The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C107 Turbulent Reunion (2)

C107 Turbulent Reunion (2)

4Fredrich returned to his tent, feeling discombobulated. The comprehension of the fact that his wife who he saw die was still alive and gone because of his clear neglect was rocky. He couldn’t settle on what he was feeling. Now, she had become someone he couldn’t touch or claim. By law, they were divorced and had nothing to do with each other anymore.    3


“Your majesty, what happened? Why do you look so distraught? Did they demand too much? Do we have to go to war?”    


“No, it’s…nothing. I just need to rest,” he answered, taking her hands away from his body. He had never treated Alana like that. It made her feel strange but she didn’t push it. She knew exactly how his temper was like.    


Instead, she went on to meet the one person that went with him, his personal aide, Wilbur. Alana prided herself on having a good relationship with his servants so she was able to get information very easily.    


“What happened in the meeting?”    


“Oh, it was very chaotic, your highness. I saw Lady Natalia with my own eyes, alive and well! I heard she’s the famous Duchess of the North in Polivia.”    


It felt like her world was crashing down. She hoped, no, prayed that Natalia was truly dead and her life would go on u til everyone forgot about Natalia. But not only was she alive, she was a duchess! She was free somewhere else, most likely living a life she always dreamed about while she was stuck with horrible titles and people judging her at every turn.    


“Thank you, Wilbur. Please, don’t tell his majesty I asked.”    


“It’s okay, your highness. I won’t say a thing. I understand how you feel. I don’t like her too. I prefer having you as a Queen rather than her. Everyone knows how elegant you are, your highness.”    


Everyone? If all the nobles and commoners were asked to pick who they thought would be the better Queen, they would undoubtedly pick Natalia. Unlike Natalia, Alana had done nothing to earn her title.    


Alana and Natalia just happened to be upset over the same man. While Alana was worried about no attention from him, Natalia was worried about the little she received.    


“You’re upset.”    


She raised her head to stare at him.    


“I’m not upset.”    


“You don’t have to lie to me. I can see you’re upset. You have that look on your eyes like you want to grind someone to dust.”    


“What could you possibly be talking about?”    


Smiling, he pulled her eyelids from the far corners of her eyes. With a stretched face, she gave him a deadpan stare.    


“What are you trying to do?”    


“Make you smile? This always worked back home. Maybe it’s a species thing.”    


“This just seems like something you would do to children. Do I resemble a child?”    


“Well, sometimes you behave like one.”    


He felt her stare get harsher and he pulled away, chucking awkwardly.    


“I’d feel better if I had a soft pillow to snuggle with.”    


“Don’t you have a meeting to go back to?”    


“I’m sure I can nap for a few more minutes.”    


He rolled his eyes, giving her a look that clearly read ‘The things I do for you’ and transformed like she requested. Her lips stretched into a huge smile as she dived into his fur. She fell asleep almost immediately and he covered her body with his, closing his eyes.    


Not too long after she fell asleep, the Queen entered her tent. Marvis lifted his tail to show the Queen the softly snoring body he had resting comfortably in his fur.    


“She needs her rest. Protect her and this place well.”    


With a nod of acknowledgment from Marvis, the Queen returned to the meeting. There were less people there as expected but the leaders were expecting Natalia to be there. The Queen had a single reply for them and would not answer any more of their Questions concerning her.    


“Duchess Adamantine needs her rest. She has fulfilled her duties and her presence isn’t explicitly in this meeting. When she chooses to come, she will come.”    


“This is an issue that concerns the very safety of the continent! How could she be absent at this time? She couldn’t be arrogant because she’s the only Transcendental in the entire continent in a thousand years?!”    


“You said it yourself, King Ruem. I want you to digest that fact,” Crown Prince Reagan replied to him.    


“Perhaps a king of a small kingdom like yours may not know what it takes to become a semi-transcendental but it takes a lot of talent, hard work and luck, none of which you seem to have or achieved. I would suggest you choose your words wisely or you may no longer have a seat at this table.”    


“Your side was the one to suggest peace but you willingly provoke others, Crown Prince Reagan. Who do you staunchly take her side despite her disregard for everyone here?”    


“Perhaps it’s because I take the side of the strong rather than the weak and to me it seems this is a gathering of weak people who think they can bully the strong. Perhaps it’s not clear. A Transcendental is someone that can kill us with little to no effort. I presume that none of you decided to test out the barrier she made. Do you want a demonstration?”    


Everyone was silent. Smirking, Reagan commanded his knights to bring someone out from his tent. They soon appeared with a werecreature tied up in chains. Their eyes widened with fear when they saw Crown Prince Reagan and they struggled against their chains even though it tightened the more they struggled.    


“I will use half my strength, which should be enough to level this entire island. Observe carefully.”    


Reagan stretched a hand out and everyone suddenly felt mana being sucked out of the air and their bodies. A small beam of energy formed from his palm, shooting straight at the werecreature. They turned their face away, trying to scream despite the fact that they were muzzled. As the beam reached the werecreature, it slowly dissipated.    


“I’m sure you all felt the power I put in that attack and yet, it was dispelled so easily. So, who else wants to argue?” Asking that, he specifically looked at Fredrich. The latter didn’t say anything but that was enough for Reagan as he sent the werecreature back.    


“The meeting can continue, no? I already have my own list of requests here.”    


Natalia woke up an hour later, stretching and yawning. Marvis opened his eyes, watching as she picked a bowl to fill with water using magic and wash her face. She cleaned it with a nearby towel and finally turned to him.    


“That was refreshing. Thank you, Marvis.”    


(That only took an hour. I doubt it was refreshing)    


“Sleeping right now for me is more recreational and therapeutic than required. I just needed to refresh my mind and this was the way I knew how to do it. I’m hungry.”    


(Is that recreational as well?)    


She turned to him and smirked.    


“What do you think?”    


After collecting lunch, she searched for the Queen and couldn’t find her. Marvis, now in his humanoid form, told her the Queen had already left, shortly after she started napping.    


“She said you could rest and you didn’t need to go. If you don’t feel comfortable going, you don’t have to. I’m good company so you can stay here.”    


“Marvis, as much as I would love to spend this lovely afternoon with you, I need to go. I don’t trust that the Queen would be safe returning without me.”    


“I doubt anything can be harmed with this barrier you put in place. She will be fine. I know you’re worried about what people would say but honestly, you don’t have to be. You are the most powerful individual on this continent with the power to do anything you wish.”    


“How is it that I cannot get the man my heart desires?” She responded, scoffing. He blushed but he didn’t let go of her hand. He found it gave some comfort if he occasionally touched her for short periods of time. He found it strange but he didn’t question it.    


“If you’re so concerned, you can come with me.”    


Marvis didn’t know if that was her end goal but he was somehow roped into following her to the meeting. As they neared the place together, Marvis caught the scent of another one of his kind. The closer they got, the more familiar the scent seemed to be. He suddenly crouched and was about to take off when Natalia suddenly pulled him back, shaking her head.    


They soon arrived hand in hand, surprising everyone there again. Even Reagan, who was always smug, was as shell shocked as Fredrich when they came in.    


“Marvis?” Reagan called out quietly. Natalia felt Marvis’s hand quake, unconcealed rage in his eyes. She also had bottles rage from seeing Fredrich look at her like he was betrayed.    


“I’m sorry for arriving late. A spell of that magnitude needs a little recharging. That’s something we say in Polivia we say if we need a nap. If you were doing something before, you can continue. No need to mind me,” she said, standing behind the Queen once more.    


“You can’t expect us to ignore the fact that you brought a…man? Woman? Someone! You brought someone to our private meeting?”    


“He isn’t just anyone.”    


“Then pray tell, who he is.”    


Natalia smiled and turned to Marvis. Holding his chin in place. She kissed him.    


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