The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C20 Alana's Selfish Request

C20 Alana's Selfish Request

1"A public criminal execution? Those are outlawed in the kingdom!" Sebastian exclaimed.    


"Ever since the current Grand Duke came into power, he has allowed public execution"    


"That's violating the king's order! This is insubordination. Natalia…."    


"There's no reason to be so riled up, Bastian. This is an issue between    


His Majesty and His Grace. We cannot intervene in this. We have a mission here so let's focus on that"    


"I…. understand" he balled his fists, turning his head.    


"So, sir, what do you say about leasing your property? If you agree to this, we can send a leasing agreement through our realtor that came earlier"    


"If this is what the young lady prefers"    


"Of course. Come on, Bastian. We are done here"    


Natalia truthfully understood why her brother was upset. In the past, a servant he grew up with was accused of stealing one of his cufflinks and was publicly hanged. It was discovered that he was actually taking them to be polished as a birthday surprise for Sebastian. Her brother shut himself up in his room and mourned a full seven days for him, even going as far to dig a grave for him on the property. The Adamantine family protested public execution and with the help from the other nobles, they were able to put a better prison and judgement system in place.    


"That Kristen bastard….."    


"You want him to target you? Once you leave, I'll be the target of his attacks. If you want us both to live a peaceful life, please Bastian, shut up"    


Sebastian struggled to keep his composure as they walked over to the other stall he found. Unlike the inn owner, the stall owner was more than willing to sell for the price offered. The realtor was left to conclude the transaction while the siblings returned to the more pleasing side of Traisen. Once they got a whiff of fresh air, Natalia patted his back as he vomitted in a bush.    


"Do you want to go somewhere you can rest?"    


"I need a new outfit. I most likely reek"    


"I know just the place. It's a good thing the La Borisque boutique produced men's wear as well" she pulled him excitedly back into the carriage after instructing the carriage driver on where to go. They soon arrived in the boutique and were given a warm welcome by the staff who immediately guided them to a room they could peruse the catalogue properly. Thus room however, was one of its kind and as such, already had inhabitants.    


"I greet your highness, Princess Alana and your grace, Duke Kristen" Natalia curtseyed. Sebastian grudgingly did the same thing, immediately calling a servant. Alana went pale staring at their added guest and the Duke just stared emptily at them, as if one of them wasn't his wife.    


"As you can see, this room is already being occupied. Please lead us to a more convenient place” Sebastian said, turning away with Natalia’s arm in his.    


“Your grace, please wait!”    


The siblings stopped and glanced coldly at the princess. Natalia turned her face a little more friendly, smiling at her.    


“Is there anything I can do for your highness?”    


“Its embarrassing to admit but since I’ve lived locked up in the palace for so long, I have no idea as to what the trends are. I was hoping the flower of the capital would assist me in picking a suitable outfit so I can learn”    


All of them looked at her like she had grown three heads. The Duke finally turned his head to Natalia, casting her a glare. She sighed, having no other choice but to agree to Alana’s selfish request.    


“If this is what your highness desires, then I shall do my best”    


Thus, the four of them were seated in the same room. Natalia and Alana were seated on the same couch, a small distance from each other while Fredrich and Sebastian sat opposite them. The attendant that brought the catalog trembled as he gave it to Natalia.    


“Oh, before I pick for her highness, please bring me a coat from Miss Vanessa’s collection, the complete outfit please”    


“We will have to take the duke’s size to fit……”    


“It’s for my brother. You can take him along to a fitting room” she chuckled. Sebastian frowned and stood up, walking in brisk paces out of the room. The attendant stood in confusion for a minute before hurrying after him.    


“Is there any color that your highness particularly likes?” Natalia asked after Sebastian had left. She asked but she already knew the answer. Alana was always seen prancing around in red in high society.    


“It’s re…..” the duke opened his mouth to answer but he was cut short.    


“Brown. I would like an outfit in brown, your grace” Alana said with shining eyes. The two were caught by surprise, particularly Fredrich who looked like he had been betrayed. The reason he knew her favorite color was red was because she told him she liked the color of his eyes.    


“Looking at your highness’s shape, I think I have the best dress for you. Bring the dresses from Miss Janet’s summer collection”    


“Yes, your grace!”    


The three dealt with the awkward silence until the attendants returned with the dresses. Alana stood up, staring at Natalia with shining eyes. She didn’t want to be left with Fredrich in the same room so she followed Alana.    


“You have a good eye for things, your grace! Truly the flower of the capital!”    


“I am glad your highness likes my selection. You have to pay attention to the season, design, designer and event to pick a dress. But intent is always most important. If you want to portray an innocent intent or a mature intent, then the dresses you will pick are different. Miss Janet is best at these things”    


“Your grace, can I….make another selfish request?”    


“If it is within my power, I will try my best, your highness”    


“Can…..we be friends?” Alana requested with a wry smile on her face. When she looked at Natalia, however, the glare that the duchess gave was enough to paralyze her on the spot. Her aura was overpowering, like a predator lurking over a helpless prey.    


“Your highness must not value her reputation. I am less than concerned about your relationship with his grace but please, do not drag me into it”    


“I do not wish to come in between you and his grace! Please believe me! I really just to befriend you, your grace! I don’t have any friends or support and I know your grace is benevolent. If I can just be your friend, I can….die happy”    


“If your highness is through fitting your dress, then may I be excused to see my brother? He must be lonely waiting for me”    


Natalia had no real reason to accept Alana’s request. In her last life, she didn’t ask to be her friend until much later, using the opportunity to drag her down from her pedestal to become the flower of the capital. She had royal blood running through her veins, which meant she would do anything to achieve her goals. Natalia didn’t need someone like that as a friend.    


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