Gravity Control, in MHA

I injected apple juice in my veins

I injected apple juice in my veins

2Sorry for the lack of chapters these days.      0

I am really focused on my personal life and school since this year would essentially decide my future.     

I sincerely hope to write more, which probably will be possible since my country decided to make high schoolers go to school only in the morning or only in the afternoon.     

To make amend, I wrote a little surprise.     


PS: Hunter_Willett if you read this, I saw your comment.     

PS2: Why are you still reading this?     

PS3: Just go enjoy the chapter.     

PS4: <-- That's a good console don't you think?     

PS5: That's the last btw.     

PS6: Love on y'all.     


The next morning, the city was on fire.     

Not literally.     

The video picturing the infamous Stain, explain the reason for his actions made a good number of people seriously think about the current society.     

The effects following this would not be immediately felt, but in the future, the number of new villains chasing heroes would slightly grow and even some would say following Stain's steps or even having the same goals. Though the majority of them were quickly shut down.     

They are nowhere near his level, so just a few random heroes were enough to catch these stupid newbies.     

In parallel, the moment where Kotei or more known as the student under Ryukyu named Nova defeated him, quite simply at that, became a real source of propaganda. The number of citizens looking up at him as the 'new All Might' was quite huge, even surpassing some of the experienced heroes, much to their dismay.     

However, they could not help but agree with them. Nova was a powerhouse on who everyone could rely.     

These events easily made his popularity rise exponentially and thus, the activity of the more known villains decreased, even though the new villains' wannabe were serving as a smokescreen, hiding their usual activities.     

And a few days after, the internship of 1A and 1B was over. The week passed quickly for the students as they trained to become better at handing heroes... well for some of them...     


"I would like to thank you for taking care of me this week." Kotei said, slightly bowing to his mentor.     

A hand in front of her mouth, she quieted a small giggle from escaping her lips.     

She did not do much at all except accompanying him during these days.     

She couldn't teach him anything that he did not seem to know but even though, he seemed genuinely happy with her.     

Stopping to look at the young man in front of her, she couldn't help but sigh.     

He carried an aura of nobleness and power that any girl could be attracted to. Coupled with his handsome face and unreadable expression... the result was almost godlike.     

Smiling at him, Ryukyu replied.     

"I am happy to have taught you something you deemed worthy... In fact, I should be the one thanking you."     

Seeing him raise one of his eyebrows in confusion, she continued.     

"Thanks to your past accomplishments, there's a lot of new heroes coming and asking to join the agency as a side-kick, in the hope of contacting you."     

"... That's to be expected I guess." He said, not very concerned.     

He knew that she probably would gain a lot of reputation from his actions, so he was not bothered at the least, let alone surprised.     

"It is time for you to go back to school I guess. If you want anything, you have my number anyway, right?" She asked, one final time.     

They were currently in front of her agency. It was the last day, and the sun was already declining from the sky as its last rays showered the city.     

"I do. Thanks again for the experience." Kotei said, turning and walking away the next second.     

Looking at his back disappear in the horizon, she simply sighed at the thoughts she just had.     

'If I was a couple of years younger...maybe...'     

Shaking her head, she turned around and prepared for the night of paperwork the new side-kicks brought.     


An hour later, Kotei was lying down on his bed.     

[R-18, because why not?]     

However, we could see a strange bump under the sheets going up and down, at a rhythmic pace.     

Lightly groaning at the difficulty keeping his seeds inside himself, he removed the sheets to better see his favorite periwinkle-haired girl.     

Her mouth wrapped around his cock, she lifted her eyes toward him, clear happiness in her eyes.     

It has been a long time since they had intercourse since Kotei was mostly occupied at his internship and her with her school stuff.     

"You became even better at this." He said to her, seeing her bottoming his phallus until she had her nose against his pubic hairs.     

Suddenly, he grabbed her head to keep her down and released his cum in her throat.     

Visibly very aroused too, she continuously released muffled moans, showing her clear appreciation.     

Once his first load was over, Kotei simply removed his still hard cock from her warm mouth.     

It was so wet that it looked as if it previously was immersed in water, only a very sticky one since nets of saliva were going from her mouth to it.     

"I missed you... Kotei." Nejire said, a beautiful smile blooming on her face, giving her a leader appearance since saliva was dripping on her exposed boobs.     

"Don't worry... I will compensate you for the wait..." Kotei said, lifting her effortlessly.     

Hugging his lower body with her legs, Nejire began to hungrily plant her lips on his own.     

Kotei's hands moved toward her uncovered ass on which he delivered a few slaps, reddening her cheeks as she let a few moans in his mouth.     

She felt her hand roaming on her body, and she couldn't keep a straight state of mind as she urgently asks him something she craved for a while now.     

"Fuck me. Hard. Until I can't walk straight." She said, looking at him in the eyes.     

"Are you sure? I won't stop until I am satisfied you know?" Kotei replied, a small unhidden smirk on his face.     

He already knew the response.     

"Ye-!" Nejire was about to reply as his cock bottomed her pussy, his glans kissing her womb.     

The wave of pleasure was frightened as she felt her mind go blank for a small moment, but the movement of the cock inside her quickly brought her back, and with each back and forth she couldn't retain her moans as she simply let go of her desires and shouted all her will.     

A few hours later, she was simply a mess. She could not grab his shoulder anymore and Kotei was forced to move the battle to the bed, on which he continued to pound her harder and harder, making the bed creak each time his balls slapped on her round ass.     

She could not even shout anymore, as she was fucked silly, her tongue hanging out of her mouth, a stupid smile on her beautiful face.     

For the umpteenth time, he stopped, his cock barely out of her womb as he cummed inside her.     

This action sent another wave of pleasure through her body as she felt her lower body becoming warmer than it already was.     

Once again, she cummed, forgetting the number of times he brought her to orgasm, just this night.     

Finally, he removed his cock from her inside, and some cum immediately shot out as she cummed again.     

Stepping back to look at his girlfriend, Kotei could not help but smile... and become even more aroused as his dick raised once again.     

At this moment, Nejire was almost unconscious because of the pleasure her pussy received these few hours. She was totally powerless as she felt her body be turned on her belly.     

Lifting her head to see behind her, she saw Kotei positioning his dick at her back entrance.     

As she always prepared her body for whatever Kotei would want to do, she obviously washed that hole before going to bed.     

However, with what she underwent this hour she could not help but shudder at the idea of having his dick there.     

She would surely lose consciousness before feeling him whitening her bowels.     


Ignoring her words, Kotei suddenly pushed inside, his dick disappearing in her perfect ass, as he felt the tightness almost painful.     

Nejire began to gasp at the suddenness of his action, as for the first time in her life, she felt a striking fullness in her asshole.     

The sensation was also quite surprising as she immediately felt that it was far better than what she expected.     

A few minutes later, she was fully accustomed to the sodomy as she had her first orgasm.     

"Don't worry... you won't be able to walk tomorrow." Kotei whispered next to her ear, making her shudder in anticipation.     

It was going to be a very long night...     


The 'next' day, Kotei woke up with a naked beauty on his torso.     

Gently moving aside without waking her, he made his way toward the bathroom in which he made the majority of his human needs.     

Once he was done with the shower and the rest, he walked out and began to wear the usual Yuei's uniform.     

Looking back at the bed, he could see that it was an absolute mess. The major proof of the last night was Nejire soundly sleeping in the bed, both her hole having cum leaking.     

Kotei smirked at her and went to kiss and forehead.     

As if feeling his lips on her, Nejire unconsciously smiled, whispering 'Maybe I will be a mother now Kotei...'.     

She seemed like she is having a good dream at least.     

[End of R-18 I guess.]     


Making his way toward his seat, Kotei looked at the class.     

'They did not really change. Probably became slightly stronger with a few hidden ace, but nothing worthy of a challenge I guess.' Were Kotei's thoughts.     

Seeing the strange hairstyle of Bakugo, Kotei smiled in amusement before returning to his conversation with Momo and Jiro.     

The two of them had an interesting week with Momo being able to train with Mt. Lady.     

Surprisingly, she was pretty serious about this whole internship thing, and thus, Momo was able to learn a lot. The only con was that she promised to make her meet Kotei. Apparently, she was a huge fan of his even though he was not a professional hero yet.     

"Ooh~ man. Kotei's fanbase is growing each day..." Kaminari said and put his head against his desk.     

His words attracted Kotei's attention.     

Eijiro came and patted his shoulder, giving him a thumbs up.     

"Don't worry! Soon you will gain a lot of supporters too!" He encouraged his usual big smile on his face.     

"I don't want supporters! I want hot girls to write letters of my name on their back exactly as Kotei's fangirls do!"     

"They do what?" Kotei asked butting in the conversation.     

"You did not see the video? Man, this is golden! They also took off their bras and..." Kaminari said, approaching the trio composed of Kotei, Jiro, and Momo.     

Kaminari did not have the occasion to end his sentence as he was kicked by Jiro.     

"And you are proud of seeing that?" She added, berating the man grabbing his nuts.     


"Hello everyone! I hope the internship helped you all!" All Might said with his usual loud voice.     

They were currently on site Gamma. It was a rather large site, themed as an industrial one.     

It was really narrow and navigating through it would need a lot of dexterity.     

"Right on the heels of all your workplace experience, this time we'll mix in an element of play!     

It's a rescue-training race!" He announced, as enthusiastic as ever.     

"I will go somewhere and I will send you a distress signal! You all start simultaneously from outside the limits! This is a competition to see who can come to my aid first!"     

A few minutes later, the groups were chosen.     

The starting group was Midoriya, Iida, Ojiro, Sero, and... Kotei.     

They went to the starting line as they waited for All Might to send the signal.     

The rest of the class were observing the race through the different cameras installed on the site.     

"I say Kotei will win." Jiro said, looking at the figure in question.     

He was sat mid-air, his hands crossed at his chest. He did not seem nervous or anything... even actually bored.     

"That's not certain though." Tsuyu said to the side.     

"Yeah, that's right! He may be really strong but here I think that Sero and Ojiro are at the advantage since they can swing easily on the many pipes around." Kirishima added, making some of the class nods in agreement.     

"Eventually, we will see." Momo said, observing the race with interest.     

"Start!" All Might's voice was heard through the speakers near and a red flare was shot in the air, revealing All Might's location.     

Seeing and hearing this, everyone began to move in the same direction.     

Ojiro and Sero swinging from pipe to pipe, and Midoriya surprisingly jumping from wall to wall.     

Kotei simply began to levitate above the whole area before he became engulfed in a fire black fire.     

Then, the star-like student shot far faster than everyone could have imagined, breaking the sound barrier in his way.     

It surely would have injured him... if the damage he suffered were not instantly regenerated by the Amaterasu quirk.     

Quickly arriving at All Might, Kotei flew down at incredible speed before doing a 'superhero landing' and probably breaking a lot of bones which instantly healed, as a certain 'merc with a mouth' would say.     

Once the smoke of dust caused by his landing cleared, even All Might was impressed by his seemingly divine appearance.     

He flabbergastingly looked at the student raise from the ground and float quietly while crossing his hands and legs.     

Almost everyone who saw the scene could not help but be grateful that he was on their side!     

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