The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C101 Familiar Fake Smile

C101 Familiar Fake Smile

0“This is really an elaborate ball. You have outdone yourself once more, Duchess Natalia,” Lady Lorelei commented as she walked up to Natalia with a glass of wine in her hand. It appeared like she was already tipsy so Natalia searched for her husband or Duchess Everon in the vicinity.    


“I have Princess Temara to thank for that. Where is your husband?”    


“Who knows? I really enjoy the ambience of this ball. How does one even get this much fresh food in the North?”    


“I wonder that as well. Maybe you should sit down and have some water. I will get someone to fetch some for you.”    


“Thank….” she hiccuped, “”    


Natalia sighed, calling the nearest servant to get her a glass of water. The rest of the guests seemed to enjoy themselves, dancing to folk songs and generally laughing and having fun. She never imagined this was the kind of thing that would happen. The balls at Ducroft were a lot stifling with the exchange of fake smiles and making connections.    


“If you keep staring, you might create a hole in someone. Smile, host.”    


“Shut up. Why are you here and not with your wife?”    


“I’m increasingly suspicious that the reason you wanted me married was to keep saying that. Am I right?”    


“I will not answer that. What are you here for?”    


“I found the head of the Aubray family. Do you want to meet her?”    


“I’m more surprised she hadn’t marched down to me, demanding reparations. She’s more cunning than I imagined. Please, escort me to the minister of rites.”    


Sebastian rolled his eyes and took her hand, leading her through the dancing crown to where the minister of rites was seated, watching the dancers. Natalia took a pitcher as she walked by, pouring wine into her empty glass.    


“I thought I would toast to the honorable minister of rites. I would surely hope I have not offended your honor with anything in this ball.”    


“Duchess Adamantine. I’m glad you took your time to organize this ball. Maybe you might be trying your best to be like us after us. I feel bad doubting your efforts.”    


Natalia smiled, strange relief filling her. She somehow missed the fake smiles and indirect insults.    


“No, as the honorable minister of rites , you know best. I hope to learn from you, your honor.”    


“If that is the case, then I feel you can learn better from my son. This is Benny Aubray, my first born son. He knows a lot about our kingdom, culture and history. I’m sure he would make a perfect teacher and partner.”    


Natalia’s smile widened. She was really trying to match make. It was very obvious that the Aubray family were trying to extend their hands into the newly formed political zone of the North. Just why did they think it would be easy to succeed?    


“With all due respect, your honor, her majesty already recommended to me a teacher and a useful assistant, Count Brenn. I appreciate your offer. I’m glad your honor cares so much about me. I can see just how peaceful and accepting the political scape of Polivia is. I almost feel right at home.”    


Sebastian snorted, stifling a laugh. He disguised it as a cough, excusing himself to find his wife. Natalia also excused herself, going to find and greet her other guests, looking out for the people she invited from Ducroft. She finally saw them and smiled, walking over.    


“Countess Quartz, I almost thought you wouldn’t make it. You didn’t regret working with me?”    


“It was the most exciting thing I had ever done in my life, your grace. I’m glad I can finally address you like that again.”    


“It must have been very troubling for you. I see you’re also here, Cage.”    


“It’s Count Quartz now, your grace.”    


“Oh?” She stared at them in interest. She got an expression of disgust in return.    


“We’re only together because of the new law.”    


“New law?”    


“Noble ladies can only retain their title if they are married. I suspect that rule was made because of her royal highness. This way, his majesty can legally be the king.”    


“Ah, I see. You can always become a citizen of Polivia and not be tied down to unnecessary laws and engagements.”    


“I would like to discuss that in length, your grace,” they both said at the same time, turning to glare at each other. Natalia laughed, moving on to her next guests, Marquis Orland and Lady Borisque.    


“Your grace, I’m so glad to see you’re alive!” Lady Borisque exclaimed, rushing to hug her. Natalia gracefully accepted her hug, comforting the lady. Marquis Orland looked transfixed but he quickly regained his composure.    


“Your majesty, it’s an honor to see you’re still alive and well.”    


“Marquis Orland, the only reason I extended this invitation to you is because I know Lady Borisque isn’t able to travel here without her fiancée. Disrespect me one more time and the collaboration with the Adamantine company will be short lived.”    


“Please forgive me, your grace.”    


“I’m glad to see you’re as smart as the rumors. I have a private reception for my guests from Ducroft. Please follow me.”    


She led them into another room and sealed it off with a silence spell, making sure they wouldn’t be found easily.    


“Now, before we begin, I want you all to honor the clause in the letter that made it so you can attend this ball. You are not to inform King Fredrich Kristen that I am still alive and I have become the Duchess of the North.”    


“With all due respect, your grace, you do realize you’re one of the most famous people on this continent, right? Word can easily get out.”    


“Thank you for pointing that out, Count Quartz. Any kind of information that gets out now would only be considered suspicion. You can only confirm that suspicion for the king if he asks you, the only people that have been to the North of Polivia and you reply in the affirmative. Now, I also included that if you confirm the fact that I am still alive before the time period is over, you would lose your ability to speak for two months.”    


“We understand that.”    


“Good. Now, let’s proceed. My plan is to make a town that functions with aesthetics rather than functionality. The north is barren so it’s perfect for it. I want to attract people from around the continent and in turn, it would promote the Adamantine Company. Lady Borisque is already opening a Boutique in the town and the capital of Polivia. Countess Quartz, you can ask to build a branch of the merchant association in the town and asked to be transferred. I want more businesses to populate the town so it can easily be overlooked that the North is barren.”    


“I can get to that immediately when I return. But would you be able to offer me a citizenship?” Countess Quartz asked.    


“I am a Duchess. It’s not going to be hard.”    


“Then it is settled. Once I can draw the attention of the Merchant Association here, it would be populated with businesses in no time.”    


“Could you make it possible for me to meet the current President of the Merchant Association? That would make it easier for me.”    


“I will send the request but I doubt it will be easy. They’re very elusive and hard to access. But if I include the fact that you’re the Duchess of the North who had become so famous in the capital, I’m sure you can meet them.”    


“I will leave that up to you. Marquis Orland, you don’t need to do anything specifically. In fact, I would appreciate it if Ducroft didn’t interfere in this at all.”    


“Your grace, you’re asking me as the financial minister of his majesty to ignore the financial opportunity right in front of me?”    


“Or you can just forfeit your life. Trust me, I know exactly how to make it look like an accident. You won’t know how you died, just the fact that you won’t return home.”    


“I get the message” he raised his hands in surrender. She continued talking with them, making sure their meeting was short. She sent them all out and went in search of Duchess Everon. Just as she suspected, the latter was out in the back of the castle, the cliff that oversaw the mountains.    


“If you’re considering ending your life, I would ask you don’t do it in my house.”    


“You’re the only one cynical to think about ending their life. I just thought this sight was more serene than the one inside the ball. Why is the host outside?”    


“Perhaps I was curious about my fellow Duchess and eager to catch her in a tryst.”    


“Haha, very funny.”    


Natalia sat beside her, staring up at the moon also. Somewhere up there, there was the heavenly court. It was the place she was aiming for. But before that, she needed to cause a chain of change on earth. To do that, she had to pave a path.    


“So, what’s the real reason you’re out here?”    


“Lady Lorelei. She’s trying to introduce me to men again since this is the largest social gathering in ages and she’s giving me a headache. I really wonder if it’s compulsory to be with a man and get married. That’s not what I want at all.”    


“I thought you were up for a challenge.”    


“That was a joke. It’s like nobody believes there’s a life outside of marriage while they all look miserable in it. I’ve seen it fail more than I’ve seen it succeed. I just….want to be alone.”    


“Trust me, Vera. I understand this better than you think. I think it’s not bad to be alone. In Polivia, as a woman, you can do whatever you want and I, for one, am going to take advantage of that.”    


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