The Shinobi of Straw Hats

253. Way to Lodestar

253. Way to Lodestar


Needless to say, the Straw Hat Pirates way to find Laugh Tale isn't easy even though they've found the clues. The news of them collecting information of all 4 Road Poneglyphs has spread. So those who wish to reach Laugh Tale will surely try to get the information from them. 0

It surely isn't the Red Hair Pirates that spread this information. They don't need to do that either because others would find out even without them spreading any news. After all, the Straw Hat Pirates have the lead at finding Laugh Tale, so other crews are always watching their movements.

Furthermore, the only one who can read poneglyph is Robin. So anyone who wants to get the clues can only get it from Straw Hat Pirates. Those people know immediately that the Straw Hat Pirates have collected all the clues when they left Red Hair Pirates' base where the last Road Poneglyph is kept.

Although the Straw Hat Pirates have been acknowledged as one of the strongest pirate crew in the world, it doesn't make the other crews afraid of them, especially those that really want to get One Piece. They will never get One Piece and be the Pirate King if they don't even have such courage, after all.

The Straw Hats' first destination is the last island pointed by Log Pose, Lodestar Island. It is one of the 4 islands mentioned in the Road Poneglyphs, which are Lodestar Island, Wano, Elbaf, and Hachinosu.

By connecting these 4 islands, they can find the last island, Laugh Tale. They have visited the other 3 islands and even made their Eternal Pose. The only one left is Lodestar which hasn't been visited by anyone for years and they can't get its Eternal Pose without visiting it themselves.

But obviously, the way to Lodestar Island isn't easy at all. It is the last island pointed by Log Pose and only a handful of people have ever reached the island. After Roger Pirates, only Whitebeard Pirates managed to reach the island and it was years ago when Whitebeard was still at his prime.

The reason for that is because it's extremely difficult to reach the island. The further it is in New World, the greater the danger as the weather gets even more absurd and dangerous. Numerous powerhouses have perished while trying to reach Lodestar, showing how dangerous it is even without living enemies.

"No wonder Red Hair said we don't need to be worried of people on our way to Lodestar Island. Our enemies aren't people, it's the sea itself, no, the world itself is our enemy."

Jon says that while looking at the gigantic water ball that drops toward them from the sky.


"Why me? Jinbe should be the one doing something because it involves water."

"You can also control water like me."


"Tsk, fine. Jinbe, go up there and do something."

"Huh? What do you mean by going up the-."

Before Jinbe can even finish his sentence, Jon & Zoro grab him and throw him to the falling giant water ball. Sanji helps them using his kick, so Jinbe flies very fast and enters the giant water ball in a second.

"ARGH! I SWEAR I'LL KICK THEIR ASSES WHEN I RETURNED! But now, let's deal with this thing."

Jinbe makes a grabbing motion as he exerts all his power. His aura rises tremendously and then he makes a throwing motion. The giant water ball suddenly jerks before it suddenly changes its falling direction to far behind the ship.

Everyone is relieved that Jinbe managed to move the giant water ball so it didn't crush them. But then they realize that even if that giant water ball didn't fall on them, the impact from its fall on the sea behind them creates massive tsunami waves that spread everywhere.

"Ah, shit."

They are about to escape from the tsunami but some massive whirlpools suddenly appears in front of them.


Luffy pulls Jinbe down after Nami told him and Jinbe acts quickly as the helmsman. He follows Nami's direction and uses the whirlpools' strong current to run from the tsunami waves. They can't use Coup de Burst because they could fall on the center of whirlpools.

It's better to sail on the outer sides of the whirlpools and jump around using them. They will be safe as long as they can find the correct path by choosing the correct whirlpools to ride. So Nami needs to concentrate and gives the correct direction to Jinbe.

Jon is staying on the back of the ship to watch over the tsunami waves. He's ready to do something in case the tsunami waves catch up to them. The tsunami waves are destroying the whirlpools, but luckily their ship is moving faster.

They finally get out of the whirlpool area and leave the tsunami waves far behind. However, they aren't safe yet because the tsunami waves still can reach them. So they keep moving forward at their highest speed.

Jon decides to take action now before the tsunami gets even closer. He forms Kurama's golden chakra head and shoots a massive beast bomb toward the tsunami. It creates a powerful explosion that destroys some of the tsunami waves in the front and the whirlpools around it.

It can't eliminate everything, but it manages to give them more time. The crew finally escapes after moving at their highest speed for a while. They outrun the tsunami waves with a lot of effort.

But their trouble hasn't ended yet as gigantic tornadoes filled with lightning that strike everywhere suddenly appear around them without any signs. The tornadoes move around very fast with unpredictable directions.

Zoro cuts a tornado, but it reforms almost instantly. They throw some powerful bombs into a tornado's eye, but it still can't destroy the tornado. So the only thing they can do is attack the tornadoes that almost hit them and escape before they reform.

Jon is covering the ship with his susanoo to prevent them from getting crushed. But they still need to escape because it will be useless if they get pulled into the tornadoes and get thrown or tossed around. The crew and the ship's inside will suffer damage if that happens even if he covers the ship with his susanoo.

But his susanoo can block the lightning strikes, so at least they can move around the tornadoes without worrying about the lightning. It will also block the sharp rotating wind that can surely destroy the ship, so they can focus on escaping.

They need to move very fast, so Franky uses Coup de Burst with limited power to push them a little at a time instead of making a giant leap. They will surely crash onto the tornadoes if they use Coup de Burst at full power.

It takes a long time for them to finally escape from the tornadoes. But again, it isn't the end of the problem the New World gives them. They now face an exploding sea. Many powerful explosions are happening in the sea for unknown reasons.

"This sea really wants to kill people."

"Sigh, this is not as bad as before at least. I can cover the ship with my susanoo, so the explosions won't destroy the ship. But we need to take care of the stuff inside the ship and all of us need to get ready to be thrashed around by the impacts."

"Then we need to secure everything on the ship before we move forward. Those explosions are appearing randomly, so we can't find a safe path. We'll just move forward even if we get hit. With Jon's protection, the ship won't get destroyed. So we just need to think of the items on the ship."

Without any delay, the crew moves to secure all their items. Jon uses Shadow Clones to help them finish faster. They are tying everything on the ship so the impacts from the explosions won't destroy them when they get thrown around.

After making sure everything is secured, the crew move forward. They are also ready to face the impact. Some of them just hold onto something while some are tying themselves to the ship as they know they aren't strong enough to hold themselves with their power.

They don't get hit by the explosions even after moving quite far. But the moment they think they are very lucky and won't get hit by any explosions until they get out of the dangerous area, they get hit by the biggest explosion.

Their ship gets thrown very high and flip around as they fall back to the sea. The moment they touch the sea, another explosion hits them. This keeps repeating for 3 hours until they get thrown out of the explosion area.

"Ugh, we finally get out of there. I feel like throwing up now."

"I already threw up."

"I-I want to throw up, but I'm just a skeleton, yoho- ugh! I really feel like throwing up."

Everyone is wasted, even their abnormal Captain who usually is fine in strange situations.

"This should be the last, right?"

Right after Usopp said that, gigantic chunks of ice are falling from the sky.

"Fuck! You should shut your mouth next time, you damn God."

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