The Shinobi of Straw Hats

209. Old Fogeys

209. Old Fogeys

3Sorry for not updating in these few days. I've been very busy and can't write anything. I hope i can write daily again like usual, the end is near, i can see it.     


Jon has defeated all CP-0 agents that try to stop him. Now he get inside Pangaea Castle for the main event. He walk in the corridor and no one is stopping him. It's because the castle has been emptied and there's only a few people in the center of this castle.     

Jon walk there and finally arrive in the center, which is the Throne Room. He get inside and see a few people there. The 5 Elders, Chief Officer Kong, an unknown old man & an unknown old woman. Then Jon look at the Throne, who have a woman sitting on it.     

"An 'Empty' Throne, is it? That didn't seem empty to me."-Jon     

"Demon Eyes, Van D. Jon, another 'D'. Your people really like to create trouble for ages."- Big Mustache Elder     

"You, your captain & your crew are creating too much trouble these years. It seem we need to erase you from history too."- Long Beard Elder     

"You old mans want to do that? Are you sure your back won't hurt?"-Jon     

"Don't be full of yourself, Demon Eyes! There are reasons why World Goverment never fall for 800 years."-Blonde Elder     

"Many people have tried, but no one succeed, and that will never change."-Hat Elder     

"Why don't we test it now?"-Jon     

Jon take a kunai and throw it to the woman on the throne.     

"IM-SAMA!!"-Sword Elder     

The unknown old man suddenly jump fast and catch the kunai. The 5 Elders also seem to be very angry at Jon.     


"Why can't i? We are enemies, not friends."-Jon smirk     

"YOU-"-Big Mustache Elder     


Im suddenly tell her subordinates to stop, so they stop. Then Im look at Jon with her haughty look. Her eyes are looking down on him, no, she look down on the entire world. Like she is the one who stand on top of this world, and rule it.     

"You, i don't see you in any future possibilities that i found. Just who are you?"-Im     

"Possibilities? Are you like, uuh, a fortune teller? Can you see my love life with my girlfriend? My Zodiac is Taurus, by the way."-Jon     

"Answer me!"-Im sound irritated     

"Why should i?"-Jon smirk     

Jon didn't answer Im's question, and it's not only because he didn't want to, but he really didn't know. How could he know why someone didn't see him in the future possibilities that she found using her own power? But if he need to guess, it might be because he is not from this world, he is an anomaly.     

"Then, it doesn't matter again, kill him!"-Im     

""YES!""-5 Elders     

"Kong, Zillan (old man), Pothra (old woman), get him!"-Sword Elder     

"Are you sure you want to fight him here? This castle won't be able to hold it."-Kong     

"Don't worry, there will be no battle in my castle."-Im     

Suddenly, Jon & the other 3 disappear from the Throne room. They appear outside of the city, on the barren reddish land of Red Line. It is rather far from the city, but they still can see the city from here.     

"A spatial mamipulation power, who is it?"-Jon say while looking at the Pangaea Castle     

"Did you think you have time to think about it?"-Zillan     

Zillan, the unknown old man suddenly appear beside Jon & send a haki punch at Jon's jaw. Jon just take it by covering his jaw with Armament haki. The punch just push his head to the side & he just move one leg to hold his ground.     

"I thought it will be such a hard punch from someone that protect the boss, but it's really disappointing."-Jon     

"Hmph, that's just a greeting punch."-Zillan     

"Is that so? Then, nice to meet you."-Jon     


Jon say that while sending a punch to Zillan's stomach. It is covered with Armament, Conqueror projection, and also fire chakra.     


Zillan's body curved because of the punch, and he got fling away. Kong catch Zillan and stop him from flying further. There's a blood trail from Zillan's mouth, then he wipe it with his thumb.     

"That's my greeting punch, anyone want to try it?"-Jon look at Kong and Pothra, the old woman     

"Haki projection?!"-Pothra     

"No, that's more than just normal haki projection. He use Conqueror coating too."-Zillan     

"Damn, this skill didn't really sound so exclusive now."-Jon     

"Enough of this nonsense! Let's do this, we need to defeat him! He's not an easy opponent."-Kong     

""Okay.""-Zillan, Pothra     

Kong suddenly turn into a giant Gorilla with 2 giant tusk. Zillan turn into a giant red lizzard with fire on all over his body. While Pothra..... didn't transform. She just take her whip and hit the ground with it.     

"Huh? A King Kong & Godzilla? Uh, nonono, i think it's a Behemoth & Fire Salamander."-Jon     

Kong jump and send a big punch at Jon, so he jump to dodge. But then, a fire breath have been shot to where he jump. Jon use geppo to get away, but the enemies have predicted this too, as a lightning cladded whip is moving at Jon's direction and catch him.     

"Wow, you guys must've train a lot for this."-Jon     

"Instead of worrying about that, worry about yourself!"-Pothra     

Pothra increase the output of her lightning whip to electrocute Jon, but it won't work. Jon suddenly replace himseld with a log and appear somewhere.     

"I haven't use that jutsu for such a long time. Always nice to use old trick isn't it?"-Jon     

"Quit talking nonsense!"-Kong     

Kong send a punch at Jon and Jon dodge again.     

"Rather than fighting in a boring place like this, how about we fight in a more interesting place?"-Jon make some hand seals     

"What do you mean?"-Zillan     

"Guess! Leaf Secret Technique: Shadow Bind Jutsu!"-Jon     

Jon's shadow move fast and split into 3 parts. Then it bind the 3 enemies and Jon smirk.     

"Thunder God Flash!"-Jon     

Jon teleport them back to Mary Geoise, in the center of city. This way, they will break buildings as they fight, and it will be more interesting.     

"Mary Geoise?"-Zillan     

"So he have a space manipulation ability too. He have too many abilities, we need to be careful."-Kong     

The 3 enemies are hesitating to attack Jon, because they will create big destruction if they attack. But then, the hear Big Mustache Elder's voice coming from the speakers all over the city.     

"Don't worry about the city, just defeat him! We've evacuated all Celestial Dragons to the bunker."-Blonde Elder     

""Understood.""-Kong, Zillan, & Pothra     

"Bunker, is it? Need to find the location first."-Jon     

Jon send his Zetsus to find the bunker's location. Then the 3 attack Jon again, and Jon also get ready. He activate his Kyuubi & sage mode at the same time and draw his swords. Jon use haki projection, then dash at his enemies.     

Kong punch him, so Jon counter with his sword and cut Kong's skin. Zillan send a firey tail attack and slam it to Jon. Jon intend to cut the tail, but Pothra catch his hands with her whip, so Jon got hit by the tail.     

Jon is still fine because he cover his body with armament. Kong jump at him again with 2 hands slam from above. Jon flicker away and send a flying slash attack at Kong, but Kong block it with his tusks.     

Pothra attack with her whip again, but Jon catch it and pull the whip. Stupidly, she didn't let go and got herself pulled and slammed to the ground because of Jon's pull. But then, Jon got hit from behind by a firey tail attack.     

Jon get fling toward Kong that have prepared his fist. Then Kong punch Jon to the ground as hard as he could. Kong didn't stop and send multiple punch to Jon.     

"You got him?"-Zillan     

"I think so."-Kong stop his punch     

"But i don't think so."-Jon     

Jon is on the ground where Kong punch him, but he is inside his golden ribs skeletal susanoo. It is covered with haki and it have some cracks but didn't break.     

"What power, it cracked my susanoo even with haki covering it. But well, it's just skeletal susanoo."-Jon     

"What a tough & annoying guy."-Zillan     

Pothra send a whip attack at Jon, and he jump to the side while making some hand seals.     

"Mokuton: Deep Forest Emergence!"-Jon     

Jon create some giant trees and catch the 2 giant enemies. Pothra can move agilely with her small size & avoid getting caught. Jon bind them with the trees that grow very fast. Jon tighten the trees' grip & intend to crush them, but then they release themselves by turning small.     

Those 2 turn into their hybrid form. Kong seem like a gorilla-man with long tusks, and Zillan looks like a fire Lizardman. They gather with Pothra and prepare themselves to fight.     

"Kong, this guy is strong & tricky."-Zillan     

"I know, he has too many tricks up his sleeve."-Kong     

"What should we do?"-Pothra     

"If this is 20 years ago, we won't have any difficulties like this. We are too old for this kind of thing now. Even Sengoku & Garp who are younger than us won't have the same power like when they're in their prime."-Zillan     

"There's no use to talk about that. What we can do now is only go all out."-Kong     

The three old people get ready and prepared to give their all in this battle. Pothra that didn't show any transformation also suddenly have a pair of white wings on her back, and she suddenly have metal armor on her.     

"Valkyrie? A Valkyrie is using a whip, not a sword & shield?"-Jon     

"Weapon choice is personal, kiddo."-Pothra     

"Hmm, whatever."-Jon     

Jon lower his body a little and open his fingers to make it like claws. Then his nails and his fangs grow like when he is in normal Jinchuriki mode. Jon crouch on 4 like a fox and 9 tails appear from his back.     

"Demon Fox Style, First Form: Fox Hunter!"-Jon     

Jon dash to his enemies at very high speed and send a claw attack to Kong. Kong is surprised by Jon's speed and can only defend with Armament. However, that's not enough as Jon's claw make a deep scratch on Kong's body.     

Jon haven't finished, and before the other 2 can react, Jon use his tails to hit both of them. They fling and crash to the buildings until the Castle fortress. Jon's attacks are too fast for them to respond.     

However, they're Zoan user, so their durability is very high. Kong who is still near Jon immediately send a punch when his friends are flying. It hit Jon and fling him back, but Jon scratch the ground to stop his movement.     

When Jon just have stopped his movement, a lightning whip catch him and pull him. Jon get pulled and 2 punches hit him in the stomach. Zillan & Kong punch him at the same time, make Jon cough some blood. Zoan's power is always high, even more so for mythical zoan.     

Kong & Zillan start to attack again, and Jon also send his attacks. They fight in a very close range, 2 vs 1. They use their hands & legs to attack & defend.     

Jon can keep up even if he fight 2 people at once. His current sharingan & Observation haki have become more powerful, make him able to see their attacks. Jon also see someone is observing from the side, waiting for any oportunity to attack.     

Jon see an opening and grab their heads from the side and crash them to each other. Then he use knee kicks on their face at the same time. Jon see a whip coming at him, so he jump up to avoid it.     

"Demon Fox Style, Second Form: Fox Assassin!"-Jon     

Jon form his hands to looks like swords or spears. Then he use sharp wind chakra on both of his spear hands. The 3 old fogeys rush at Jon with Kong from the front, and the other 2 from the sides.     

Pothra fly to Jon and send her lightning whip to Jon. Jon wait the whip and then slash his hands at it. The sharp wind is the best counter for the lightning, and it cut the whip easily.     

Jon didn't have time to celebrate, as Zillan have arrived and attack with a big fire breath. Jon ignore the fire and thrust his hand at it. The wind spear cut the fire and hit Zillan's head who cover it with Armament in nick time, but it still give big injury.     

Kong arrived at that time and send a punch at Jon, but Jon just move a little to the side and swing his hand diagonally, slashing Kong's torso and make a deeo wound. Then he thrust the other hand at Pothra who have just arrived, in the shoulder and pierce it.     

3 Adamantine Chains come out from Jon's back and they bind the 3 old fogeys. Jon wipe some blood traces from his mouth and pant a little. It's hard to fight these 3 after fighting Ryokugyu and those CP-0 agents, but he still win.     

'If i don't have my regeneration power & Kurama's chakra, who knows what the result will be. I still have a long way to go, because i'm still too reliant on these things.'-Jon     

Just when Jon ponder about it, the 3 old fogeys suddenly disappeared from the bind of his chains.     

"The space ability user again."-Jon     

Suddenly, the 5 mans appear in front of Jon, and for some reasons, they look familiar to him.     

"Wait! That clothes, that sword, that scar, that birthmark,.... No way, you guys are the 5 Elders?"-Jon widen his eyes     

Jon is surprised to see these 5 old mans suddenly turn younger. This ability seem like Jewelrey Bonney's ability, and Jon know it from his investigation in his 2 years of training in RA. But why would she help them?     

"You sure deducted it this fast, the Brain of Straw Hats."-Blonde Elder     

"Wait a minute! You can turn younger, but you didn't use it earlier. It means that this ability must have limit, maybe it's not permanent, or it will take your lifespan, or it need a lot of energy to use."-Jon     

"You can deduct anything you want to, but that won't help you even if you're right. Because this will finish before that limit come."-Sword Elder     

"Tsk, don't be too cocky old mans!"-Jon     

"Why don't you surrender now before it's too late? Because it's not just the 5 of us."-Long Beard Elder     

Suddenly Kong, Zillan & Pothra appear too, in their younger version of course. Then the CP-0 chief & 6 of his strongest mens also appear. They even have their injuries healed already. Jon didn't kill them, so someone must've healed them and sent them here. There is only only one thing in Jon's mind.     

"Oh fuck!"-Jon     

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