The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C40 Endless Greed

C40 Endless Greed

1“Oh my, you thought you were the only one?” Adelie chuckled.     1


“W-W-What do you mean?”    


“At first, I didn’t notice that I had come back. It was when I went to search for the fairy mother and I couldn’t contract her that I realized that something was off. If nothing had interfered, then I would be able to contract her easily. It took me a while but once the memories started flooding in, it was the most joyous feeling. I remember now, what I was supposed to do”    


“What is that?”    


“Kill the Anchor”    




“Please stop acting dumb. It’s annoying. You already know the reason we’re back here. We’re here because she brought us back here. She’s the anchor that keeps us in the past”    


Alana broke into a cold sweat. If Adelie had knowledge of her past life, then it would become significantly dangerous. Leilin already told her that the timeline they came from had been destroyed so the future could only be molded by their actions. The future they came from was horribly distorted with no clear winner. Ten years of pain and misery simply because of their misguided feelings and greed.    


“I’m not like you, Adelie. I don’t want to kill the anchor. I don’t want things to be like our future. I want to change it”    


“Do you think I care about your thoughts? My plans haven’t changed”    


The Saintess, Adelie Grayson, was someone with bottomless greed and ambition. Ever since she was born the bastard child of the Grayson Barony, living a hard life, she vowed to amass great power and wealth, surpassing her father’s influence. She wanted to become someone who wouldn’t be looked down on by anyone else. It was to no one’s surprise that she became the Saintess. But being the Saintess wasn’t enough. She wanted to be a god.    


“Your plans may not have changed but mine haven’t. I’m tired of the malice and endless guilt. I cannot even remember why I started to hate her in the first place. I want……to be happy. Do whatever you like, Adelie but I would not let you or anyone else destroy my future this time”    


“So you’re turning your back on me, Alana?”    


“It’s Princess Alana to you. I may be a bastard but the daughter of a baron cannot address me casually, especially if she’s a bastard too”    


“I thought you liked me because we were in the same situation”    


“I cannot afford to like you. The greed in your eyes scares me more than I can care to admit. I’m afraid of you Adelie but I cannot afford to back down too. If you really came back then she must’ve too. She might not know why you’re trying to get rid of her but she can at least protect herself from you”    


“So you’re on her side now?”    


“I want to be but she clearly hates me. I can understand though. I was selfish in the past but I understand her malice clearly. I’ll try my best. I hope we don’t run into each other often, Adelie. Goodbye”    


Alana walked out of the banquet hall, ignoring Adelie’s piercing gaze. Once she was out of the hall, the suffocation she felt only decreased a bit. The somewhat calm situation had because immensely difficult because of Adelie. Adelie was a persistent woman. Anyone would’ve given up if they weren’t able to contract the fairy mother but Alana could feel the terrifying aura of angels freely rolling off Adelie. People who hadn’t meant angels would think they were only guardians and didn’t do anything to humans but the truth was bitter.    


A wave of nausea overcame her. She staggered on her feet, finding a pillar to lean on. The contents of her stomach threatened to spill at any moment and her head felt like it would split into two at any moment.    


“Are you alright, your highness?” a gentle voice called out to her. She looked up and saw the most unexpected person. His presence was so faint in high society, that many people were unsure he actually existed. He was the first son of the Orland Marquis Family and a knight of the seventh order, Zenon Orland.    


“Lord Orland, I apologize for showing such a shameful appearance. I just wanted to rest my head a bit”    


“It’s very tiring to be in there so I can understand. If your highness doesn’t mind, can I stand beside you?”    


“Please go right ahead”    


He smiled and rested on the same pillar since it was bigger enough to comfortably occupy two people. Alana didn’t know why but just hearing him breathe beside her made her feel calm.    


“I might be presumptuous but I do understand how your highness feels. I’m also in an ambiguous position in my home and the stares of people are not pretty, much less their words. I envy people like the Grand Duchess and Lord Adamantine who can stand out so elegantly in high society”    


“I understand what you mean. But you aren’t that different from Lord Adamantine. You’re also the son of a Marquis and you have a sister”    


“The relationship between the Adamantine siblings isn’t something that everyone has. You know this quite well, your highness”    


People were quick to call their relationship unnatural but the bitter truth was that it was normal. The people of high society were so twisted that a simple relationship between a brother and sister could be seen as something else. Unlike the men that populated the high society of the kingdom of Ducroft, Sebastian Adamantine was someone who respected and protected his sister.    


“Found you. Wow, you look really exhausted”    




“I’ll massage your foot. Just stay there”    


“My brother is really the best~” she smiled. The enchantment she used to hide the room was still there but since she didn’t view Sebastian as a threat or a bother, he could pass through easily. He picked her feet up and massaged it gently, working diligently.    


“It’s a little funny you used to hate me in the past. Now you’re my doting older brother. You’re a little cute, Bastian”    


“ can’t call a grown man cute and…..I’m sorry for treating you like that”    


“I also used to hate you so I can’t say I won’t forgive you. But you scarred a lady, tut, tut, tut. That is unacceptable. It’s a miracle I could still get married”    


“What are you saying?! It’s a small scar on your leg!” he tapped on the curved scar at the bottom of her sole. She chuckled, patting his hand.    


“I could never hate my dearest brother. You’re the only one in this entire world who can recognize me and love me for being me. Bastian is the best”    


“You’re saying this because you want me to hurry up and get married, aren’t you?”    


“~You really do know me well~”    


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