The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C135 Feels Like Home

C135 Feels Like Home

2“Welcome to my humble home, Ambassador Natalia,” Duchess Everon bowed. Natalia didn’t know Vera became the Duchess at an early age but was glad to see a familiar face. The Everon estate was exactly like she remembered but it was still very grand. She responded to her greeting.    


“Since you have concluded many deals over the years with her majesty, she says there’s nothing to worry about in you buying land in the North. We will be joined by her highness later on but for now, I will be entertaining you.”    


“Then I will thank you in advance. You call your home humble but it is really grand. I have always admired the women of Polivia who have the freedom to do what they want with their lives.”    


“You’re the first person I have seem from another kingdom to have this kind of views. Most people tell me a woman should never conduct business or rule a nation but my kingdom has existed for a long time because of a woman and has outlived several kingdoms, including the original Berden Empire we used to be a part of. We haven’t started wars for no reason and we have stayed within our borders and prospered.”    


“And I think it’s a beautiful thing. Maybe I should settle down in the kingdom of Polivia. I like how peaceful it is.”    


“There’s nothing interesting about Polivia except the theaters you helped us to build. The ladies appreciate the boutiques of foreign fashion you have brought. I own more than a few dresses myself. But if you’re thinking of bringing more innovative ideas with you, then…”    


“I expected you to say something like that. We could make an agreement to build a purely entertainment town in Polivia under your jurisdiction. What do you say about that?”    


“I’m listening,” Duchess Everon perched forward. Natalia chuckled, stirring the tea she was served. Her stay in Polivia would turn out to be more interesting than she expected. While she was having tea inside the mansion, Sebastian and Marvis were in town, as the latter was excited to see the werecreatures he had heard so much about in Polivia.    


“I would much rather be inside than be out here with you.”    


“Oh, come on. We rarely get to come here. I just want to meet them and you promised to come with me, Bastian.”    


“And I regret it already. Control that tail of yours already!”    


“I can’t. I am too happy! Oh! I can sniff some over here.”    


“If any of the gods are listening, save me, please,” Sebastian grumbled before he was pulled off in another direction. Unbeknownst to them both, a giant green bird tailed them from the skies, its eyes focused on the constantly moving Marvis. On its back was a human like figure but it was hard to call it human with long pointy ears and transparent wings. It was a fairy, hitching a free ride on a werephoenix even though she could fly. It was none other than the laziest fairy in existence, Cheese.    


Marvis finally found a werecreature and was doubly excited to find it was a werewolf. Sebastian avoided the tail that was wagging so hard, it could snap off at any moment. It was a butcher who was concluding his trade with a customer. Marvis jumped in front of him.    


“Hello. I never thought I would actually see werewolves anywhere except from my home. It’s nice to meet you.”    


“You don’t sound like you’re around here, kid. I heard all the werecreatures in the empire disappeared a few years ago. We thought you were all dead.”    


“We just moved to the Forest of Telra. We managed to claim a territory there and we live very peacefully there. I have never met another werewolf outside my territory. My name is Marvis.”    


“I’m Ida. It's nice to meet you too. Werewolves are rare in Polivia but I’m so glad I met you. I have a daughter about your age. If you’re looking for a mate to have pure blood children with, then how about meeting her?”    


“Oh, I…already have a mate.”    


“That’s right. Well, now that I know about the territory, maybe we can think about visiting. I’ve always wanted to have pure blooded children after so many years of living in Polivia without ever finding a community for myself. I’ve got to continue with business but I hope I see you around, kid.”    


“Y-Yes, see you around too.”    


Sebastian noticed Marvis walked back without the excitement he walked in with. He looked over at the butcher and looked at Marvis.    


“It wasn’t like you expected, huh?”    


“No, he was nice. It’s just…he reminded me of my parents.”    


“Isn’t that a great thing? You should feel right at home. I’m sure he’s not the only werewolf here. Why don’t you try to find others?”    


“I think that’s enough looking for one day. Why don’t we go back?”    


“Marvis, I am not going to ignore you looking like someone stole your soul. What’s wrong with you?”    


“He…wanted to introduce me to his daughter so he could have pure-blooded children. My parents also wanted me to marry a werewolf. That’s why I didn’t want to go home again. They argued with me because I passed my first heat with a human. I thought maybe they were the only ones who held those kinds of views but I didn’t know that’s how everyone thought.”    


“Aren’t your parents of different races?”    


“They are and that’s why they wanted me to be different since I’m their first child too. But I would rather die than marry someone that’s not Natalia. However, whenever I try to talk about marriage, she avoids the topic.”    


“I think I understand now. However, saying everyone shares the same views as they do is narrow thinking. There are other werewolves in Polivia and I’m sure you are bound to find one that would share your views. But if you want to go back, I’m all for it. I am starving by the way.”    


“Should we buy a street snack?” Marvis grinned.    


“Sure. There’s bound to be something to satiate our appetite. What about…kebabs? I haven’t had it in ages.”    


When the two were returning to the Everon estate, their path was blocked by the giant green bird. It transformed back to reveal an annoyed Amaika. Marvis frowned right away and tried to run before he was caught in two seconds by Amaika who dragged him back by the scruff of his neck.    


“You thought you could run from me forever?”    


“I’m already a Baron! You can’t keep doing this to me forever.”    


“You could be the Emperor and I would still treat you like this. You have refused to do your spiritual awakening and you have caused nothing but trouble for everyone. You keep going on and on about protecting Natalia but how could you protect her if you didn’t have up to a small fraction of her strength? Now, we could do this the easy way or the hard way.”    


“Can’t you let me have one vacation?!”    


“This isn’t a vacation. We’ll be leaving now. Lord Sebastian, I will be troubling you to inform Lady Natalia about this.”    


“Sure, I can do that. See you later, Marvis.”    


“Not you too! How could you betray me, Bastian?!”    


Sebastian pretended like he couldn’t hear the man, continuing on his journey while the green bird disappeared into the clouds. As he kept walking to the Everon estate, a carriage stopped beside him. Once he saw the seal on it, his heart began to beat faster. There was no way he couldn’t recognize her carriage and the guards that stopped him from moving forward.    


“If I didn’t know better, I would think you were trying to avoid me by leaving the estate, Lord Sebastian. It’s a good thing I arrived late, isn’t it?”    


“Your highness, how could I do such a thing? I was in town with a friend.”    


“And where is that friend of yours?”    


“He…left,” Sebastian replied dejectedly, knowing it sounded like he was lying. There was no way he could say that a giant bird with a fairy came to carry his friend away for a spiritual awakening without sounding like a mad man. It was hard for a man, even in a magical world.    


“Would you like to ride in my carriage to the estate? Surely that’s better than walking. Or would you reject me again?”    


“...of course not, your highness. Thank you for your gracious offer.”    


He entered the carriage and finally saw her face. She smiled at him and he thought his heart had stopped. He didn’t know himself when he fell helplessly in love with her but ever since the day Natalia told him about Princess Temara, she had never left his mind. The day he met her, he had no idea she was more beautiful and elegant than described. He tried to avoid her but the more he avoided her, the more she chased him.    


They finally reached the Everon estate and were ushered into the living room where Natalia and Vera were talking animatedly, consuming tea snacks at an inhuman speed, although it was mostly Vera.    


“You’re finally here, your highness. Ambassador Natalia was telling me about an interesting idea she wants to implement in Polivia first.”    


“Is that so? How wonderful. Now that I’m here, I have all the time in the world to listen to it.”    


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