The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C92 Heat (2)

C92 Heat (2)

2Natalia shut her eyes, waiting for the worst. However, few minutes passed and nothing happened. She opened one eye and saw that he was actually in front of her, sitting still. His claws dug into his arms and his fangs dug into his lips. He was close but he didn't make contact.    


"I thought he said… didn't have control over your actions. You clearly do. Do you…..not want to hurt me?"    


He shook his head, clearly holding himself back from touching her. She snapped her fingers and her clothes were back on. She snapped her fingers and a black magic circle under him, black chains coming up to hold him down. She stood up and touched his face, caressing it softly.    


"I'll take care of you, I promise," she said, leaving the room. She rushed out, going in search of Amaika. They were the only one who could help her. As she made it through the halls, she bumped into a maid who also seemed to be rushing. Saying a quick apology, Natalia rushed off. This maid adjusted the cap on her head, sighing in relief. For the briefest moment, an ear covered in fur peeked out from under the cap. She continued wheeling the tray into the room, looking as naturally as possible. She stopped in front of Natalia's quarters and pushed the door open, wheeling the tray inside. The room looked completely normal like any other room in the palace, albeit a mess.    


Reaching under the tray, she brought out a knife and began sniffing around. The scent of flowers entered her nose as she moved closer to the bed. As she approached the foot of the bed, she heard a low growl and launched forward.    


All she saw was a flash of red and she was thrown across the room. The curtains lifted and she saw the red eyed restrained Marvis struggling and clawing at the air. He looked and smelt bloodthirsty, like he was about to jump on her if the restraints failed.    


“I must inform his imperial highness! I must….."    


"And who might you be?"    


She turned to see a child enter the room from the open window. She was fairly sure that she was not there before but nevertheless, her guard was up. She got into a low stance, revealing her claws.    


"I cannot let you leave here with knowledge of what you have seen here. If anything happens to him, it might set her off. I apologize in advance."    


Madaline raised her hand and the maid in disguise felt a head splitting ache in her crown. She screamed, dropping to the ground. Her body slowly morphed, showing the legs of a feline. Madaline snapped her fingers and they were gone. Natalia just happened to make it to Amaika that same moment.    


"You're out early. Was it not satisfactory?"    


"You….I refuse to comment on that. He stopped himself from touching me. I thought you said he cannot control his desires."    


"Ordinarily, he shouldn't be able to. I'm amazed that he can control such a primal urge. I knew I had a good feeling about him."    


"What are you even on about? Look, I left him like that but I don't know what to do about him. You have to help me, Amaika."    


"You don't need to ask, Master. However, it's a little more tricky than that. He has to return to his family's ancestral grounds. You know that werecreatures used to be high nobility, right?"    


"Yes. Don't tell me…."    


"Unfortunately, this is the only way. Now's the best time but it's up to you whatever you choose to do. If you really care about him, you'll let him do this."    


"He can't even think straight. How is he supposed to sneak back into the Empire?"    


"That's why you have me. Please be at ease, master. I will take him there and bring him back safely."    


Natalia still felt apprehensive but she trusted Amaika. She sighed and gave him the permission. Princess Temara found her a moment later, moping by the garden.    


"Trouble in paradise, my Lady?"    


"What sort of expression is that?"    


"It has a long complicated history but is mostly used by cocky men. I'm actually worried about you. I've never seen you like this."    


"Well, I don't know either. I thought I understood what I was doing but I'm horrified to find out that I actually care about a man again after I was betrayed by one. I feel like I've betrayed myself."    


"The similarities you share with your brother are outlandish. Are you both that scared of love and commitment?"    


"We don't have a good history of love in our family or our kingdom. It's all just rules and responsibilities. Love does little to help you when people would willingly step over you for those they favour or love."    


"Sounds a bit cutthroat. I feel glad by the day that Sebastian married here. May I offer a nugget of wisdom?"    


"I'm listening…"    


"There's no need to overthink your feelings. I think Sir Jane is a wonderful person. I see the way he treats everyone and I know he values you highly. You both have your scars so it isn't necessary to commit right away. You can take your time. You both have extraordinarily long lifespans. I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out eventually."    


"That's very inspiring. Thank you, your highness."    


"I can't tell if that's real appreciation or sarcasm. Nevertheless, we don't have time. We have to get you fitted."    


"Fitted for what?"    


"Ceremonial robes, of course! You have such short notice for your appointment that we can't even get things ready. I hear you're moving to Graviscera as soon as the construction of the castle is completed. Thankfully, I had some attires made for you in case of situations like this. Come with me," Temara said, pulling Natalia up. Even though she was surprised, she followed the princess nevertheless. As they walked to the Princess's quarters, Natalia asked a personal question.    


"Did you actually sleep with my brother on your wedding night?"    


"W-What…..don't you think that's a little too embarrassing to ask?"    


"I just wanted to know. It's okay not to answer me. Intimacy is just as scary as love in Ducroft. My brother and I have been through so many cruel experiences. Everything is a breath of fresh air here in Polivia."    


"You saw two people kiss in public and it felt like you would faint from indignation."    


"It happened only one time….."    


"I have many other examples of your cultural shock. I think it's better for you here. I actually thought you were incapable of real emotions when I saw you in Ducroft. But when you chose me and you sent your brother here, I realized that you weren't as bad as I thought. I actually enjoy your presence and I will miss you when you move to Graviscera."    




When Natalia returned to her quarters later that night, she noticed right away that Marvis wasn't there. It depressed her right away but she had no time to mope. She was becoming the Duchess of Graviscera the next day. A good night sleep without Marvis in his wolf form was close to impossible but she was going to try.    


"I can notice your displeasure right away. It's amusing."    


"Madaline, why are you here? Did something happen?"    


{I saw a werecreature in your room earlier. I took care of the situation but I think you should be more careful. I will send another fairy to you}    


"You switched languages. Are we being watched? What's going on?"    


{I spoke to Quene, the god of wisdom. He has agreed to help and I've arranged a meeting with you two. I'll eventually let the other gods know but I fear they might act irrationally. Have you been feeling strange these days?}    


"No. I'm fine."    


{That's great. Do you need help sleeping this night?}    


" it that obvious?"    


{I warned you against sleeping with him in the first place. I can simulate his figure and the feeling for a few hours. That's more than enough, right?}    


"Thank you for entertaining my foolishness."    


{Love is not foolishness, Natalia}    


It wasn't the same as Marvis but Natalia could feel Madaline's love from what she made. Like that, she was able to get a goodnight sleep. This was as opposed to a particular Crown Prince who sent a spy to investigate and they hadn't returned in a few hours. It became increasingly irritating because they were almost out of Polivia.    


"There's still no sign of her, your imperial highness," the guard reported to him through the window. He soon heard the unmistakable sound of something precious breaking in the carriage. He wisely moved away from the window.    


"How can one spy not do a simple task of checking and reporting?! Damn! They're all so useless!"    


"Patience, your imperial highness. They can't hide him forever. He will soon be yours, I can promise you," the hooded woman opposite him spoke. He glared at her and rested his back against his carriage, raising his finger to draw a magic circle in the air.    


"You better keep your word, seer."    


He snapped his finger and the entire entourage disappeared.    


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