The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C129 Natalia's Willfullness

C129 Natalia's Willfullness

1“Your highness! Third princess! Princess Alana! Your highness!”    4


“Why are you letting her do as she pleases? There can’t possibly be a princess here,” Adelie said to Sebastian.    


“Believe it or not, a member of the royal family actually lives here. We’ve only seen the third princess on a few occasions but she lives like she doesn’t exist because of the Queen. If we can call out to her, we can find her.”    


“I didn't even know there was a third princess,” Adelie grumbled. Sebastian looked at her, dug around his pocket and handed her a piece of candy.    


“If you’re bored, you can take this. Don’t worry about finishing it. I still have more with me.”    


“Ah, thank you.”    


“I’m your brother. This is nothing.”    


“You just accept it? She decides to take me along with her and the whole family accepts her decision? No matter how much I think about it, it’s still strange.”    


“My sister is the reason why this family is together and safe. Every decision she makes is for our safety so there isn’t an iota of doubt in our minds that she’s trying to destroy our family. You placed your trust in her. What do you think?”    


“I cannot forget she saved my life. I just think her actions are strange. She hasn’t given me a reason to distrust her yet. I just hope I haven’t given her a reason to distrust me.”    


“If she calls you sister, just go with it. That child…really likes having you as a sister. I can tell,” Sebastian looked at her, smiling. Natalia was still calling out for the princess to no avail but somehow, she looked happy. Adelie couldn’t tell what she was thinking but she could tell that although she was far from harmless, her intentions were pure.    


The doors of the palace opened and a small, white face peeked out from behind it. Natalia smiled even brighter, jumping up to the door. The child jumped back, trying to shut the door. Natalia kept it open with one hand.    


“Your highness.”    


“W-Who are you?”    


“I am Natalia Adamantine. You are the third princess, Princess Alana Willow Ducroft.”    


“H-How did you know?”    


“I know a lot of things about you, your highness. But I’m sad that you rejected my invitation for a play date. This is why I decided to bring the play date here. I hope you don’t mind, your highness.”    


“I didn’t receive an invitation. Please go back. Nobody is allowed in my castle.”    


“Does that mean you don’t have any servants or friends?”    


Natalia snapped her fingers and she appeared behind Alana. The princess crawled backwards, hitting a foreign object. She found that it was Sebastian’s leg. She scampered away, hitting the wall. The Adamantine siblings looked around.    


“This really doesn’t look like a palace a princess lives. She lives here all by herself?” Adelie asked.    


“It’s a lot better than where we were before. But it needs to be fixed. Don’t worry, your highness. I’ll be done in no time,” Natalia grinned, snapping her fingers. To their surprise, the palace started to clean itself. Natalia extended a hand to the fallen princess but she refused it. Sebastian rolled his eyes and went to carry the princess. There was no way she could struggle against the teenager so she mellowed in his arms.    


“I don’t think I’ve ever said it but your magic is amazing.”    


“Thank you. I also think it’s impressive, considering what I wasn’t able to do before. But there are also some things I have to do manually, like purchase new clothes, shoes and accessories for her highness and you as well.”    


“You…bought those?”    


“Do you think the Hazel household just have them lying around? Don’t worry, I know how to do my due diligence. I’ll help you with everything if I have to, including helping you get revenge against your father.”    


Adelie’s eyes widened. There was still an innocent smile on Natalia’s face but she could see the dark intent in her eyes. Adelie nodded slowly. They finally got up to Alana’s room and the princess’s eyes widened, seeing the difference. She unsteadily got down from Sebastian’s hands and looked around the room.    


“Everything look so…new.”    


“Well, it is new. I got permission from my grandmother to own a storeroom and my mother gave me money to purchase these things in large quantities. With a little magic, I exchanged them. If you want, I can teach you to use magic like that. You have the potential. All you need is a little tutelage.”    


“Why? Why are you doing this kind of thing for me?”    


“It’s because I need you so I’m extending the olive branch. If you agree to be my sister, just like Adelie did, we can help each other.”    


“I’m not sure how I can help you. I’m just an abandoned princess.”    


“There’s only one way you can help me. If you agree to become the Queen and sole ruler of Ducroft. If you agree to that and accept my support, then you can get everything else you wish for, including revenge. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you achieve it through your effort. What do you say, your highness?”    


“I knew you were insane from the first moment I saw you bit I didn’t know it was this bad. I don’t have a legitimate claim to the crown, not to talk about the fact that I am a woman. It simply cannot work.”    


“Hmm, is that so? It’s such a pity…”    


“Right, so please leave me alone. You can take your things and leave me alone.”    


“’s such a pity indeed that…I don’t take no for an answer.”    


Adelie watched in wonder as Natalia tackled a princess and pulled her to take a bath. Sebastian left the room at some point and Natalia dressed the princess up and placed food in front of her.    


“Do you believe I have magic that forces your mouth open and forces the food down your throat with water?”    


“Fine! Fine! I’ll eat! I’ll eat!”    


To her surprise, Natalia didn’t stay in the room with her while she was eating. She walked out to meet Sebastian, leaving Adelie in the room. Sebastian was standing outside of the palace, staring at the building.    


“Does my excessive use of magic distress you?”    


“Don’t speak like you’re an expert on how my mind works. How could that kind of thing distress me? You’re an Adamantine so your magic is up to par.”    


“But that’s the problem, isn’t it? Having too much magic than the heir can cause some complexes. It isn’t easy to explain that sometimes, there are some people that would be better than others. It’s almost the same as saying there are some people born with the privilege of royalty and others born with the privilege of nobility. They sound similar yet they are not the same. If you think about it too much, it can become a problem. You’re my smart, strong and dependable brother. I’m sure you’ll come up with something.”    


“What’s the point of all that then?!”    


“I was just trying to see if I guessed your thoughts correctly. I don’t have much to say, to be honest. I love you very much, Bastian. Even if you drive a dagger through my heart because of jealousy, I will still love you and choose you in the next life, to love and to hold dear. Do you understand?”    


“Yes, I understand. So, stop talking about dying so lightly. It upsets me.”    


“Hmm, I thought you didn’t care about me.”    


“What makes you think I don’t care about you? Stop thinking silly things.”    


“Because of your complex…ow! Don’t pull my cheeks!”    


“Let’s go inside. I’m sure that girl would be done eating by now.”    


Hand in hand, they entered the building. The walk to Alana’s room was short so they saw the two sitting awkwardly away from each other. Alana finished the food, which pleased Natalia. She smiled and took a seat beside Alana.    


“So, since we’re all together, let me tell you the plan.”    


After a long day, the siblings finally returned to their quarters. It was the first day of the birthday banquet so they were all mandated to greet the Queen with their mother. Vivia was already dressed, waiting for her children. They changed their outfits and started walking to the banquet hall. At some point, they bumped into the Grand Duchess and an annoyed Fredrich.    


“Lady Vivia, have we offended you and your children in some way?”    


“What are you talking about, your grace? You haven’t offended me at all. Did something happen?”    


“Your children didn’t seem willing to play with my son. I don’t want to force you or anything but if there’s some conflict, we can try to resolve it.”    


“There’s no conflict, your grace. We just don’t feel like we are able to communicate properly with Lord Fredrich, which was why we left when the royal children arrived. I thought they would be able to communicate better. I apologize if I was mistaken,” Natalia interjected, giving a short bow.    


“Oh, is that so? Well, I still think you can get along just fine.”    


“If that is okay with Lord Fredrich, then we can have another play date tomorrow. This time, we can discuss another topic, theology perhaps. I will be looking forward to it, my lord,” Natalia smiled.    


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