The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C32 Arrival At The Palace

C32 Arrival At The Palace

3The birthday of the Queen was always met with fanfare. Dozens of carriages lined the entrance of the palace from the eve of the first day, all proceeding quietly into the palace after a routine security check. The palace had been prepared to accommodate all the nobles and foreign dignitaries coming to greet the Queen on the occasion of her birthday.     0


Sebastian refused to leave his sister’s side, knowing they would have to separate once they were inside the palace. She couldn’t remain with her parents for long so she let him hold on to him as long as he pleased.    


“This year’s celebration would be a bit interesting. Since the Saintess candidate would be present this time, I’m sure everyone would be trying to recruit her to her side” Sebastian commented, caressing his sister’s hand.    


“It would be best to avoid her, especially if she’s trying to seek refuge with us. Except you want her to have rumors with the most eligible bachelor in the Kingdom”    


“Don’t joke about that sort of thing!”    


“Yes, yes, I’m sorry. My brother is just so handsome, there are so many people that want to snatch him away”    


“There’s no woman perfect enough” he snorted.    


“You know, the more you say that, the more I’m convinced that you have a secret lover. Or, are you perhaps into men?”    




Natalia chuckled, intertwining their hands. Her brother was perfect, if it wasn’t for that attitude of his. She had searched the entire high society but there wasn’t a single woman that matched his preference. Unlike her, he was free to marry whosoever he pleased. If it were not so, he would’ve been engaged to the first princess as soon as she stated her interest.    


She had more hope with the foreign dignitaries coming in. She didn’t want him to die alone if possible and it was good to form ties with foreign nations so she could have a place to escape to. The best candidates for that were two princesses.    


The first was the Second Princess of Berinda, the kingdom of elves. It was a kingdom located in the high mountains to the west. Since they were descended from elves, they were able to live in a place with such harsh climates.    


The second was the First Princess of Polivia, a kingdom across the Berden pass, a desert that separated the two continents. They weren’t a very big kingdom but they remained for thousands of years because of how small the kingdom was and the terrain that surrounded the kingdom. It was hard to pass from either sides and there wasn’t much to see in the kingdom.    


Both kingdoms were perfect to escape to and their princesses were very beautiful. According to what Natalia had seen and heard, they were noble ladies with good temperaments. They were really the perfect candidates but it really depended on Sebastian’s choice.    


Finally, it reached their turn to enter the palace. After going through the routine checks, they were directed to where they were to stay by the Royal knights. Sebastian offered to escort her to her husband was staying and she saw no reason to refuse. Because he was related to the royal family, he was staying in the main palace so they had to walk there.    


Since the palace was occupied by several nobles, they ran into many of them coming from the main palace to give their greetings to the Queen in advance. Their journey was slowed down from greeting these nobles and making small talk with them, especially those who wanted to meet the Grand Duchess and those who wanted to meet the most eligible bachelor in the kingdom.    


“Should we go and offer our greetings to the Queen as well?”    


“No. I had enough of her strengthening noble lineage discussion last time. If I have to sit through another hour of that, I would kill myself”    


“Don’t be like that. The Queen is just trying to find a good marriage for her beloved first daughter. They need the influence of our family”    


“They already gave you out like you’re some commodity to that perverted Grand Duke and now they want me too?! I’m not interested”    


“You’re probably the only noble who would reject being a royal in-law or call the Grand Duke a pervert” she giggled, stopping in front of the door with the seal of the House of Kristen on it. Sebastian waited until she entered the room before he went back to his own assigned room, avoiding all royals and nobles on his way back.    


Natalia couldn’t say she was surprised to see him in the room. He sat comfortably on the couch, his hands poised with a tea cup in hand. His arrogant blue eyes looked down on her the moment she arrived, a smirk pulling at his lips. She made sure not to meet his gaze.    


“I greet the Crown Prince” she greeted with a curtsey.    


“Aren’t you a paragon of manners, Duchess Natalia? Shouldn’t it be; The Grand Duchess greets his highness, the crown prince?”    


“Pardon my manners, your highness. The Grand Duchess greets his highness, the crown prince”    


“I’ll forgive you since it seems you are not yet used to calling yourself the Grand Duchess. Please, join us”    


“I would have to decline, your highness. I am not feeling too well and I would like to rest now”    


She had been waiting in a queue for the past few hours, walking around the palace, greeting other nobles so the fatigue was obvious in her eyes. It was already late at night so he let her go. She fought the urge to shiver as his gaze lingered on her back until she disappeared into the inner room.    


Since she had no other choice but to share a room with her husband, she lit a hypnosis candle and changed for bed before the servants could arrive once again. She fell asleep on the furthest end of the bed, leaving a wide dearth for the man she called her husband. Since she didn’t move in her sleep, it was the perfect position for her. She passed another peaceful night sleeping beside the monster that was the Grand Duke.    


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