The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C93 Duchess of Graviscera

C93 Duchess of Graviscera

1Even though it was an official ceremony on short notice, all the important nobles and ministers were there for Natalia's appointment. Due to Princess Temara's interference, she was able to get a suitable official attire and speech ready. It was a relatively short ceremony and soon, it was over. After it was the meeting to discuss the conference that was only a few weeks away.    


"With all due respect, your majesty, I don't think we should be allowing a newly appointed duchess to attend such an important meeting, especially since she's originally from another kingdom," the Minister of rites said. She was annoyed with the impromptu appointment of a new duchess and the fact that the officiation ceremony wasn't set up right. Since she was very religious, it didn't sit well with her.    


"Honourable minister, I made the decision to appoint Duchess Natalia and to invite her to this very important event based on my judgement. Are you trying to say my judgement is wrong?"    


"Of course not, your majesty. It's just not tradition. If we carelessly disrespect our tradition, what would be left of us as a kingdom? What kind of message will it pass to the people that a foreigner has attained such a high position in our society?"    


"Honourable ministers, I think it's time we stopped living in the past of archaic traditions. Those traditions have not taken us forward as a kingdom so now that change has been brought to us in this kingdom, do you want me to disregard that change and not give honor where honor is due?"    


"It's nothing like that, your majesty. The title of Duchess was too much!"    


"I promised my daughter's husband that if he is able to change out kingdom, the title of Duke of Graviscera would be his. He asked that the title be transferred to his sister. I have honoured my word. Honourable minister, isn't it in our tradition to honor our word?"    


"Yes, your majesty."    


"The decisions I have made are final. But if you are wondering the reason for my decision to being Duchess Natalia to the conference, then I want us to refer back to the strange clouds and weather we encountered about a week ago. That phenomenon happened because Duchess Natalia became a transcendental. The first transcendental in thousands of years. Instead of returning to her kingdom, she decided to stay here and protect us. Did you really think I would let someone as powerful as her go?"    


That shocked everyone to silence. The royal children looked at Princess Temara who looked very proud in that moment. They knew then that their chances for winning the seat of crown princess/prince was slim. Silently swearing, they kept their heads down till the end of the meeting.    


“Your majesty, what’s the assurance that she won’t conquer our kingdom?”    


“Pardon me for interrupting but you don’t have any assurance. But my brother’s plan would expose you to the rest of the world. Having a transcendental would keep you safe from outside threats for a long time. I think you should focus on the positives, rather than the negatives.”    


As soon as she spoke up, she had several eyes on her. Some curious but mostly hostile. Well, the only allies she had there were Duchess Everon, Lady Lorelei and Princess Temara. The three had very high standing so it was still a considerable force. Duchess Everon was busy amusing herself, same with the other two. She sighed and continued.    


“I understand your hesitation but haven’t I proven to be useful? Besides, I don’t have any other home apart from this kingdom. In case you haven’t heard, I’m supposed to be dead. I’m asking for a chance. I won’t let Polivia be regarded as an insignificant kingdom any longer. We’ll have powerful allies. We will be respected as women and as leaders. Just trust me.”    


Rather than regard her humility, the ministers and nobles present tried to push her for more answers. Even though it was exhausting, she provided answers to them all.    


“She’s really good at this. She managed to answer all my questions when we first met too” Lady Lorelei whispered to Duchess Everon.    


“So you agree it is annoying?”    


“Well, I can’t just let a newcomer take the crown of Queen of Society away from me that easily, now can I?”    


“Your obsession with that would never cease to fascinate me. I thought she would have a huge problem with these fogeys but she’s holding her ground quite well. It feels like the Minister of Finance’s lips would fall to the ground if she continues frowning like that.”    


Lady Lorelei stifled her giggles and continued watching what had now turned into a debate. Natalia was being tested with their kingdom’s policies which from one point, isn’t fair but from another, it was fair enough. One could hardly tell when to draw the line but the minsters were intentionally toeing that boundary. No one interfered because they were curious to know what would happen. The meeting dragged on for hours until the Queen had to postpone it till the next day.    


Utterly drained, Natalia returned to her room. She didn’t hesitate to go for a nap right away, skipping lunch and dinner. Madaline, who had come to check on her, left after tucking her into bed properly. Not long after she left, Sebastian and their mother entered the room.    


“She must have been very exhausted. I can’t believe she would skip dinner like that,” she leaned in, pushing a strand of hair away from Natalia’s face.    


“I heard they wouldn’t stop hounding her for hours. I can’t imagine what it was like. But she does very well under pressure so I’m not worried.”    


“I am a bad mother. I should’ve protected you two, stood up for you. Unlike your sister, I folded to the challenges of societies very early and wasted the better parts of my life lying around while you two had to suffer in the hands of your father. I can’t apologize enough. I’m truly sorry.”    


“Mother, it’s not your fault. Your body was already weak in the first place. You did well, giving birth to us. We brought you here because we still love you. Well, she did. I couldn’t imagine her leaving you who was also a victim.”    


“When did….my children get so big?” she sobbed. Sebastian sighed and embraced her, stroking her hair.    


“You can forget those long years of suffering and enjoy today. We will make sure you don’t get to suffer like that again. So, keep your trust in us, okay?”    


“Of course.”    


After a long journey from Polivia back to Ducroft and several teleportation circles, Marquis Orland arrived at the Palace to report to the king. As he made his way up to the throne room, he ran into the royal consort’s entourage.    


“Your royal highness,” he greeted, bowing. She looked down on him and a faint sense of regret passed through their hearts. Nevertheless, Alana picked herself back up and so did Marquis Orland.    


“Marquis Orland, I see you have returned from Polivia. You bring good news, I hope?”    


“Yes, your highness. I see better days ahead for our kingdom.”    


“Alright then. I’m sure his majesty must be waiting for you. If fate wills, we will meet again.”    


“Yes, your highness.”    


He continued making his way to the throne room while Alana continued on her path. The noble ladies that surrounded her said nothing as there wasn’t a single one that didn’t know of the relationship that was about to bloom between them.    


The huge doors of the throne room were opened by the guards and Marquis Orland entered, going on his knees to greet the king. The men giving their reports stepped to the side and he got up, going closer to the king.    


“You bring good news, I presume?”    


“Yes, your majesty. The Adamantine company has agreed to commence trade with the kingdom of Ducroft. Their products are listed in the documents I have brought and I can guarantee for myself that they will indeed be great for our kingdoms, especially in the area of transportation. Prince Consort Adamantine sends his greetings and has sent a gift to you, my liege.”    


“So he is firm on his stance of not returning and would instead send a gift?”    


“Yes, your majesty.”    


“Let’s see this gift then.”    


Marquis Orland turned to the man behind him and nodded. The workers started bringing the gifts they were given in Polivia. As they brought them in, the king started to frown.    


“Marquis Orland, how much money is in that chest?”    


“300,000 gold coins, your majesty.”    


“......list out the other things you were given as a gift.”    


As Marquis Orland began to list them out, it became more and more apparent to Fredrich that some of these so called ‘gifts’ were actually things he gave as Natalia’s dowry. If the wife’s dowry was being given back to the husband, it essentially meant divorce, especially if it came from the wife’s family. He didn’t need a genius to tell him exactly what it meant.    


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