The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C54 Guilty

C54 Guilty

2About a month had passed since the tea party. As the extermination campaign neared, her body got weaker. She woke up covered in sweat, feeling extra cold in the morning. Making the room hotter didn’t help as she was sweating even though there was a chill in her chest. Madaline had to watch as she vomited blood everyday, unable to help more than she already did.    


{I can’t watch this anymore. You might die, Natalia}    


“I’m…..ahh……fine for now. This much is bearable. We just have to endure for a few months. I think….I can start taking the antidote little by little”    


{Finally. I know what you’re trying to do but it hurts me to see you like this}    


“I’m glad at least one person is worried about me”    


The antidote was in the form of a pill. If Madaline used her powers on it, it could cure Natalia immediately. However, Natalia restricted her from doing so, preferring to take the pill daily to slow down the effect of the poison. It wouldn’t be easy to fake her death otherwise.    


“Your grace, the Grand Duke seeks your presence” Wilbur said from the otherside of the door. Madaline immediately used her magic to clean Natalia’s face of the bloodstain and hid the bucket of blood. Natalia looked pale but there was nothing they could do but wait till she regained color to her skin. Thankfully, her skin was dark enough to not notice it right away.    


“I’ll be right there. I’m not dressed properly”    


“Do you need me to call the maids?”    


“No, it won’t take that long. I’ll be with you soon” Natalia said, taking off her clothes. Every move she made was painful and it would’ve been easier to call in the maids to help. She endured it, changing into more comfortable clothes that weren’t stained with blood. She washed her face and applied powder before walking out. Wilbur looked like he wanted to say something but he kept quiet and led the way.    


“Your grace, don’t you think it’s time that you chose a personal maid?” Wilbur said as they crossed into the corridor that led to the Grand Duke’s office.    


“Thank you for your concern but I don’t need one. I would prefer if I didn’t have someone invading my personal space” she replied curtly.    


“What about a personal knight?”    


“Are you insinuating that I can be attacked in the well fortified Grand Duke’s mansion? Isn’t that an insult to your master?”    


“I’m not saying anything like that, your grace! I just thought……”    


“I’m fine without those. I didn’t need them at home either. I appreciate your worry but it’s needless. I’ll be grateful if you didn’t bother me with it again” she said, entering the office.    


“You called for me, your grace?”    


“Have a seat, duchess”    


That was a first. He was normally fine with letting her stand. If he wanted her to sit, it was going to be long and it was most likely important. She took a seat and was offered tea by Corren. She decided not to drink it, waiting for her husband to state his reason for seeking her presence.    


“By your estimation, how likely are we to assassinate the king and crown prince during the extermination campaign?”    


The question was surprising but she had been thinking about it.    


“There’s a 50% chance for success. If we employ the power of dragons, it should be easy to get rid of them. The royal family’s power is great but if we can separate the king and the crown prince, we can properly get rid of them. But killing them in your territory can cause a problem so you need someone to pin it on. It sounds simple but it could go wrong very easily”    


“Who can we pin it on?”    


“We can try pinning it on a Marquis that is openly hostile to the royal family, another member of the royal family or we can pin it on either of our victims. The Crown prince is growing in power due to his control over the underworld. If it gets out that the king is jealous of his son’s progress, it would be easier to make it look like the both of them destroyed each other”    


“That sounds comprehensive. Are you able to do something like that?”    


Natalia suddenly smiled beautifully, inspiring a sort of terror in the hearts of both men present in the office.    


“If you allow me return to the capital, I can easily create a rift between father and son, creating an even bigger rift between the royal family, the nobles and the commoners, which are the biggest influence of your takeover”    


“And you can achieve this within two months?”    


“It would take less time than you think, your grace. It would definitely happen before the extermination Campaign”    


“Make a comprehensive plan and bring it to me. If I approve, then you will journey to the capital and stay in my family’s mansion there”    


“I’ll be sure not to disappoint you, your grace”    


“I’ve been hearing strange rumors from my Vassals that you are pregnant. Is that so?”    


“I called a doctor to check me but unfortunately, I am yet to conceive a child”    


“Don’t you know the duty of a wife is to bear children? I’m surprised the flower of the capital can’t do that much”    


“I apologize. I will try my best”    


The man failed to account for the fact that he had only ‘slept’ with her twice on irregular occasions which were not enough to make a child. However, there was no use contesting with him. The day she would be free from him drew near and there was nothing that could jeopardize her path to freedom.    


“Your grace, may I request something?”    


“What do you want?”    


“I feel uncomfortable with having a man so close to me so may I request that a maid be placed by my side instead of a butler?”    


The two looked at each other. Fredrich was aware Wilbur didn’t do his job properly and ditched most of the time. There was no one else helping Natalia, all the servants ignoring her because she wasn’t favored by the master. She never complained about it but now, she wanted a replacement because she was uncomfortable about the fact that he was a man. Fredrich’s dead conscience started to prick him.    


“Corren will handle the replacement”    


“Thank you, your grace. I will get to drafting the plan as soon as possible” she rose, leaving the room unimpeded.    


“Do you think she can do it, Corren?”    


“Your unbelief in the Grand Duchess is getting ridiculous, your grace. She has proven herself time and time again. It’s almost as if you’re forcing yourself to doubt her. The repercussions of that line of thought might be too much for you to handle. I thought you were good at separating your feelings from your purpose, your grace”    


“I do not appreciate your backhanded comments, Corren”    


“I basically raised you so I know when you’re being childish, your grace. If you do not know how to care for your wife, then how would you know how to care for your citizens when you take the throne?”    


Corren’s words were harsh but Fredrich knew it was exactly what he needed.    


“I need to state an observation, your grace. The entire time she was here, her grace never once touched the tea I made her”    


Fredrich thought back on it and found it to be true. It could be excused that she was focusing on the conversation but her eyes never met his. She could’ve drank the tea to avoid eye contact but she didn’t.    


“Her grace avoids eating in the mansion as much as she can. She spends the entire day in her office or her room, when she’s in the mansion. When she’s not, she doesn’t eat at home that day. I thought it was strange so I decided to invevstigate. The food her grace has been eating has been poor in quality”    


“So she’s being picky?”    


“No, I mean the food is downright disgusting. Even a commoner would not be able to stomach the kind of food she is being forced to eat. I found out that the chef prepares your food separately and the reason she doesn’t eat in the mansion often is because she cannot stomach the food she’s being served. Even if your grace noticed it, I'm sure you ignored it. I want you to think of how the public would react if this gets out. Yet, her grace hasn't complained to you and hasn't told anyone. You need to start treating her like a true Duchess. You are going to make her your Queen, right?”    


Fredrich didn't answer, frowning. The fact that he would have to admit that he was wrong mildly infuriated him but he thought about it properly. He always thought she lived the way she liked in the mansion, only cowering her head when it came to him. Who knew that his servants also dared to treat her like dirt.    


He was the only one allowed to treat her like that.    


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