The Shinobi of Straw Hats

194. Rest

194. Rest

2Jon arrived on Polar Tank and get inside the submarine. Law, his crew & the exhausted Chopper have waited for him. Chopper is laying on the floor with tired expresssion, or so it seem.     4

"You look tired Chopper, did you help them?"-Jon     

"*pant pant* I-i tried to."-Chopper is panting     

"What happen?"-Jon look at Law     

"Don't worry, he is just tired, mentally. Surgery is not for every doctor, everyone have their own speciality, and it seem Raccoon-ya is not suitable for surgery."-Law     

"*pant* Yeah, i'm fine with curing wounds & disease."-Chopper     

It seem Chopper can't handle surgery procedure, or maybe it's Law's method that he can't handle. Well, all doctor have their own speciality, so it's fine. Just like Jon that specialized in self-healing, that means he's not a doctor.     

Jon approach Cobra that is still unconscious and scan him with his sharingan. The heart is functioning well, and it just need time to really connected with his body. But with Jon here, they can speed up the process.     

Jon put his hands on Cobra's chest and use his medical ninjutsu. He heal the parts that being tied with strings so it will connect. After sometime, the heart finally connect to Cobra's body without string's help.     

"If your medical knowledge is high, can you heal his heart immediately?"-Law     

"Maybe. There's a possibility, but i never do that, so i don't know. For this case, i might be able to heal him if i immediately do the procedure."-Jon     

"Hmm, makes sense, just a few minutes and he will die because his heart is destroyed."-Law     

"Also, the point of my jutsu is to hasten cells regeneration process. That's why it can't heal disease, and only wounds. That's also why my healing jutsu have a great weakness."-Jon     

"If the cells regenerate at fast speed, it will also shorten their lifespan."-Chopper     

"That's right, unless someone have very high natural regeneration power like me, they will have their age being cut off. It's not always years, maybe only some days, but if it stack, it can be a few years."-Jon     

"Hmm, how high is your natural regeneration power so you can ignore the side effect?"-Law     

Jon draw his sword and make a small cut on his palm. Then some seconds later, his small cut wound healed. He's not at Hashirama's level yet, but he keep trying to reach it. He can't regenerate a lost organ like Deadpool, but he can connect it again as long as the cut is clean.     

After they finish talking and healing Cobra, they go to Sunny. Vivi must be very worried, so Jon will let her see that her father is fine. Even though she tried to look fine, but Jon know that she is very worried & stressed out.     

Cobra is still unconscious, but he is fine already. He just need time to wake up, and it will not be long, maybe some hours. He still need to adapt with the new heart, even after Jon connect it fully.     

After Jon, Chopper, Law & Law's crew arrive on Sunny, Vivi & the Straw Hats come out. Vivi see her father on the bed and he looks better now. She cry in happiness and her worry seem to disappear, then she faint, so Jon catch her.     

"She must be very tired, physically & mentally."-Nami     

"Yeah, she haven't sleep well for some days. Her stress make her unable to sleep."-Jon     

"I think you need to bring him to the Queen now. She must be very stressed too like Vivi."-Jane     

"You're right."-Jon     

Jon carry Vivi on his back, then he teleport with her & Cobra to Alabasta ship. They go to the deck, surprising everyone that worked there. Koza approach them and see that the King looks better and got relieved, then he look at Vivi that sleeping on Jon's back.     

"Just bring her to her room, i will take care of this!"-Koza     

"Thanks, tell the Queen that he will wake up in some hours."-Jon     


Just when Jon want to leave, Koza call him.     

"Boss! You have my- our gratitude. Thanks for saving us & the King."-Koza     


Koza & everyone on the deck bow to Jon and thank Jon.     

"Don't mind it! And thank the Heart Pirates & Chopper! They're the ones who did the surgery."-Jon say while walk away     

While walking to Vivi's room, he meet with the Queen & the Crown Prince. They are running to the deck after being told that Cobra's surgery have finished.     

The Queen looks haggard, and she cry. She seem to not be able to sleep well like Vivi. Sinbad look better though, as he is trained by Jon to be able to not sleep for some days.     

The Queen hug Jon while crying and say her gratitude. Jon tell her the same thing that he say outside, with different tone of course. Then the Queen run off to the deck, but Sinbad is still there.     

"You did great, future King. Everything is fine now, you can be a kid again, and stop being a strong King."-Jon rub Sinbad's hair     

Jon's words break down Sinbad's strong appearance. He look down and start to cry while Jon rub his hair. In the end, he is just a 12 y.o that never got in this situation and not ready for it. But he know what to do, and try to do that, and that stressed him too.     

"Go see your father with your mom! She need you."-Jon     

Sinbad look at the sleeping Vivi, and understand what Jon mean. The Queen might passed out too, so Sinbad immediately run off to the deck     

Jon smile and continue his way to Vivi's room. He put Vivi on her bed and cover her with blanket. He kiss her forehead and leave her to sleep. He also tell Zetsu #9 to stay with Vivi & guard the room.     

"Sleep tight, my Princess."-Jon close the door     

Jon get out and meet Koza & the ministers on the deck. He want to discuss something with them right now. They go to the meeting room and start their discussion.     

"What do you want to discuss about? *cough* Ma~"-Igaram     

"Is this everyone?"-Jon     

Jon look at the high ranked figures on the ship and they all nod. Jon nod too and take out some pink balls. He throw the balls to the floor and they start to create smoke. It make everyone panic and try to get out, but Jon have sealed the room without their knowledge.     

Jon himself has teleported outside & wait with the ninja squad members. He wait for sometime before dispell the seal and open the door. The people inside are sleeping on the floor, Jon just throw some of Usopp's sleeping gas balls.     

"Take them to the beds, they need to rest, and after them, you guys need to rest too."-Jon     

"You even use it on Koza, why don't you just tell them to sleep?"-Erik     

"They won't be able to sleep now, they're still too tense after all these days. Koza also won't listen, so i do it to him too. I can help you guys with some sleeping pills too if you want."-Jon     

"No thanks, i want to sleep normally."-Okame     

"Well, these guys are different, they have too many things to think, while we just need to follow orders."-Kebi     

The ninja squad bring the sleeping people to the ship's bedroom. Then they also take a sleep, everyone on the ship take a sleep, without exception. They don't need to worry about guarding anything with the Straw Hats & Samurais around.     

It start to get dark, and Jon go back to Sunny. They continue their discussion while having a dinner. Jon already have a plan, and he tell them about it.     

"So the plan is, *wesh ewesh ewesh* (secret). What do you think?"-Jon     

"Hmm, i think that's good, but you'll need to work really hard for that."-Robin     

"Don't worry about it! I won't use a plan that i can't handle, and i'm confident this will work."-Jon     

"Well, our winning chance will raise a lot if we use your plan, and if you think it's doable, then i'm agree with your plan."-Jinbe     

The others think about it and agree, so they look at Luffy. Luffy didn't really understand, but he trust Jon's plan, as he always been. They always use Jon's plan, altough it often went the wrong ways because of Luffy or the other idiots, but it always work.     

After they decide the plan, they go to sleep, but Jon didn't. He call RA, and just like he thought, they are trying to find the truth about Sabo & Alabasta. They all are worried, especially Koala, so Jon explain everything to them and make them relieved a little.     

"Where are you guys stay right now?"-Jon     

"Kamabakka Kingdom, we don't want to risk anything by staying on Baltigo with Sabo's capture."-Koala     

"Alright, i'll go there in some days using Dragon's vivre card. I have a plan, and i'll tell you about it."-Jon     

"Alright..... About Alabasata, i'm sorry."-Koala     

"Why'd you need to say sorry? It's not your fault, it's them, and i won't forgive them."-Jon     

They finish their conversation and Jon go to sleep. He also need some rest after some tiring days. That night, everyone is relaxed, as the current problems has been solved. Tomorrow, they will think of the future problems.     

The next day, Kozuki Family decide to do the execution at noon. They know that some problems arise for the Straw Hats, so they'll finish their business soon. They want to repay the Straw Hats, so they'll also join in the war.     

The executions are held in the plaza where Yasu was almost executed. It's also where Oden was executed in the past. So it is the best place to have their revenge.     

Before the execution, Jon go to meet Kaido in his cell. Kaido is still being tied with seastone chains & encased in wood that Jon made after their battle. All Kaido's wounds have almost closed completely, and Jon didn't surprised by that.     

"What do you want, brat?"-Kaido     

"Nothing, i just want to see the 'Strongest Creature' Kaido for the last time."-Jon     

"Strongest? Do you want to mock me by saying this after defeating me?"-Kaido     

"Oh, i'm surprised that you accept your defeat."-Jon     

"I am not such a loser that won't accept defeat. If you only want to say that, then leave!"-Kaido     

"Hey Kaido, even after your death, do you still want to fight?"-Jon     

"What is this joke about?"-Kaido     

"I'm not joking, this is a proposal for you. You will certainly die this noon, but i can give you a chance to be alive one more time for a short time and fight."-Jon     

"I refuse. If you can do that, you must be able to control me, and i don't want to be controlled by anyone."-Kaido     

"Is that so? Too bad then."-Jon leave the prison     

Jon just asked Kaido if he want to be an Edo Tensei for a short time. With Kaido's help, it will be easier to win the war, but as he thought, Kaido won't accept it. Jon just want to try his luck, but it seem he's not lucky.     

'Why don't you just do it without asking him?'-Kurama     

"I'm not a scum who like to control people for my benefit. If he accept, then it's good, but if he don't want to, then it's fine. I don't really need his help, but with him, it will be easier."-Jon     

'You can say that you won't control him.'-Kurama     

"He won't believe me, so it's useless. Beside, i don't really want to use Edo Tensei, it's just a back up plan. I don't like the thought of using people to resurrect the dead ones."-Jon     

'But you'll still do it in emergency right?'-Kurama     

"Yeah, i hate sacrificing people, but i hate letting my friends die more than that. I can use the enemies for sacrifice after all."-Jon     

Jon didn't like to be cruel, but this is a cruel world, so he will need to be cruel sometime. He will be the real demon if it's needed to protect his loved ones.     

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