The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C64 Moving Forward

C64 Moving Forward

2“What are your plans now, your grace? They haven’t yet found out that we stole your body but once they do, there would be guards everywhere,” Countess Quartz said, handing her a cup of tea. Natalia collected it, taking a sip from it. Her sense of taste was returning gradually and her body was still very sensitive since she just left a state of near-death.     4


“We would leave for the Empire of Illumine today,” she replied, putting the cup down on the table beside her.    


“You want to reach the Berden Pass from the Empire?”    


“Yes. The territory bordering the Berden Pass in this kingdom belongs to Marquis Bellam. If we pass through such an open place, I would get returned before I realize it. Going from the empire where no one knows us would be better. All you two have to do is escort me over the border”.    


“You don’t want us to follow you to your destination?”    


“I made a promise and I won’t go back on my word. The moment I get on the carriage heading for the northern part of the Empire, we would part ways and I would release the contract I imposed on Cage”.    


“Your grace…..”    


“I am no longer the Grand Duchess so you don’t have to address me as such. You can call me by my name”.    


“Even if you are not the Grand Duchess, you are the daughter of a Marquis. I dare not to”.    


“Then how would I be looked upon when we pass through the empire and you address me as Lady when I clearly do not belong to the nobility class of the empire? You have more decorum than this, Countess”.    


“I apologize,” she bowed. Natalia picked the cup up and finished her tea. The servants came in to attend to her, helping her bathe and change her clothes. Once she wore something comfortable, they prepared to leave. The carriage was ready and the person driving the carriage was an uneasy Cage. He had a hard time getting through the new royal guards sweeping through the kingdom and they would have a harder time leaving. He reiterated that to Natalia but she still didn’t look too worried as she expected it.    


“Let’s get into the carriage first. Instead of taking the straight route, taking the alternate route through the woods. Don’t worry, you can’t trust me”    


Sebastian was more than thankful that everything went well in the presentation. Everything worked properly and the engineers did their best. But there had been no comments from the Queen. Even the King looked a bit conflicted, staring at the machines that were on display.    


“Lord Adamantine, do you have faith that this is something that would be appreciated by the outside world?” The Queen asked in her stern voice. Sebastian confidently nodded. One of the machines up for display was the engine prototype of the sky tube but it was designed for a land tube. In Polivia, the sky tube was accessible for both nobles and commoners by separation using special coaches that were choke full of luxury. If introduced to other kingdoms, it could bring a lot of profit for them.    


“As you may have heard, we are very unwilling to share our technology because of the risks, especially the technology of the sky tube. If you take that technology and it backfires, you bear the risk. Do you accept this?”    


“I and my generation would take full responsibility, your majesty!”    


“With what I have seen today, I can understand the complaints I’ve been hearing from the nobles in the court. You’re the type to show through actions rather than words, aren’t you?”    


“It’s better that way for this situation, isn’t it?”    


“Very well. You can proceed with your plans. We can discuss your title and your marriage to the princess in a more private area next time. I am depending heavily on you, Lord Adamantine. Please do not fail me,” the Queen said, rising. She left, the king following after her even though he looked a lot more curious than she was. The moment they were gone, Temara jumped on Sebastian, squealing loud enough to blow his eardrums.    


“She approved of it in one try! You’re amazing, Lord Sebastian”    


“Thank you, your highness. I wouldn’t have achieved this without your help so I must thank you. In regards to that, I had a gift made for you. Amaika,” Sebastian motioned to the werephoenix who cricled to one of the carts that held a machine, picking a box from one of its compartment. They gave it to Sebastian, who gave it to the princess.    


With anticipation enough to make her heart burst through her chest, she opened the box. Within the box was a shining adamantine bracelet with gold flecks within them. It reflected beautifully in the sun, fitting the appearance of the princess to a tee. The princess was too shocked and moved to say anything.    


“What’s wrong, your highness? You do not like it?”    


“N-No, I love it. I just thought since it was a marriage of convenience, you wouldn’t do things like this”.    


“I am not an uncourteous man, your highness. Gifts are a simple matter and a way to show appreciation. You deserve things like this and more as someone who is going to become my wife. Please accept it, your highness”.    


“Thank you, Lord Sebastian,” she smiled, putting it on.    


“Please, just call me Sebastian or you can call me Bastian. I’d feel uncomfortable if you kept addressing me informally especially since we would be getting married soon,” he mumbled, his voice getting quieter.    


“Okay, Bastian. You can call me Temara instead of your highness,” she smiled.    


“Temara. What a beautiful name,” he complimented, taking a lock of her hair in his hands. It was an innocent gesture that immediately dyed the cheeks of the princess red. Giving a flimsy excuse, she left the garden.    


“You’re being very affectionate. That’s unlike you, Sebastian,” Amaika commented. Sebastian turned to him, his expression becoming neutral once more. It looked like all his previous expressions were fake.    


“We need to speed up the wedding but I can’t do more than this. Just last night, we recieved news of the Grand Duke’s takeover. Even if we assisted with the takeover, we don’t know what that crazy man is capable of. Natalia said she was making her way to Polivia but I know it can’t be that easy. I’m anxious”.    


“Should I fly back to Ducroft and see the situation there? I also want to see my master but I can’t leave you without your permission,” Amaika offered.    


“Be careful not to get caught. We were lucky the last few months moving here but from here on, we have to be even more careful,” Sebastian warned.    


“Don’t worry. I’ll never get caught,” they bragged with a smirk.    


“My lord! My lord! My lord!” a steward shouted from afar, coming closer.    


“You have a visitor. A man by the title of Count Umel says he’s your vassal and he’s waiting for you by the palace gates,” he relayed between gasps. A smile spread across Sebastian’s face as he made his way to the palace gates. If Count Umel truly had arrived, then proceeding with his plans wouldn’t be as hard and he was finally glad to have a true ally.    


Natalia’s use of magic was unlike anything they had seen before. Drawing a magic circle on the air and teleporting an entire carriage was something that belonged in a legend. All they did was blink and they were by the entrance of the Forest of Damnation. If not for the unbearable stench, they wouldn’t have believed that they had truly arrived.    


The entrance of the forest was crawling with guards that restricted entry. Thankfully, they were the same Traisen guards that rotated shifts, only doubling in number. Their first challenge was passing the guards to enter the forest. Before they could raise this issue, Natalia was nowhere to be found.    


Trusting her, they obtained permission to enter the forest. Once they were inside, they soon found Natalia resting by a tree. She looked pale, struggling to catch her breath. It was probably bad to keep using magic like that. She entered the carriage and they continued on their journey.    


By the time the new king realized the body of his wife was nowhere to be found, she was already getting closer to the border that separated the kingdom and the empire. Because of her poor health, they couldn’t travel too fast but with her occasional teleportation, they made it safely to the border.    


There was a high influx of people fleeing the Kingdom of Ducroft to the Empire and the kingdoms beyond, most of them being nobles so the trio weren’t too strange in the crowd. They managed to make their way over the border, stopping at a nearby town to rest and catch a carriage to the northern part of the empire. According to the villagers, it would only take a few days.    


Natalia decided to go on a night walk to clear her head. She was about to embark on a long journey alone for the first time in her life. It was going to be dangerous, especially for someone in frail health but she vowed to make it at any cost.    


She reached a stream and decided to wash her face. When she bent down, she saw that the stream was dyed red and not too far from where she squatted, there was the body of a man with a familiar blue hair, a dagger sticking out from his heart. It was Marvis, passed out cold by the stream and if nothing was done, he would die soon. Once again, Natalia was faced with a dilemma.    


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