The Shinobi of Straw Hats

249. Betrayal

249. Betrayal


He has decided to be serious, so Jon finally releases his full power. First, he activates his Kyuubi mode which sheer amount of chakra can make all his remaining enemies tremble. Kurama has gathered chakra to his maximum capacity and now he transfered it all to Jon.


Then Jon activates his rinnegan along with his 9 Truth-Seeking Balls. He finally succeeded to make the Truth-Seeking Balls after a lot of research without the need of Ten-Tails' chakra with Kurama's help. Jon is satisfied although these Truth-Seeking Balls aren't as powerful as the real ones.

Still, they are destructive enough and he can make them anytime as long as he has enough chakra. The more chakra he uses, the more powerful these balls become. So with the amount of chakra given by Kurama, these Balls of energy have become very powerful.

Jon combines the 8 Truth-Seeking Balls into one and use the remaining one to cover himself like a cocoon. He is going to use Obito's strategy to bomb the entire area with the Truth-Seeking Balls. He has saved all the civilians and covered the entire battlefield with powerful barrier, so the explosion will only hit his enemies.

"Well then, Blackbeards, let's see if you guys are tough enough to survive this. I wanted to steal all your devil fruits, but winning this war is more important. Losing some good devil fruits is much better than losing this war. I can take my time to defeat you, but it makes my winning chance uncertain."

Jon has just received a message from one if his White Zetsus outside that the Marines are on their way to Alabasta. They can't let a big Kingdom like this fall in the hands of Blackbeard Pirates, after all. Jon needs to finish this before the Marines come, so he is going all out.

The Blackbeards watch as Jon's body gets covered by a black cocoon completely. Then they see the combined Truth-Seeking Balls starts to crack. They have a bad feeling about this, so they gather around their Captain immediately.

All of them cover their bodies with Armament Haki while Teach uses his Darkness power to wrap them all. His Darkness power has the ability to absorb energy of his opponents' attacks, so it will reduce the impact of Jon's attack. But he still has a feeling that it's not enough.


Pizarro shouts as he sees the combined Truth-Seeking Balls expands. Teach clicks his tongue as he covers his right fist with his Quake Power. He uses his Darkness power to cover him and his crew completely, only leaving his right hand and right eye uncovered.

When the Truth-Seeking bomb explodes, Teach punches the air with his Quake-covered right fist. He creates an impact that sends a powerful shockwave in the air to counter Jon's Truth-Seeking bomb's explosion. After sending the punch, Teach focuses on defense using his Darkness power.

The Quake and explosion impacts clash midair, trying to push each other back. But it doesn't take long for Truth-Seeking Balls' explosion to push the Quake shockwave. The explosion of 1 Truth-Seeking Ball has similar power than Teach's Quake punch, after all. So the combination of 8 Balls surely has much more power than Teach's attack.

The explosion engulfs the whole area inside the Red-Yang Barrier. It's so powerful that the barrier walls expand and the box-like barrier becomes ball-like barrier. The explosion shoot to the sky because the top of the barrier is open.

It creates a tower of fire that pierces through the clouds and pushes them away. The tower of fire can be seen from half of Paradise because it's very clear without the clouds in the sky. Clouds disappear from half of the Paradise at that moment because they got pushed by the tower of fire.

People on nearby Sky Islands even start to think that their islands might get destroyed today. Luckily, their solid clouds can withstand the spreading impact. Although the powerful wind pushed their Sky Islands away from their original positions.

The Marines who are on their way to Alabasta hastens their ships. They know the tower of fire comes from Alabasta and it's not a good sign. If they are late, then Alabasta might get destroyed, and everyone there might die.

Luckily, that doesn't happem because the only ones getting hit by that attack are Blackbeard Pirates. The outside of Jon's barrier is intact without any sign of destruction by the explosion. But the inside of the barrier is destroyed beyond recognition as a massive crater appears there.

A black cocoon is floating in the air and it slowly opens up. Jon comes out of it and then he looks at where the Blackbeard Pirates stood. His eyes widened a little because of surprise and he also grins widely.

"Dayum, you survive."

He sees the Blackbeard Pirates' Captains are still alive. They are alive, but their conditions are very bad. Their bodies are injured very badly. Even Vasco and Lafitte lost one of their arms while half of Pizarro's face is destroyed that his brain is almost visible.

Burgess, and Devon are still intact, but a lot of their skin is ripped or burnt, so blood covers most of their bodies. Teach looks better than all of them, but he still has big wounds in his front side. Jon is very impressed by their tenacity because they could survive that attack which could sink this island.

Teach looks very angry, but his eyes widened when he sees Jon walks slowly toward him. He might be tough and overbearing, but Teach is someone who really doesn't want to die and afraid of death. Right now, he can only see Jon as death that approach him.

He needs to think of a way to get out of this quickly or he'll die. After all, Teach knows that Jon is someone who won't hesitate to kill his enemies even if they're women. He knows Jon won't let him live, especially when he has 2 Devil Fruits that Jon wants to get.

"What are you thinking about so hard, Teach? Are you recalling all your memories because you're about to die? Then why don't you share them with me?"

Jon smirks as Teach fumes in anger. Teach's mind gets clearer because of that though and he knows the only way out of this is to fight and defeat Jon. So he gets ready to fight again and orders his crewmates to fight too.

"That's more like it. I don't like killing enemies who have given up."

A rasengan is formed in his hand while Jon said that. Then he runs toward Teach at other people's normal speed and pushes his rasengan to Teach who responds by sending a Quake punch. Jon's rasengan and Teach's Quake punch clash, creating shockwave that spreads everywhere.


Teach shouts as a signal for his crewmates to attack Jon. They move to Jon's side to attack him while Jon just smirks and ignores them. The Blackbeards finally realize that Burgess isn't moving and the next thing they know, Burgess right hand has pierced Teach's right chest from behind.

Of course, it surprises the Blackbeards who can't believe what they've just seen. They might be an unsolid crew, but they never thought about betraying their Captain. So they are very surprised to see Burgess who has been joining the crew longer than anybody betrays Teach.

"*Cough* Burgess, what are you-?"

"Shh, you shouldn't talk too much, 'Captain'. It will be bad if you run out of breath."

Burgess grins widely as his body starts to transform into Zetsu. The Blackbeard Pirates are shocked while Jon just smirks. None of the Blackbeards realized that the current Burgess is not the real Burgess, but a White Zetsu that transformed into him.

"Si-since when?"

"Since Dressrosa, after Doffy's fall. I've killed your Burgess and turned my White Zetsu into him to infiltrate your crew. How is it, Teach? His acting was very good, wasn't it?"

Jon drops the bomb and shocks the Blackbeards even more. Teach is about to get enraged, but he stops again because a ninjato suddenly stabs his left chest from the front. Jon doesn't miss his chance to pierce Teach's heart while the guy is distracted.

"Oops, are you about to get angry and start your villain speech? My bad, I stabbed you too fast."


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