The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C87 Reagan's Persistence

C87 Reagan's Persistence

0"Duchess Everon, why do I have the feeling that you're avoiding me?"     0


"I couldn't, your imperial highness! We always attend meetings together."    


"But you never leave an opportunity to meet you separately. It makes me feel uncourteous for meeting you like this. I was hoping we would get along."    


"I couldn't possibly hope for something like that from your imperial highness."    


"That's something people say when they don't want anything to do with me. This is the second time I've been rejected by a woman. It's a little painful."    


"How could I reject your imperial highness? It's nothing like that, really. There's a big difference in our stations so I cannot be that selfish as to ignore that. I cannot jeopardize my kingdom's chance at allying with the great Empire of which your imperial highness is the crown prince."    


"You speak quite well. All the women of Polivia are very outspoken. I feel like you'd make great wives."    


"Thank you for your compliment, your imperial highness."    


Polivia was one of the few matriarchal kingdoms in the surrounding continents. They thrived and stayed alive as a kingdom for a long time because they were proof that women could do it better. They weren't perfect, of course, but their women were very intelligent. Women who had travelled to other kingdoms and have seen how the women were treated knew that men don't like women having power because they were afraid of being treated the same way they treated women. Polivia also happened to treat its men well but because of their sexual freedom, it was a little bit complicated.    


"What better way to create an alliance between our nations than a political marriage?"    


Vera felt a sliver of fear. After hearing of how Fredrich treated Natalia, she was more than willing to die than marry Reagan. She quickly deflected if off herself.    


"If you discuss this with her majesty, her highness the second princess is still unmarried. I'm sure she wouldn't mind the idea of a political marriage."    


"I was thinking of the wedding planner from that time."    


"She……she's actually married already."    


"Oh, that's a shame then. How about……oh, it's time to return already. Let's continue our discussion later, Duchess Everon," he gave her a nod and walked back into the conference hall. Her beating heart calmed and she walked into the conference hall to take her seat. Her distress was immediately noticed by the Queen who was already suspicious seeing them leave together earlier. Once the conference was over, Crown Prince Reagan couldn't find Duchess Everon anymore. She was actually on her way to Natalia's quarters.    


"Teach me how to fake my death," she declared immediately after entering through the door.    


"What happened to hello? How are you?"    


"I'm serious! Crown Prince Reagan was insinuating marriage with you at first and I told him you were already married. I even told him to take the damn second princess. He wants me to marry him for a political alliance! I'd rather actually die!"    


"How did you even catch his attention?"    


"You! He's too damn curious about you! He doesn't let up, trying to corner me every chance he gets. It's actually driving me mad…..what are you doing?"    


"I'm collecting his fur to make something off it when I'm bored like this. Want to join me?"    


Natalia was seated on the floor in her living room, brushing the werewolf Marvis laying on his back. He hung his tongue, swinging his tail lazily. Duchess Everon was someone who knew just how dangerous werecreatures were. To see one just laying down on his back, exposing his belly like sheep, was quite a disconcerting experience.    


"Why don't you tell her majesty about it? From what I know, she'll take your side and refuse the marriage. The Empire doesn't actually have the resources to invade Polivia. To do that, they would need to take troops through the Berden Pass and Ducroft won't sit still watching that happen. So to fight with Polivia, they would need to fight with Ducroft first. You don't actually have a lot to lose by refusing him. He might try to kidnap you which in that case, you can get Amaika to hide you for a short time before he finally leaves Polivia."    


"It's not that simple, right?"    


"Of course. It's politics, isn't it?"    


"I feel like I should've given you away," Vera pouted resentfully, taking her seat.    


"You wouldn't do that because of your pride. I know I can trust you, Vera."    


"You're acting annoying when you're right. What should I do, Natalia?"    


"Get an engagement document approved by the Queen between you and Count Umel. If he asks why you're just doing that now, tell him there was a delay because of the royal wedding. Get it done today before you leave the palace. That should give you the element of surprise. As for his unending curiosity, I think I have the perfect solution."    


"What is it?"    


"I will meet with him."    


"Are you crazy?!"    


"I won't be meeting him as Lady Adamantine but as Duchess Natalia Adamantine of Graviscera as the leaders conference. Because of the truce on the island, I would be untouchable there. What do you think?"    


" are crazy but most of the time, you are right. I'll tell him that. Where's that tea the Queen gifted you that you're so proud of? I'm thirsty."    


"It's my priced tea. Why do you think you deserve it?"    


"Because I'm working so hard for the both of us."    


"Fine," Natalia rolled her eyes. She clapped her hands and the table that the tea set was moved in their direction. A cupboard opened and the tea packet floated towards them. A tiny person took leaves from the packet and put it in the tes pot, closing it. She put her hand on the body of the tea pot and steam started to rise from it. The tea port rose by itself and poured into the three cups.    


Natalia stood and snapped her fingers, the mess of fur on the floor and her body dissapearing. Marvis went into the room and came back andew minutes later in human form and a change of clothes.    


"I-I-Is that a fairy?!"    


"Yes, that's Elfi. According to the Fairy Mother, she's one of the most powerful fairies in the colony."    


{The world, Natalia}    


"My bad, it's the world. She mostly just studies human nature and helps out around here. I like the company."    


"Natalia, people don't just get fairies to accompany them! Are you somehow drawn to other non-human races?!"    


"Perhaps. I know they're very loyal when you get on their good side and they make very good company, especially fairies."    


"I sincerely think I make for better company than something that's barely the size of my finger," Marvis remarked, picking up a scone.    


{All you do is eat and shed everywhere!}    


"You're just jealous that she likes me more than she likes you. If I were you, Elfi, I'd give up. I win."    


{How could she possibly like a huge stinky dog more than she likes me?! That's totally ridiculous!}    


"I think she likes how I smell the most," Marvis snickered as the fairy boiled in anger.    


"They can understand each other?" Vera asked, confused.    


"Yes, they can communicate despite language barrier. Non-human races naturally can."    


"I'm jealous. I wish I had a fairy too."    


"Well, if you want one, you would have to make a contract with one. To do that, you'll need to know their name. But that's still not enough. You need to have a lot of mana and the fairy must accept the contract or you'd die and the Fairy would just absorb all your magic. It's very risky."    


"I'm fairly certain I have enough mana. Does Elfi want to form a contract with me? That's ridiculous. She doesn't want to….."    


{This human is interesting. I need to consult the fairy mother before I accepted the contract}    


"She said she's interested but she needs to talk to the Fairy Mother first. That's great, right?"    


"No, that was too easy. You're playing with me, aren't you?"    


"I'm not a fan of games."    


As Duchess Everon was leaving the palace late at night, she was accosted once more by Crown Prince Reagan. However compared to earlier, she was calmer. She greeted him respectfully and waited for his query.    


"I couldn't get a hold of you since earlier so I was forced to do this. We haven't finished our discussion from earlier."    


"Which would that be, your highness?"    


"The issue of the political marriage."    


"I don't think a political marriage is necessary for our alliance, your highness. Polivia doesn't need protection from other nations. We also trade with other kingdoms around us without having to rely on things like marriage. If what your imperial highness wants is a wife, then I suggest you speak to her majesty about it."    


"I suppose you're right. I heard that you're famous for rejecting men. Does Duchess Everon think I meet your qualifications?"    


"I don't think I meet your standards, your highness. It just so happens that I have a man in my heart. Our engament has been approved by the Queen and we would be holding an engagement ceremony next month. If your highness still has time, you're welcome to come. If there is anything else, we can discuss that tomorrow. Good night, your imperial highness."    


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