The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C123 Fairy Assistant

C123 Fairy Assistant

3Sebastian helped his mother walk to the front door. He used a little magic for assistance, smiling the entire way. Getting to the door, they could hear the enhanced voice of the messenger. Their jaws dropped, unsure if they heard what they actually heard. Vivia left Sebastian's hand and stumbled forward, trying to reach the gate. Before she collapsed, Sebastian held her, nodding at her. Together, they walked to the gate.    


"What do you mean by that?! We had a deal! She cannot just take them away!"    


"These were the Dame's words. I am simply a messenger loyal to the Hazel family. Respectfully, my lord, we will like our young mistress back."    


While Vivia and Sebastian approached the gate, the scout troops of the Hazel family arrived. They were armed to the teeth, commanded by the Head Knight of the Hazel family. The man looked past the Marquis, smiling when he saw Vivia.    


"We have come to take you back home, my lady."    


Marquis Adamantine turned around and saw them, surprise in his eyes. Vivia walked past him, reaching a hand out to the Head Knight. He took her hand and kissed it. She laughed, tears falling from her eyes.    


"I promise I won't leave without you, my lady. Even if we risk our lives, we will take you back home. Your daughter is waiting for you."    


"Natalia is in the Hazel estate?"    


"Yes, my lady. The Dame was surprised when she showed up and demanded you be brought here. You raised a brave and unique child, my lady. Now, you don't have to endure anymore."    


She closed her eyes, laughing loudly as more tears fell from her eyes. She took her hand back and placed it on the large gate. It started to visibly corpse, falling apart in just a few seconds. She coughed, blood flying from her mouth. Sebastian ran to her, holding her.    


"You can't leave, Vivia! Not with my son!"    


"Ever since you married that witch, my son stopped being yours. If you try to stop us, I will make sure we both die. Your son will return if he chooses to but I won't leave my son to suffer with you," she replied defiantly. Her eyes, which were usually soft towards her children, turned cold towards him. The head knight took her from Sebastian's hands, lifting her to the horse easily. The messenger offered Sebastian a hand to lift him to the horse. He took the man's hand and tried to board the horse.    


He was suddenly pulled down violently, throwing the messenger with him. Vivia screamed Sebastian's name, hearing an audible crack. Assuring her he was fine, he found that a pair of iron cuffs were wrapped around his neck, attached to an iron chain, held by his father.    


"You will not leave until I say so."    


At first, Sebastian was frightened. The veins on the head of the head knight pulsed as he climbed down the horse once Vivia was secured. He took out his halberd and wielded it, a red glow surrounding it. The red glow ignited and his blade burned with a blue flame. He raised it and struck the chain, burning it through.    


Sebastian tried to stand but the chain appeared just as soon as it disappeared. Marquis Adamantine pulled on the chain, dragging the child along the pavement. The head knight jumped up, going straight to strike the Marquis. A dozen knives appeared out of nowhere, blocking his advance. He struggled with them while Sebastian got closer to the Marquis. Vivia was running out of options. She took a deep sigh and started to call on her contracted spirit, Belphor.    


A firm hand touched hers. She opened her eyes to see the most dazzling woman she had ever seen. She had long yellow hair, almond brown eyes with no pupils or eyelashes. Long transparent wings extended from her back. Even the white clothes she had on appeared to be transparent.    


"You're…a fairy."    


{Cheese will help you}    


Vivia could not understand but she nodded. When Cheese opened her mouth again, a loud piercing scream ripped from her throat. All the mana in the area stalled, cancelling the magic all of them were using. The cuffs and chain disappeared and Sebastian was free. Despite the loud scream, he got up and ran to his mother, climbing up the horse.    


Cheese closed her mouth and turned to Vivia once more. Vivia felt like she was getting bigger…and she was. Cheese became a giant before their eyes, scooping Vivia and Sebastian off the horse. With a large flap of her wings, they were gone.    


Back at the Hazel estate, Natalia was having tea outside with Dame Violet. She called her for tea but she was taking it as an opportunity to launch her plans.    


"You're too young to start working as a Merchant. With the current war, it is a lot more complicated than it normally is. If you can wait for a few years, then you can do it."    


"Will you train me as a successor?"    


"You want to lead the Hazel family?"    


"I want the Merchant Association."    


“You are quite bold and very ambitious, little one. You will go far in life.”    


“Thank you. I intend to.”    


“If this is what you wish, then I will train you to be my successor. You will only have to promise me that you will remain cordial with the Hazel family.”    


“Like I said, I intend to.”    


While they had tea, Natalia sense Cheese return. She gracefully excused herself and all but ran back to her room. She locked the door once she was in and approached the veiled bed slowly. Only one side had a veil and from there, she could see the silhouette of two people.    


“M-Mother? B-Bastian?” she called out tentatively.    


“Natalia, is that you?”    




She ran to the other side and finally saw her mother. She was as frail and sickly as she remembered but her arms were open, like they always were. She hugged her legs, sobbing loudly. Natalia didn’t have much hope that she would be able to save her mother so she sent Cheese. Seeing here sit in front of her finally put Natalia’s mind at rest.    


“Silly child, why are you crying? Noble ladies don’t cry,” her mother scolded in a hoarse voice, tears falling from her eyes as well. Sebastian watched from the side, unsure of what to say or do. It was the first time she had ever called him by his nickname since they were younger. He despised her existence yet she called out his name with worry and love.    


“I’m so glad you’re both safe.”    


“And I am just full of awe and surprise. How did you even get here? I recognize this room as my old bedroom which means we’re in the Hazel Estate. Were you also the one who asked mother to bring me back? And how exactly did you get a fairy to help you out?”    


“It’s a very long story. You two had a long and turbulent journey. After you eat, I can finally tell you the whole story. It’s too shocking to say on an empty stomach. I’ll call the servants.”    


Vivia watched in awe as her child confidently summoned the servants to take care of them. Although they were surprised to see them there, they did as Natalia asked without questions. A servant went to tell the Dame that Vivia was in Natalia’s room and she came immediately. When she set her eyes on her daughter, it was like time paused. Finally, Vivia stood up and curtseyed.    


“This daughter greets the head of the family.”    


“Why…why do you look like you will fall apart any moment? You were the strongest and wisest of all my daughters. I thought marriage would be easy for you to handle. Was I…wrong?”    


“I apologize, mother. I…wasn’t strong enough.”    


“What have I done? My daughter…” the Dame took hesitant steps forward until she held Vivia’s hands. Feeling the frail, bony hands of her daughter, tears started to fall from the Dame’s eyes. Vivia also started to cry again. She embraced her mother, finally feeling the safety that came with being back home. All that she and her children had suffered could not be washed away easily but it was a step in the right direction.    


“I’m sorry, Vivia. I’m so sorry.”    


“It’s okay, mother. I don’t resent you. The only thing that made me sad was the fact that you couldn’t see my youngest child. Isn’t she beautiful?”    


“She’s very beautiful. She looks just like you but at the same time, you’re nothing alike. It’s very intriguing.”    


While they caught up with each other, Natalia felt Sebastian staring at her. She looked at him and smiled, amused by the younger version of the Sebastian she knew. He was still the same willful yet intelligent brother she knew. Unlike their mother, he was less likely to let the matter go.    


“You’re not Natalia, are you?    


“I am your one and only dear sister Natalia.”    


“I don’t believe you.”    


“That sounds very much like a you problem, doesn’t it?”    


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