The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C116 Forced Change

C116 Forced Change

1“Duchess Natalia, can…we talk?”    2


Natalia stopped and turned to face Princess Temara. She had a troubled expression on her face and Natalia could almost instantly tell it was her fault. Out of all the people there, Natalia found Princess Temara the most difficult to deal with. She felt a bit guilty towards her but more than that, she was always swept up in the princess’s pace because she didn’t know what to do about her.    


“Of course, your highness. Please lead the way.”    


The two walked along quietly, one visible anxious and the other so accustomed to hiding her emotions, set her pace as she walked. She wished so dearly that she was in Marvis’s company but the werewolf had become busier than she was. They finally reached the balcony where they could chat uninterrupted.    


“I am naturally not a fan of rumors but recently, there have been very…troubling rumors that defame you. I just wanted…”    


“I will make a vow to you now on my soul that I will not steal the throne of your mothers neither will I take away your birthright.”    


“That’s not…you are too cunning for any of us to handle. I knew I was inviting danger into our home when I accepted the marriage proposal but honestly, things have become more complicated than I would’ve ever imagined. We can only handle it now because of your help. We did get our wish of making progress and expanding Polivia but…I fear we cannot handle the change.”    


“Indeed, change is a frightening monster that looms at every turn in life. Just because I am well equipped to handle the change doesn’t mean it doesn’t find a way to tear at my defenses and leave me completely helpless. Do you want to know the secret, your highness?”    


“What is it?”    


“Imagine the person you hate the most or the person you consider your opponent groveling at your feet. Imagine the world all bowing to you. Imagine everything you wished for being yours. Now, what are the steps you will take for that to happen? Who are your pawns? Who will you tear down to make it possible? Those impure thoughts fill my head every waking moment. My thoughts are noisier than a market and they urge me towards destruction, anger, sorrow, and grief. The path I walk is a thorny, flesh-rendering path. Let me walk this path on my lonesome while you focus on procreating with my brother and making your kingdom great.”    


“What do you mean?”    


“Long Live the Empire,” Natalia whispered in her ears. There was a look of terror on Temara’s face as Natalia walked away.    


“You’re making unnecessary moves again, Natalia,” Duchess Everon said as they crossed paths.    


“How can you call them unnecessary when you see the effects they’re making, Vera? Or are you jealous?”    


“Jealous? Perhaps. I knew the great Natalia Adamantine won’t stay down when she’s been defeated. I hoped our peaceful days would continue but I can see change is unavoidable, especially with you here.”    


“If you’re all averse to the change, I can easily call off the construction and settle all those involved although it would cause significant backlash on your end.”    


“No, you have made retreat impossible. As nobles, we have to consider social nuances and all of those have been considered in this case. I am just curious. What is your motive?”    


“Exactly what I told her highness. Long live the Empire.”    




“The forest of Damnation isn’t the only place that holds a forgotten kingdom. The vast desert that is the Berden Pass used to be the great Empire of Berden. All I plan to do is restore that and expand Polivia.”    


“Have you lost your mind?! What about the treaty?! Other kingdoms won’t stand for this!”    


“And what exactly will they do with two giants fighting between them? From what I see, we only stand to benefit from this. Why are all of you being such cowards? We might not expand but I want to understand just why you are shying away from expansion.”    


“Polivia is not Ducroft! We do not seek to be bigger and better than everyone else. Our kingdom, our home is peaceful and perfect just the way it is. You do not have to do anything else to make it better!”    


“…you’re right. Polivia is not Ducroft. Since you all don’t want the expansion, you won’t mind if I limit it to just the north, would you?”    




“The entire north, by her majesty’s decree, belongs to me. If anyone tries to take it away from me, then the North will become independent from Polivia. I have offered my choices, Vera. I hope you will choose well.”    


Duchess Everon sighed. Anyone could see there is no way out. How she easily cornered everyone was beyond her. It was almost like she constantly knew what to do and what the future held.    


“Natalia, do you…”    




Before the steward reached them, Natalia had teleported the both of them to where she knew the Queen would be, the throne room. It was a shocking sight. The old Queen was being held captive by none other than the god she saw before and another by her side.    


“Oh? So you were here.”    


“Let her majesty go.”    


“A puny mortal dares to command me?” Uriel raged, digging the dagger into the Queen’s shoulder. The woman refused to cry out in pain but from one glance, they could tell that the dagger wasn’t made from any ordinary material.    


“Angel wings,” a childlike voice came from her side. Madaline always appeared in a pinch these days, which saved Natalia the trouble of calling her.    


“Mother!” Princess Temara yelled in a distressed voice, held back by Sebastian.    


“Uriel, you have repeatedly stressed the conduct of a god. Why have you chosen to act like a bandit in front of mortals?” Madaline turned to Uriel.    


“Why indeed? It’s because something of ours is here and we have come to retrieve it. I believe it is in the hands of a mortal known as Natalia Adamantine.”    


“Only a fool will steal from the gods and I have not known myself to be a fool. What is it that I have stolen from you?”    


“The divine bird, the lost one, is in your care. It belongs to me and I want it back.”    




Everyone, including the one being accused, was confused. Not many had heard of the Divine Bird but even the ones who knew what they were knew that they were nothing but a legend. But so was Nataroth and Natalia knew better. She soon realized what they were talking about.    


“You realize that as a god, no living being belongs to you, right? If a Divine Bird has already chosen its master, not even Nataroth could tear them apart. So asking a mortal to hand over a Divine Bird is nothing short of insanity. Go back to the heavenly court now, Thiton, Uriel, while I’m asking nicely.”    


“Uriel? Isn’t that the name of the god of light and magic? And Thiton, isn’t that the god of darkness and destruction ?” Vera whispered to Natalia. Natalia nodded. Even though she considered herself a transcendental, she knew she was incapable of defeating a god. But she couldn’t recklessly hand Amaika over. Based on what Quene and Madaline told her, those two were up to no good.    


“We will exchange hostages, this mortal queen for the Divine Bird. It isn’t an equivalent exchange but we are feeling quite generous. Now, what shall you choose, Natalia Adamantine?”    


Suddenly, all eyes were on her. If she refuses to hand over Amaika, the Queen will undoubtedly die. But if she handed Amaika over, it was clear that the world would be in grave danger, especially seeing the gods themselves were requesting it.    


“Before we continue with this exchange, you’re right, this is not enough. Why don’t you exchange the body of Egerth and the Queen for the Divine Bird?”    


“Natalia, what are you doing?!” Madaline whispered furiously.    


“Putting us on equal grounds. If they want the Divine Bird then they must hand over the body of Egerth they have obtained. I cannot put our world at risk because of one person.”    


“NATALIA!” Temara screeched, fighting against Sebastian even if she couldn’t win.    


“I just can’t understand. A few hours ago, you were all telling me about how Polivia was more important than my ambitions. Now a Monarch is not willing to sacrifice herself for her nation?”    


They were all silent. Natalia may not be the most empathetic person but she was the most logical and she knew what she was doing most of the time. But sometimes, just because it was logical doesn’t mean it was acceptable.    


“You’re a cruel mortal. So you’re willing to give up the life of your monarch to protect your Divine Bird?”    


“Goddess Uriel, I am also capable of twisting words and opinions to my advantage. You’re making it seem like a simple exchange, my precious one over their precious one. But if gods are involved, it isn’t that simple. One, how did you know that the Divine Bird is with me? How do you know whoever gave you that information was correct? Two, Egerth can supposedly kill all that is immortal. If you can resurrect Egerth and manage to kill the Divine Bird in your possession, I wonder what your end game is. Perhaps…you will go on to kill other gods, just like you killed Nataroth?”    


“You insolent mortal!”    


“Your majesty, now's the time to choose. Who will you pass your throne to?”    


Just as she raised her hand to point, the blade that was lodged in her shoulder sliced her throat open.    


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