The Shinobi of Straw Hats

244. Saving Alabasta

244. Saving Alabasta


Vivi's little mockery on Teach surprised everyone there, especially the citizens who are being held as hostages. They never heard their princess said something so bold like that. But it also raised their morale because this means that their Princess isn't afraid of these pirates. 1

The citizens who have lost their hope now become more spirited. They don't know what will happen, but they believe they will be fine after seeing Vivi's confidence. Everyone now become braver even though they are facing scary foes.

Their change of attitude disgusted the Blackbeard Pirates though. These guys are used to instill fear in people's heart and they really enjoy that. But now, these normal people's fear has started to disappear because of a girl's speech.

"I really don't like the looks on their faces. Augur," says Teach with a pissed tone.

"Right away, Admiral," says Augur before pointing his sniper rifle at a kid.

They all are surprised and now their eyes shaken again, which satisfy the Blackbeard Pirates. But those satisfied faces disappear instantly when they hear a familiar voice.

The Blackbeards suddenly hears Jon's voice, "You are still the same pieces of trash, aren't you, Leeches?"

They all look around to find Jon, but they can't see him at all. The ones who can use Observation Haki also try to find him, but they can't detect anyone hiding.

Then suddenly, they hear it again, "You can't find me? Heh, such pathetic masteries of Observation Haki. It seems you are too focused on hunting devil fruits that you forgot to train your haki. I can't believe you can become an Emperor with just this level of power, Teach. Buggy will catch up to you real quick, you know."

The Blackbeard Pirates can finally find the source of that voice. They all are very surprised though because it comes from Vivi. She is talking and Jon's voice comes out of her mouth. It confuses them at first, but then they realize what happens.


Vivi suddenly turns into Jon in front of everyone's eyes. Well, it's actually Jon who transformed into Vivi and come here. In fact, he made clones that transformed into everyone who come here from Alubarna, so the Royals & everyone in the castle are still there.

"Surprise, motherfucker!" says Jon as he dashes in front of Teach.

Jon kicks Teach's stomach and sends him flying far away onto a rock formation. The Blackbeards can't even respond because he moved too fast. Augur remembers the kid he holds and tries to use the kid to threaten Jon.

However, the kid is no longer in his hand because one of Jon's clones has saved him. Then under the Blackbeard Pirates' surprised eyes, some of Jon's clones have held every hostage using vines. They sneaked into the hostage area when Jon kicked Teach and distracted the enemies.

"Everybody say goodbye," says one of Jon's clones.

The hostages are confused though, so the clone sighs and says, "Whatever, let's just leave."


Jon's clones & the hostages suddenly disappear from their spot, surprising every Blackbeard Pirate there. They are looking around again, but even the hostages on other areas have disappeared too. Jon has teleported them out of the town using his clones.

Now, the only ones left in the Port town are Blackbeard Pirates and Jon. Many people have fled, after all, and Jon's ninjas have helped many too before he came. That's why he doesn't need to free too many people.

"It's just you guys and me now. So let's end this once and for all," says Jon while taunting them all.


Jon just looks at him and asks, "What are you on about, Teach?"

Teach smirks and says, "Those people that you've just saved, they've been given a rare disease by Doc Q. Only he can remove that disease, ZEHAHAHA!"

"Is that so? That's a problem then," says Jon before making some hand seals.

Jon clasps his hands and interlocks his fingers, "Mokuton: Tree Bind Flourishing Burial!"

A big tree suddenly grows below Doc Q & his horse, Stronger. It grows very fast and both of them get 'eaten' by the tree. None of Blackbeard Pirates can respond to it because it happens so fast.

After that, Jon creates a wood dome that isolated the trapped Doc Q & Stronger. Then he smirks while looking at the Blackbeard Pirates as he moves through the wood wall. Jon has the same ability as Zetsu now, so he can pass through wood & earth as long as he can hold his breath.

"THAT FUCKER! Augur, take them out of there," says Pizarro.

"I can't, my power is just extending & shortening the distance by warping the space. It can't take them out of there," says Augur.

"Damn, what should we do now?" asks Vasco.

"Don't panic! He won't kill them because he will need him to release the disease. That guy is different from us because he still cares of others. Doc Q won't do what he asks, at least in a short time, so we still have time to break in," says Lafitte.

Shiryu smirks and comes forward, "I will cut it then."

He gets into a stance with his sword raised above him. Then Shiryu slashes it down right in front of the wood dome. A strong slash energy hits the wood dome and cuts through it very easily. It cuts the dome in half, which surprises the Blackbeard Pirates.

"So weak," says Shiryu with a dumbfounded tone.

Shiryu makes some more slashes just to make a hole. He can cut the dome very easily again which makes everyone speechless. Pizarro then tries to punch it and the dome breaks very easily, surprising them even more.

But their silly surprise turns into an anger when they see the inside of the dome. There's no one there, no Jon, no Doc Q, no Stronger, only a tree that get cut in half and broken wood chips. This dome is empty and Jon didn't defend it, that's why it was so weak.

"FUCK! WHERE ARE THEY?" shouts Pizarro.

"Calm down! He must've taken them somewhere to force Doc to release the disease. It will take some time, so we just need to find them in that time," says Teach.

The pirates calm down and they start to search for the 3. But it will be as difficult as searching a needle in a haystack. So Teach decides to make Jon comes out on his own by destroying this Port Town using Gura Gura Fruit.

Teach makes a big quake that destroys many buildings in the town. But even after he destroyed the whole town, Jon doesn't come out. Well, why would he? Jon has anticipated that his battle against Blackbeard Pirates will eventually destroy the town, so he rather use his time to make preparation.

Besides, his clones & ninjas have saved the citizens, so this town is empty. There won't be any civilian victims again even if Teach destroyed this town completely. Teach's mistake is that he chose this town which is at the border, so it doesn't affect the whole Alabasta.

Of course, this result angers the Blackbeard Pirates because they don't get any result. But suddenly, they see a massive hexagonal transparent red barrier is growing with them inside. It traps them all in the destroyed town without any way to escape.

They need to break this barrier if they want to get out. But it will be utterly difficult because this barrier is strong enough to hold 10-Tails' Beast Bomb. What he made is the 6 Red Yang formation, the highest level barrier jutsu, surpassing the 4 Red Yang Formation that the 4 Hokage made.

Jon is able to made this because he has activated his Rinnegan. The 6 points of this barrier are made using the black rod that he can make since then. He doesn't know wether it is as strong as the one that Obito made though because he doesn't have 10-Tails, but it should be strong enough to keep these Blackbeards inside.

Jon is looking at Blackbeard Pirates from afar while smirking, "Then, let's start the party."

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