The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C98 Monopoly

C98 Monopoly

2They made it to the entrance of the mines and Natalia found nothing to be wrong as the path was open and lined with torches that could withstand the air pressure from outside because they were also made from Mythril and could be lit up with magic. Natalia snapped her fingers and the torches all lit up.    


“Lead the way, Grecia.”    


“Yes, your grace.”    


She quickly overcame her surprise and led Natalia through the mountain. There was a ladder leading higher up into the mountain. They didn’t need to go too far to see the rocks blocking the rest of the path and how unsteady it was for any normal person. Natalia assessed the damage and asked Count Brenn to write them down as she spoke.    


“Thank you for leading me here. Now, I want to hear about your village’s general expenses.”    


Natalia spent an entire afternoon in the mining town. When she was done, she dropped a pouch that contained 50 gold coins and left while the chief thanked her profusely. There was an awkward silence in the carriage until Count Brenn decided to break it with a question.    


“Where would you be having lunch?”    


“You seem very keen on making me go to the exchange town. No, I will be going back to the castle. When it is time to go there, then I will go there.”    


The carriage returned to the castle and Natalia entered to see more servants inside the castle. They bowed as they passed by and she immediately sent someone to fetch the Steward. Antonia opened the door of her room to see her sitting in her inner clothes.    


“You called for me, your grace?”    


“There are more servants in the castle. I want to know why.”    


“I hired more people so we could take care of the castle and your grace’s needs. The total expenses were within the allocated budget.”    


“And you prepared this budget?”    


“Yes, your grace.”    


“Show it to Count Brenn and ask his opinion. Also, don’t prepare lunch for me today. I will be going somewhere else.”    


“What about dinner, your grace?”    


“I think I’ll be back for dinner. That is all.”    


Antonia bowed and left the room. Natalia changed her clothes and walked up to the huge mirror that was in her room. She cut her finger and with the blood, she drew a magic circle in the middle of the mirror. On completion, the circle turned black to acknowledge its activation.    


“Sebastian” she whispered in fae language. Like a spell, the mirror rippled until it no longer showed her reflection. She could see her brother in his office, mindlessly working. There didn’t necessarily need to be a mirror where he was to watch but if she wanted to communicate with him, they needed another mirror. She snapped her fingers and she was suddenly on the other side of the mirror. Sebastian jumped in his seat.    


“YOU…..Don’t scare me like that again!”    


“You’re the one who asked me to do this. Should I not continue?”    


“Ugh, you’re so annoying. What are you going to do?”    


“You need a mirror with you at all times if you want us to communicate using this spell. It doesn’t have to be a huge mirror, just enough to see each other. The mirror in your room can be used as a direct portal to my room. What do you think about that?”    


“That’s perfect! Do what you have to. I’ll ask Count Umel to commission a new mirror from the engineer's town.”    


“About that, I have to talk to you about something.”    


“I’m listening……”    


“I want to take over the Mythril market in the North. That’s not the problem here. The problem would be the other nobles. I need some type of intervention. I know something like this is right up your alley.”    


“I think I understand. Show me your documented plans and I’ll take it from there. Have you had lunch? Let’s go have lunch together.”    


“While we’re having lunch, why don’t you tell me how the Theater is running.”    


“The branch in the south is almost fully completed and we can start the construction in the North as soon as you like.”    


“That’s fine. How’s your relationship with the princess?”    


“Why don’t you ask her yourself?”    


“I wouldn’t have to if you didn't keep avoiding all my questions. Nevertheless, that is not a problem. I just have to wait a few months and watch as everyone stares at your childless marriage.”    


“This isn’t Ducroft. The decision to have children is in her highness’s hands. You can be a judge on the matter because you don’t have children. Which makes me wonder, why don’t you have children? Did you not consummate your wedding?”    


“That’s correct. I used an Illusion Candle every time. Worked so well, I almost couldn’t believe it.”    


“That is so devious. If you didn’t consummate the wedding, then your wedding is technically invalid. I also sent back the dowry. Did you really plan all this?”    


“I did and would still do anything for my freedom and my family. Where’s mother by the way?”    


“Oh, she’s traveling Polivia now. She’s absolutely obsessed with the sky tube.”    


Natalia couldn’t understand why people loved it but since she could now go back and forth in Polivia, it wouldn’t become a problem of hers. She spent the afternoon to the evening with her brother, returning close to dinner time. When she returned, Count Brenn wanted to see her right away.    


“I have a feeling you’re about to ruin my evening. What is it?”    


“You received several letters from several nobles and merchants today. They wanted to meet with you and congratulate you on your appointment although as you can tell, it’s not for that reason only.”    


“The North owns the Mythril mines and the Duchess is the lord of the North. They want to form connections and ascertain if I’m a threat. How crude.”    


“You don’t have to accept the invitations if you don’t want to.”    


“No, I have something else in mind. Antonia.”    


“Yes, your grace?”    


“We will be having a ball. Count Brenn would provide more funds for you and it is up to you to plan the entire thing. Since we will be welcoming noble guests, I’m sure you can cater to their tastes. Count Brenn, you will invite these nobles to the ball instead. I authorize you to use my seal.”    


“So, you’re just going to overwork me?”    


“I’m working you appropriately. Is there anything else?”    


“Nothing, your grace.”    


The next day, the chief of the mining town, surrounded by rough-looking men arrived at the castle. They were let in by the servants and ushered to the living room. They were finally attended to by Natalia who came more than 30 minutes after they arrived. This was already considered acceptable because most nobles won’t even talk to commoners until a few hours after.    


“We have come just like you asked, your grace.”    


“Yes, I can see that. Is this all of you?”    


“Yes, your grace.”    


“Well, lady and gentlemen, you’re just in luck because I have a proposition for you. I have enough magic to completely clear the mountains. I just want one simple thing in return; I want you to sell all your Mythril ores only to me.”    


The men looked at each other, disbelief in their eyes.    


“If you don’t think my magic is powerful enough, you can ask Chief Grecia here. I am not saying you should sell your ores at a low price. I will buy all your low-quality ores for 10 gold each.”    


They snapped their heads up to her, their attention solely on her. She smiled and continued.    


“The mid-quality, I will buy for 50 gold per piece and the high quality, 200 gold, per piece. What do you say?”    


Now, it was a proposal they couldn’t refuse. None of the merchants and noble families they dealt with ever bought the ores that high. Their earnings would multiply tremendously and their town could significantly improve.    


“Your grace, not to be rude but why should we trust you? You’re also a noble.”    


“This land now belongs to me. I could simply kick you out of your homes and bring better miners or dwarves to harvest the Mythril ores in the mountain. I don’t think you can question my authenticity. If we have a deal, then I want you to append your fingerprints on the document Count Brenn is holding.    


When Natalia said his name, the men visibly flinched. The man smiled and held the document forward, patiently waiting for them to put their fingerprints. Using a small knife, they cut their thumbs and put their bloody fingertips on the document. When the last fingerprint went on it, a black circle appeared on the paper. Now, it was official.    


“By tomorrow, the mines would be fixed. Bring all the ores here and if you are threatened by anyone else, I will give you a way to contact me immediately.”    


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