The Shinobi of Straw Hats

212. Grave Mistake

212. Grave Mistake

0"Those who do not understand true pain can never understand true peace."-Jon     4

Jon remember all the pain from everyone he met on his journey. He remember those who are pained by WG, by pirates like Blackbeards. He remember all of it, and he also remember his pain.     

"Shinra Tensei!"-Jon     

Jon release a very strong Shinra Tensei to the city. The strong push destroy the buildings from the ones nearest to Jon, the castle and move further. The push is very strong, that even the tough Red Line's rocky ground is destroyed.     

The enemies are very surprised by this and try to protect themselves. They use everything they can use like haki or devil fruit power. They don't even care anymore about the valuables they took from the buildings. It's either die or alive, there's no time to save some golds.     

Jon's Shinra Tensei keep pushing everything & destroy everything in the city. It finally reach the Red Yang barrier, but the push is still happening. It caused the destroyed buildings break even further as it can't pass the barrier.     

Jon's Shinra Tensei is a lot stronger than that of Pain's. It's because he is using his own Rinnegan, while Nagato have Madara's. Jon also use Kyuubi & Sage mode, which supply him with a lot of chakra for his jutsu. If Pain use the same amount of chakra & power like Jon, Konoha's destruction will be far bigger.     

However, there is a building that only got pushed & didn't break. Even when other buildings got destroyed to dust, this building only fall & got pushed away. Jon assume that it's made from seastone, and the strongest building like this must be where they keep their treasure.     

Even so, Jon is satisfied when he look at the destruction. This is the No. 1 wish on his list after he have this power, to use Shinra Tensei like Pain. That scene is his favourite moment in Naruto, the most epic. Jon is satisfied now after he can do it himself, as he didn't forget anything, he shouldn't, right?     

"!?... I-i forget a sentence."-Jon have a dark expression & shake     

Jon suddenly realize he forget 1 sentence, and it's an important sentence. He forget 'The World Shall Know Pain' sentence. This really make Jon depressed and he scream in agony. His No.1 wish has failed to be execute perfectly.     

"GODDAMMIT, I WAS TOO EXCITED THAT I FORGET SOME DETAILS."-Jon clutch his hair & shed some tears     

Jon is really pained by this, he intended to give pain to his enemies, but he also get the pain himself.     

'Why're you so depressed of this thing? It's just a sentence.'-Kurama sweatdrop at Jon     

"You just don't know the importance of that sentence. Damn, i messed up my top wish myself, so pathetic."-Jon is weeping     

'Why don't you just do it one more time? At least it will relieve some stress.'-Kurama     

Jon widen his eyes and realize that Kurama is true. He will just do it himself now, he still have a lot of chakra to spare. Well, he can just use Senjutsu and it won't take his own chakra at all.     

Jon then decide to do it better now, and deactivate his Kyuubi Mode. He is still in Sage Mode, then he wear an Akatsuki cloak to make him looks more like Pain. Then he gather more senjutsu chakra to make his jutsu stronger.     

While Jon gather senjutsu chakra, some people come out from the ruins. It's Teach & his 10, uh, 8 Titanic Captains, and also Weevil who protect his mom. They're strong enough to protect themselves from the jutsu. Even though they're injured, but they survived.     

"Damn, he destroyed the whole city in one shot. Even the tough Red Line rock was destroyed too."-Shiryu     

"Boss, that attack killed most of our men. The others are heavily injured and can't fight anymore. I think it's only us that can fight now."-Augur     

"BASTARD!!"-Teach is furious     

While the Blackbeards count their casualties & think of what they should do, someone else also come out from the rubbles. It's Im, and she is protected by a round layer of something transparent. She look around at the destruction and frown, then she look at Jon.     

"Something as big as this, why can't i saw it? He is really an anomaly, a dangerous & unpredictable factor."-Im     

Jon have finished gathering senjutsu chakra, and now he fly again. He will repeat his act, even though there's nothing to be destroyed anymore.     

"Feel Pain, Think of Pain, Accept Pain, Know Pain!"-Jon say while crying     


"Isn't that the same thing that he said before?"-Vasco     

"Those who do not understand true pain can never understand true peace. I will never forget my pain from what happen before."-Jon shed some tears     

'Oi, that's a strange reason.'-Kurama sweatdrop     


Kurama can only sigh at this, he really will never understand Jon.     


"SHIT, HE WILL DO IT AGAIN."-Teach.     

Teach immediately use his quake power and punch the air. He intend to hit Jon with his quake power, but their distance is too far, so it will take sometime. And in that time, Jon release his second attack.     

"Shinra Tensei!"-Jon     

Jon release the second push and use all his senjutsu chakra in this attack. The attack destroy the ground even further & keep going further. Then it made contact with Teach's attack and have a stalemate. Jon frown and he gather more senjutsu to increase his jutsu's power.     

Jon concentrated his jutsu to break the quake. The quake finally got pushed & break after some seconds. Jon use more power in his technique, and he can use almost infinite energy as he take it from the nature, so overpowering Teach is easy.     

The Blackbeards got pushed again and they slam against the barrier. They cover their body with haki, and Teach also use his darkness power to cover them.     

The darkness power can reduce the impact from Jon's jutsu, so it create a good defense. But when they hit the wall, the darkness also got pushed & dispersed, leave them only covered with haki.     

They are flatten on the wall by the push, and only rely on their body & haki. The one who take it the worst is Sanjuan Wolf, because he is too big, and it make the surface area that get in contact with the attack wider.     

The Blackbeard pirates start to get injured by this attack. Even their haki can't defend all the power that released by Jon. They can hear their bones start to crack because of the pressure.     

"Ugh, boss, this guy is ridiculous."-Pizaro     

"I know, just hold in there!"-Teach     

They can't move even a finger, so they can't use any technique to break out. Im is also in similar situation with the Blackbeards. But she protect herself with a ball of invisible energy. She exert all her power to defend Jon's Almighty Push.     

Im can defend quite well, but she need a lot of power. Even so, her defense start to brittle & shrink. She exert more power & her veins on the temples bulged.     

Jon finally stop his jutsu after some seconds. It takes too much chakra, and he think it's enough destruction. The enemies also have been injured quite badly by his jutsu, so it's enough.     

The Blackbeards & Im finally got released & they take lots of deep breath. Jon also take his breaths because he use a lot of his concentration & energy. If he didn't use nature energy, and use his chakra instead, he won't have any chakra left now.     

Jon have a lot of chakra because of his Senju genes. Even Kurama said his chakra amount is as high as 4 tails now. If even he will run out of chakra, normal shinobi will run out of lifeforce to do the same thing.     

"Rinnegan's ability really need a lot of chakra to use. If Nagato wasn't an Uzumaki, he won't be able to use it at all as he isn't the real owner. If Senju & Uzumaki have Rinnegan, or maybe another dojutsu, they will be able to conquer the world."-Jon     

Jon assume that from his experience using Sharingan & Rinnegan. It takes a lot of chakra to use, and it takes the chakra constantly. If Senju & Uzumaki who have high chakra amount have dojutsu, or Uchiha & Hyuuga have higher chakra amount, they will conquer the world easily.     

"Madara should've learn how to raise his chakra capacity and reach Hashirama's level rather than just focusing on his eyes. Well, he get higher chakra than Hashirama after getting the 10 Tails, so i think he have thought it through. Too bad though, he died, sigh."-Jon     

Jon forget about it & look at his enemies. They look dishevelled & didn't seem good at all. But Jon know, they still can fight with their condition. They're Yonkou crew's captains, so their power aren't that low to be defeated like this.     

Jon throw a marked kunai to the treasury & teleport there. He make some wood clones to enter the treasury & raze it. He won't leave these valuables here, and get destroyed. He didn't care about those little things that got destroyed earlier, the real treasures are here. Beside, he can take those things later after he win.     

Jon then look at his enemies, and they all are ready to fight him. Jon then click his finger and all the Red Yang barrier walls disappeared. The enemies are confused by this, and look at Jon.     

"If you want to leave now, i will let you leave. You are not my target, Teach, you are Luffy's target. You were the one who capture Ace, and it led to his death. Beside, my friends need to grow, and all of you are the perfect stepping stones for them. Too bad only have 8 captains remaining now."-Jon     

"Bastard, you really like to talk big."-Teach     

"Boss, what now? Do you want to take him?"-Shiryu     

"Boss, i would like to fight him, but let's retreat for now. It's not wise to fight him now, we need more preparations. The war might finish anytime, and if those people come up here, we won't be able to leave."-Lafitte     

"....Tsk, you're right, let's go!"-Teach     

The Blackbeards decide to retreat with their remaining members. They came with thousands of mens, but now only tens of them can return alive. They still have the number advantage, however Teach know it's not a wise move to stay here & fight Jon.     

"Boss, are we really retreating? He is alone."-Vasco     

"He's right boss, that guy must've been tired after using that big technique 2 times, he must be bluffing. If he has any power left to defeat us by himself, he won't let us leave."-Devon     

"Idiot, look at that woman! She didn't even have a scratch from that attack and only get tired. She is our enemy too, so we will need to fight her. With us outnumbering them, they might decide to team up to defeat us first before going for each other's throat."-Teach point at Im     

The Blackbeards look at Im and realize that she is in better condition than them. Now all of them know that Teach is right, their chance is really low, so they shouldn't risk anything now. After a brief consideration, they leave with their remaining members.     

Jon let them leave and focus on Im. He can fight them by himself now, and he's sure he can pull it off, altough it will be hard. But he said the truth before, his targets aren't them, it's the World Goverment, and what's left of them is Im.     

"Too bad the Celestial Dragons have ran away to the sea below. But it doesn't matter, they won't be able to run forever. As long as i defeat you, they won't be able to do anything."-Jon     

"You are not Joy Boy's promised person, but you are still his descendant. You of the D's are really troublesome. Truly, the enemy of Gods."-Im     

"Enemy of Gods? Wtf are you saying? I am friendly with a certain God and his wife. If it's about your God complex, then better not bring it here! It make you look stupid."-Jon smirk     

"Truly a fool. If you're not the one that Joy Boy meant, then you should know that fate is not on your side, and i'll show you that."-Im fly up and surrounded by blue aura     

"Fate? I am my own fate."-Jon activate his Kyuubi mode and both of them dash toward each other.     

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