The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C77 Ascension

C77 Ascension

3“How was it?”     1


“Ugh, I’m still looking for words to describe it that won’t contain improper and barbaric. It was a very….novel experience.”    


“Well, the culture difference between the two kingdoms is very great. Unless us, they don’t have very strict rules and a strict division between the noble class and the common class, at least in some areas.”    


“I think it’ll take me a while to adapt to the culture of this place. I even had to go through some impromptu test and quote Stuart Salman.”    


“There’s someone else who likes that lunatic? There’s no problem then! You’ve found your people, dear sister.”    


“You’re the lunatic!” she glared fiercely at him. He chuckled, closing the last of the documents he had just finished signing on his desk.    


“They have something called a salon that they debate arts and literature. The princess seemed very interested in discussing what they watched in the salon. It made me wonder exactly why they didn’t invite the traveling theater to perform in the Salon.”    


“Perhaps they don’t want to deprive the commoners the pleasure of watching.”    


“Then why don’t they invite the commoners inside the Salon? It’s better than standing outside in the sun to watch.”    


“Just because the division is not strict doesn’t mean it’s not there. Arts, literature and history is sacred to the noble class. They can’t just share important knowledge so carelessly, especially when you don’t know who is mixed in within the commoners.”    


“Then why don’t they make a building to enjoy the play? I don’t think I can stand under the sun for an hour again to watch.”    


“Do you then want the commoners to be seated with the nobles?”    


“You make a good point. You know what? I’ll go back to think about it properly. If I can make a breakthrough, then I think I have gotten the idea that would make me stand out in Polivia’s high society.”    


“Well, if you need my help, you can just let me know.”    


"If you have that kind of time, please court your betrothed well. I'm not even sure how she manages to stay in love with you with how careless you are about this very important marriage," she scolded.    


"We're both busy and you're handing the wedding. I don't know what else you want me to do. I'm nice to her, at least. If you want me to be overly romantic and sensitive, you're asking for too much."    


"I'm asking you to take a tea break with her once everyday. Get to know her and her allies. Pay close attention to her needs and her wishes. Your marriage must succeed or I will have no other choice but to return to Ducroft and stay with the man that would succeed in killing me this time around."    


"I see you are still good at making threats. Very well. I shall do as you ask. Any other thing you want me to do, or you know, just tell me you want me to sell my soul this time?"    


"Where's Marvis? I still haven't seen him around."    


"What? Are you in love with the man or something?"    


"It's a simple question, you moron. I don't know why I thought I could reason with you."    


"Be honest with yourself and let this brother of yours help you out."    


"You can't even court a woman properly and you want to help me? Pfft! You're losing your mind already. I have a lot of things to do. Thank you for escorting me to my room."    






"I won't make you return to him or let you suffer like that anymore. Please, have faith in this brother of yours."    


"Don't be silly. I trust you more than anyone in this world."    


Once she was inside her room, she sighed. The threat of them returning to Ducroft was an extreme one but she had no choice. The marriage had to succeed. She had to protect her brother and her mother.    


The circle she drew in the middle of her room was still fresh even though it had been more than a week since she last saw Madaline. The circle was gathering mana, mana she could easily absorb once she sat in the middle of the circle. It had only been a week but she had almost reached her limit. She wondered how Madaline was doing.    


[You're mighty brave to come here, Madaline. What makes you think that I will not strike you where you stand?]    


{Because I am not here to start a war. I am here to make an agreement}    


A dark, ear splitting laughter rang through the air. The tiny Madaline hovered in front of a dark cave that glowed red. In the midst of the red, two amber orbs with black slits stared right at her, both much bigger than her.    


[You're not going to start a war? One of my children was lost at your hands. You must think I'm a fool, Madaline]    


{I don't think you're a fool but you're illogical. Your child came after us first. I have always been an advocate of peace but I will fight back if attacked first. I have come here for the seed of Yggdrasil}    


[What makes you think I'd just hand it over?]    


{It's dying and so are your children. This is something that is affecting me too. I am going to cleanse the corruption and put it back in its place. I am not a liar, Gaijin, I've never been one. Hand it over and we don't have to face any suffering}    


[You've never changed, all these years. Your prideful eyes are as disgusting as they were since I first saw them.]    


{Think what you will. Hand over the seed and I will leave in peace, just like I have come here in peace.}    


Gaijin, the king of dragons, was an illogical beast. He, like the originator of any species, was born with extraordinary intelligence, strength and magic. His penchant for destruction and chaos made him the exact opposite of Madaline who valued peace and prosperity. Because they contrasted one another, they were like mortal enemies. However, Madaline always avoided a frontal attack with the dragons, which only served to incite the king of dragons further as he hated cowards.    


[Here. If you don't bring it back…..]    


Madaline was gone before he finished his statement. He roared, calling all the dragons around to himself. Madaline wasn't actually all that far away. She appeared in the middle of the clearing that she initially took Natalia too and set the seed down. It looked like a sunflower seed, only small. It was so small that it fit perfectly into the tiny Madaline's hand.    


Madaline closed her eyes and started chanting. Bit by bit, a magic circle appeared in the middle of the clearing, spreading outwards until it stopped by the boundary. Madaline dropped the seed in the small dot in the circle that was the perfect size and sat in the part of the circle that was her perfect size. The skies that were clear above her began to darken.    


Gaijin roared again, taking to the skies. The red dragon was a colossal sized creature. He was so big that he could be seen from the capital. He hovered around the darkened skies, making them look darker. This was a cause of alarm in the kingdom and soon, the king was alerted.    


"Gaijin, what are you doing?! Have you lost your mind?!" Fredrich frantically called to the colossal dragon.    


[The fairy mother is trying to ascend. I'm trying to stop this bitch's ascension!]    




[We're natural enemies. It's best if you stay out of this. Rest assured, I won't hurt any humans if they don't attack us first]    


"Your majesty, what are your orders?" The captain of the royal knight knelt before the frantic king.    


"Tell everyone to stay indoors. We must not agitate the Dragon King and get in the way of what is currently going on in the Forest of Damnation."    


As the king's order was being passed down, Alana was facing another kind of crisis. Leilin, who always appeared calm, was acting strangely.    


"What's going on, Leilin?"    


{The fairy mother is finally ascending after thousands of years}    


"What does that mean?"    


{The fairy mother has had more than enough mana to ascend but didn't do it because she didn't want to be involved in the heavenly court. Now that she's doing it, the implications are quite severe. One, her tribulations would be too fierce for even the dragon king to bear. Two, she is actively trying to change the fate of the world. Three, an entity older and more powerful than most of the present gods would be going into the heavenly court. What do you think will happen?}    


"Well, what does that mean for us? For me, Natalia and Adelie?"    


{I….don't know. We'll just have to wait and find out}    


It was almost like it was Madaline against the world. However, the fairy mother had already made up her mind to ascend and nothing could stop her.    


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