The Shinobi of Straw Hats

153. New Bounty

153. New Bounty

2Jon tell the Grand Fleet Captains his rules to never kill civilians, children, and sell slaves. They all think about it and agree to the rules. Everyone know that Straw Hats never cause any civilian casualties and even hit a Celestial Dragon for slavery cause, so they understand easily.      2

After they agree to Jon's rule, they take a piece of Luffy's vivre card, then part ways to do their own agenda. The Straw Hats, Law, Kin'emon & Kanjuro go toward Zou with Barto Club. They all marveling at the ridiculous ship design.     

Barto Club's ship is named Going Luffy-senpai. Just like it's name, the head figure is Luffy, complete with his curved rubbery hands. The rear is Chopper's head, the front deck is Merry with sharp sharingan eyes. There's Nami's orange trees that they got from Nojiko's garden. There are some details that were made based from each of Straw Hats too.     

"This ship is more Straw Hat than our own ship."-Jon sweatdropping     

"Yeah, it's weird, this ship is more Luffy-ish than Sunny."-Usopp     

"Hehehe, you think so?"-Bartolomeo blush     

"THAT'S NOT A COMPLIMENT."-Jon & Usopp retort     

Contrast to Jon & Usopp, Franky praise this weird ship. The Barto Club pirates get very happy when their ship being praised by Straw Hat's shipwright. Jon just sigh, a weird crew will have weird fans too, like their case.     

They also have a small glass dome that placed like a trophy. The glass dome contain Luffy's vivre card. The Barto Club members are very happy and Jon even think that they might pray to this vivre card.     

"Hmm? Oi, what are these stains on the floor?"-Jon     

"Oh, they're bubble gums."-Gambia     

"Huh?"-Jon is stunned     

"Wait, why're you putting bubble gums on the floor?"-Usopp     

"Because Grandma said that Bubble gums can help relieving sea sickness."-Gambia seem very proud     

"Even if that's true, don't place your chewed bubble gum on the floor, it's dirty."-Usopp     

"What kind of pirates that have sea sickness and need their grandma's advice. Also, i haven't see any navigator in your crew."-Jon sweatdropping at them     

"Hehehe, we don't have navigator."-Bartolomeo     

"Huh?"-Straw Hats stunned     

"Ah, don't worry, we always ask our Grandma for advice through denden mushi."-Bartolomeo     

The Straw Hats are dumbfounded and stop thinking about these idiots.     

"Come on, you need to find a navigator. Don't keep burdening your grandma, let her enjoy her old age!"-Jon     

""Ye-yes.""-Barto club members     

"If you still can't find any, go to Alabasta, i have some friends there that can be navigator. Or you can even ask Orlombus, he can help you find someone."-Jon     

The Barto Club members seem reluctant to do it. They still think that their grandma's advices are enough. Jon tell them that they will destroy the ship if they don't have a good navigator. When they hear that, they agree immediately, because they don't want their ship destroyed by their mistakes.     

"Oi guys, we have new bounties."-Zoro     


"Well, considering what happened, it will be strange if our bounty didn't raise."-Jon     

"We already have your new bounties, please come inside."-Bartolomeo     

The Barto Club members make a way with red carpet for the Straw Hats. They walk inside and see the bounty posters. The posters are being framed, and there are the Straw Hats hand signatures.     

Jon's hand signature is simply crossed Konoha logo with 3 tomoe like Rinne-sharingan. He never thought of any hand signature, because a pirate have no need for hand signature.     

"These are your new bounties."-Bartolomeo     

'Straw Hat' Monkey D. Luffy: 500 million     

'Demon Eyes' Van D. Jono: 400 million     

'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro: 320 million     

'God' Usopp: 200 million     

'Devil Child' Nico Robin: 130 million     

'Cyborg' Franky: 94 million     

"500 million, YESS!!"-Luffy     

"Heeh, did you have any sake?"-Zoro grin     

"What'd you want to celebrate? It's still lower than mine."-Jon smirk     

Jon & Zoro instantly have a brawl.     

"IT'S JUST A LITTLE MORE, and the photo is General Franky."-Franky     

"GYAAH, IT'S MY REAL PHOTO, but i'm happy, but the photo is ugly."-Usopp     

"DAMN, WHY'RE YOU GETTING A VERY HIGH BOUNTY?"-Franky strangle Usopp     


"Oh no, it's really raised."-Robin     

"Hmm? The others also get their bounty raised."-Jon say while brawling     

'Black Leg' Sanji: 177 million     

'Soul King' Brook: 83 million     

'Cat Burglar' Nami: 66 million     

'Cotton Candy Lover' (Pet) Tony Tony Chopper: 100     

(a.n: I use original bounties for convenience, teehee ;p)     

"Isn't that Brook's live concert poster? AWW."-Franky     

"I'm more concerned about Chopper's reaction with his new bounty later."-Jon     

"Oh, Sanji's picture is not a drawing again."-Luffy     

"The previous one is more funny."-Zoro     

"The others who got involved in this war also get 50 million raise. But there is a strange thing, 'Black Leg' Sanji senpai get a very high raise, and the poster stated that he is wanted only alive."-Bartolomeo     

"It's Sanji, so maybe he have some problem with woman."-Usopp     

"That's possible, hahaha"-Straw Hats     

They continue their journey to Zou, where the other Straw Hats have gone. The Barto Club is a very rowdy group, even more than the Straw Hats. They have more members than Straw Hats, so it's not strange. And they also get more rowdy because their idols are on their ship.     

Jon also keep training on the ship, he always do his training. He even teach some Barto Club members because they want to know how he train. But they can't keep up with his training intensity at all. They also have sea sickness, which make them can't train properly.     

The pirates try to follow Zoro's training, but it's just as hard as Jon's training. Then they try to learn from Franky & Usopp about technology, but they become confused. They just give up to learn anything from Robin before even trying.     

Learning from Luffy? There's nothing they can learn from him. He's just as clueless as them about training or knowledge. At least they're happy to be in the same place with their idols.     

"Oi Luffy, did you want to get stronger faster than before?"-Jon     

"Huh? Sure."-Luffy said nonchalantly     

Jon suddenly put seastone handcuff on Luffy. Luffy get very weak and slump on the floor. The others look at it and ask Jon about it. Jon explain that by sealing Luffy's rubber power, his real physical power can be raised faster.     

"Seastone reduce devil fruit user's power to some degree. So if they train while using it, they'll get higher amount of result. Normal training will not work easily on devil fruit user, so by sealing their devil fruit, they'll get better result. Altough it need higher effort because they become very weak."-Jon     

"How about non devil fruit user?"-Zoro     

"It didn't affect anything, altough i can make a seal thay will weakened us to some degree."-Jon     

"But we always need your help to use it, and can only use it when you're around."-Usopp     

"Excactly. I am still working to attach the seal on a training equipment like clothes. It will work when someone use it and disappear when they don't use it."-Jon     

They all do their business again and leave Luffy that become weakened. Luffy get used to it fast, and start to do anything normally, except playing with his rubber power. Jon already gave Robin a bracelet of seastone since they're in RA, and she can take it off herself.     

Jon & Zoro have a training session together, and it's very different. Jon is more focus on his speed, agility, and techniques. While Zoro train his physical strength, especially upper body.     

Franky & Usopp are having experiment and try to make new inventions. The data that Jon got from RA after researching Pacifista's body is very valuable. Robin though, just minding her business and read books like usual.     

"Oi Jon, let's have a light spar. I'm bored."-Zoro     


Jon & Zoro go to the main deck and clear some space. They use wooden swords for their sparring, to avoid breaking the ship. They coated their wooden swords with armament haki, then they jump to attack each other.     

Their clash suddenly generate a black lightning like effect. Jon widen his eyes, and Luffy also realize what this effect means. This is Conqueror haki clash, so Jon immediately stop the sparring.     

"What's that?"-Zoro     

"That is Conqueror haki clash, and it's only happen when 2 Conqueror users clash. Which means that you have Conqueror haki too. You just didn't realize it, and can't feel or control it yourself, that's why the effect is small."-Jon     


"Are you sure?"-Zoro     

"Yeah, remember the similar effect on Dressrosa? It happen 2 times, when Luffy & i clash with Doflamingo. Now let's stop the sparring and let me teach you how to control your Conqueror haki. It will be dangerous if you use it without knowing how to control it."-Jon     

Jon teach Zoro on how he can feel & control his Conqueror haki. It's the 4th day since they leave Dressrosa, and they don't know when they'll arrive on Zou. They keep training for a few days, and the Barto Club also join the training, more like Jon make them join.     

On the 5th day, Jon get a call from Koza. They've succeed to usurp Joker's force in Alabasta underworld. Now they are the biggest force there with more than 70% power holding.     

They also usurp some forces that try to take Joker's force. The hidden village have the best preparation, so it's easy for them. They're also in home ground and have stronger member because they focus on Alabasta, not like the other forces that have their power spread in many countries.     

"Good, what'd we get from Joker?"-Jon     

"Weapons, drugs, devil fruits, slaves, and many more. What should we do with all those things?"-Koza     

"Take enough items for our shinobis, the rest can be sold. Free the slaves, but offer them to be a shinobi first. Living with slave mark is not an easy thing. I also sent some devil fruits through RA, you will get them in a few days. Give them to people who deserve it, and more importantly, people that we can trust."-Jon     

\Alright, what about drugs?\-Koza     

"Sell them with normal price, but target the rich. Don't sell them to the poor or good young people with bright future. Take Joker's mens as ours, but just let them roam on the surface. Get all information from them, especially about brokers, suppliers or consumens. We will start our business in underworld."-Jon     

\Are you sure? We are one of Alabasta's force, so doing illegal business is not good\-Koza     

"That's why we take Joker's mens, they will be our face in Underworld. We also need to use another name there. It's not unusual for Kingdoms to have illegal business. Furthermore, we need funds for our village, and Alabasta need more money."-Jon     

\Aah, i understand what you mean. Alright, i will prepare everything and it will be done in 1 or 2 weeks. What's the name of our Underworld business?\-Koza     

"Akatsuki."-Jon grin     

"That's a good name."-Koza     

"Of course, it is. I will hold the leader position, because i'm a pirate, so it will be fine. You will still doing the work though, my name is just for safety."-Jon     

\I know, i will assign some people that are less famous from our village to avoid any detection.\-Koza     

"Good, i'll leave it to you guys. Also, i will go by the codename 'PAIN', just like how Doflamingo use Joker."-Jon     

\Alright, i will call you again if there's something.\-Koza     

They close the call and Jon is satisfied with their result. Taking over a big force is not an easy thing, because other forces will do the same when a big force fell. Preparation is a very important part, and with Jon who is a part of Joker's downfall plan, their preparation is very thorough.     

Jon continue his training, and he also teach Zoro to control his Conqueror haki. Their journey is very bad, because the Barto Club didn't know how to navigate. The Straw Hats and Law also can't help because they have their own navigator which is not there. Luckily, their bad journey end in a week when they arrive at Zou.     

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