn’t see him.    


“Come on, Natalia. Don’t disappoint us.”    


“Haven’t you the faintest idea how embarrassing this is?”    


“You know Richard. He won’t stop.”    


“I am not going along with this foolishness,” Natalia huffed, using her magic to lift the boy over to where they sat in the garden. He looked amazed as he was floating in the air until he landed beside Sebastian.    






They hugged each other like long lost lovers. It had been a long time since they last saw each other and they were very fond of each other.    


“Who is that?”    


“Richard Umel, my brother’s best friend. He’s a bit of a character since he’s overly affectionate but he’s a trustworthy person. My brother trusts him with his life. I also trust him…but he loves hugs too much.”    


“I thought you loved hugs as well.”    


“Only from mother, Bastian and well…you.”    


Adelie blushed, turning her face away. Natalia had to fight the future Count Umel away from his attempts to hug him. Sebastian went back to archery. Fredrich offered to join him, amazed by his technique.    


“Who is that?” Richard suddenly said, pointing at the person trying to hide behind a bunch of bushes. Using her magic, Natalia lifted that person as well, bringing them to the table. She was not surprised to see Alana but was pleased to see she was wearing one of the clothes she dropped for her.    


“I’m so glad you could join us, your highness. I was starting to think you changed your mind. That would’ve broke my heart.”    


“I didn’t…I didn’t come because of you,” the girl mumbled.    


“Whaever the reason, I’m glad you’re here. Are you hungry?”    


Alana wanted to shake her head but she nodded. Natalia beckoned on some servants and ordered them to bring the princess lunch. Richard got closer and stared curiously at Alana. Natalia pulled him back.    


“Don’t be uncourteous. That’s the third Princess.”    


“The third princess? We have a third princess?”    


“Of course we do. And from now on, she’s going to become our friend.”    


Sebastian and Fredrich came to join them since they were bringing out lunch for all of them. Fredrich saw Alana and also stared curiously. Unlike Richard, there was a possibility he knew who Alana was. Natalia, however, was curious about what could happen if the two met at a younger age and got along like they did when they were older. Would they still fall in love?    


“Adelie, don’t pick at your food. Fruits and vegetables are good for you,” Sebastian scolded. Richard pouted and stole a piece of fruit from Sebastian’s plate. Annoyed, Sebastian kicked Richard under the table.    


“Seriously? You’re going to act like children in front of the princess?”    


“Why do you keep calling me that? You’re the only one…who calls me that.”    


“You are a princess and I will address you as such. If you want me to address you any other way, you have to clarify. Of course, you’ll also be admitting that we’re friends. What about it, your highness?” Natalia smirked.    


“...fine. You can call me by my name, Alana and I shall call you by yours too.”    


“Then you’ll call my brother Sebastian and my sister, Adelie?”    


“Wait, when did you have a sister, Natalia?” Richard asked, feeling betrayed.    


“A few weeks ago. This is my adopted sister, Adelie Hazel.”    


“No fair! I want to be your brother too! Should I meet Lady Hazel?”    


“You’re hopeless,” Natalia replied shaking her head.    


“If it’s that way, then I can allow you to call me by my name. We can all be f-friends like that, right?” Fredrich said, surprising all of them. He was blushing hard but they didn’t refuse his request. It made Natalia happy.    


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