The Shinobi of Straw Hats

193. Options

193. Options

1The business with Big Mom pirates have finished. Now the Straw Hats go to port Habu using Jon's Thunder God jutsu. On port Habu, there's Alabasta's ship full with their crew. Some people from Wano also came to help Alabasta's crew after Momo order them.     4

The Straw Hats immediately go to see Jane with Vivi. Jon himself go to pick Law & Chopper that already get a heart for Cobra. They will start the operation immediately with Law's crew.     

They will do the surgery in Heart Pirate's submarine, Polar Tank that have suitable tools for surgery. Jon teleport Cobra to the submarine, and the Heart Pirates immediately do the procedure.     

"You need another thing?"-Jon     

"Can you seal the area around this ship with barrier? I don't want any disturbance during the surgery."-Law     

"Easy matter."-Jon     

Chopper also tell Jon that he want to stay here and learn surgery. He didn't want to just stay still when someone is injured. Jon agree and go out to create a barrier around the ship. The barrier will close the space around the ship, so nothing can come in or out.     

Jon leave a clone on the ship, because the barrier will prevent denden mushi ot smail signal too. The clone will contact him, and also maintain the barrier.     

Jon go back to Port Habu and let the surgeons do their thing. He go to Alabasta's ship and find his friends are surrounding Jane. They are inspecting her and compare her face with Jon.     

"Hmm, they looks same, but not same."-Luffy tilt his head     

"That's called similar."-Usopp     

"They're twins after all."-Brook     

"Jane-chwan, do you have a boyfriend?"-Sanji is twirling     

"Stop it! You looks like fawning over Jon, it's strange."-Zoro     

Zoro's words make Sanji imagine it and he got freaked out.     

"You guys are confusing her. Hey Jane, do you have a hobby or something that you like?"-Nami     

"Hmm, i don't know if it's a hobby, but i like calculation."-Jane     

"I don't think that's a hobby, that's a preference subject. For example, i like Archeology, but my hobby is drawing."-Robin     

"My hobby is to make SUPERRR MACHINES. Do you want to be a cyborg too?"-Franky     

"No thanks, i like being a human."-Jane     

"H-he's still a human you know."-Vivi     

"No, i don't think he is."-Jon     

"Oh, Jon you've come back. Uhm, why is he not a human?"-Vivi     

"Isn't it obvious, Vivi?"-Lufft     

"This is why girls are-..Sigh."-Usopp     

"Listen, he is not a human, he is a-"-Jon     

""ROBOT!!""-Jon, Luffy, & Usopp said wuth glittering eyes     

"THAT'S RIGHT, AWWW!"-Franky make his pose     

"And a pervert."-Usopp     

The girls are sweatdropping at the 4 childish guys. They decide to take Jane away and have some girls talk. They want to ask Jane about her 'life', and how she search for Jon, her only family.     

Jon know this will happen and have asked Jane to creat a fake story about her life. With Jane's system power, she can have access to many literature that Jon saved and create a believable story easily.     

Jon let the girls have their talk, while he want to talk with the boys. He have important matter to talk with them now. Jon gather them and he have a serious face, so everyone know it's important.     

"You guys must've predict this after hearing what happen after Levely. A big war will certainly happen in the near future."-Jon     

"The Revolutionary and Marine right?"-Usopp     

"It's the whole World Goverment to be precise. And it's not just them, there will be more groups involved, so let me update some news to you before we continue."-Jon     

Jon throw some papers on the floor, it's ex-Shichibukai's bounty posters. He also show a news about Shichibukai system abolishment, and it surprise everyone. Now the Shichibukais are just normal pirates again.     

"It's not just Shichibukai's abolishment that create a commotion. It haven't spread yet, but the news about our winning will spread soon. It will certainly create a bigger sensation than any news so far."-Jon     

"Well, we defeat 2 Emperors together, so of course it will be a big news. But what's the correlation of these news with the war?"-Franky     

"Because we will join the war, as Sabo, Luffy's brother is detained now, so our crew will certainly join in the fray. Then the ex-Shichibukais might also join the war."-Jon     

"They want to have some revenge?"-Sanji     

"No, i don't think they'll join. Those guys won't risk their lives just because of revenge and without any profit in doing that."-Jinbe     

"It might not because of that, because different from Summit War, this war will decide the direction that this world will move to."-Jon     

Jon explain to them that the winner of this war will be the new ruler of this world. It might not matter for them as pirates, but it will affect their friends & relatives out there. That's why they need to win, and they need a plan.     

"My advice is for us to move together with Revolutionary Army. Marine & World Goverment are big, and have a lot more people. I also think that we need to call our friends who declare themselves as Straw Hat Grand Fleet."-Jon     

"You want to cover our number disadvantage?"-Jinbe     

"Yeah, number is power too."-Jon     

"Why don't we go and free Sabo before the execution start, that will finish this easily, right?"-Luffy     

"Did you think after what we've done in the past in Impel Down, they won't tighten their guards?"-Jon     

"Hmm, you're right, it will be very hard."-Luffy     

"Actually i can just slip inside with my current skill & power, to save Sabo, and i plan to do that."-Jon     


"But i will still wage war with the World Goverment. I won't forgive them for what they've done to Vivi & Alabasta group. They will not stop doing it until they eliminate their target."-Jon     

The others realize that Jon is dead set to fight with World Goverment.     

"If you don't want to have a war with them, i will help you to free Sabo and everything will end. But then, we will part ways, and i will destroy them, alone."-Jon     

""!?""-Straw Hats     

"OY JON, YOU-"-Usopp     

"If you don't want to fight the World Goverment, then i will quit from the crew."-Jon     


"I didn't do this to threaten you or telling you to fight with them. If you don't want to, then it's fine, because i've decided that i will go. You guys can protect yourself from any danger now, but do you think those guys can protect themselves from World Goverment?"-Jon point at Alabasta people, and everyone understand this     

"Let me tell you that i just give you some choices, not assuming that you won't help. I know we will help each other, but you need to set your priority."-Jon     

They've found 3 road poneglyphs so far, on Zou, Totto Land, and Onigashima. Now they only need 1 more poneglyph in order to find Laugh Tale's location. If Luffy want to be a Pirate King fast, his priority is finding the last Road Poneglyph.     

"If you want to reach Laugh Tale as soon as possible, then don't fight with WG. I will save Sabo undetected, and the war will never happen. However, if the WG still stand, then they'll go for Alabasta again. So if that happen, i will quit the crew and protect Alabasta from them."-Jon     

The others think about Jon's word and it makes sense to them. If WG is not defeated, then they'll keep going after Alabasta Kingdom. Alabasta won't be able to face them, and Jon will protect Vivi at any cost, even quitting the crew.     

"Sigh, you know that you don't need to talk like that right?"-Sanji     

"Really, you talk like you don't know what we will do."-Zoro     

"Yeah, you don't need to talk so long like that, we've got your point."-Franky     

"And we won't abandon our friends."-Usopp     

"Yohohoho, it seem i need to prepare a new song. The title will be 'World Conquest'."-Brook     

"How is it, Luffy?"-Jinbe     

"It's obvious, we'll help Vivi and her Kingdom again. So that means, we'll have a war with WG & Marine. This time we won't lose."-Luffy     

Jon smile and got relieved after hearing their decission. He know that they will help, but there's a small hope in his heart that they don't. A war is not a good thing, and the enemy this time is a lot different than everyone they've faced so far.     

It's not like he didn't believe in their strength to face WG & Marine. It's also not like he want them to not help so he'll quit the crew or something like that. He just worry of them, it's normal as no one know what will happen in a war.     

Luffy want to find One Piece and be a Pirate King, so Jon will help him to reach that. This war with WG will only slowed down their progress to reach Laugh Tale & find One Piece. That's why Jon gave them some options that they can take and the consequences of those options.     

"Phew, you really scare me there. I thought you'll really quit for sure. I'm not proud of this, but i think my case, Robin's & Sanji's were enough."-Usopp     

"I'm just telling you some options that we can choose for the future."-Jon     

"Your options sound more like threats."-Franky     

"Really, that didn't sound like options at all, when our option is actually just 1, helping Vivi."-Nami     

Jon is surprised to hear Nami's voice, and he look back robotically. He see the girls have come back and he have a terrified face. He see Nami is pissed, Robin just sigh, Vivi is confused, and Jane just look away.     

"Y-yo, did you have a nice talk?"-Jon say with fear     

"Yeah, maybe it's you guys that didn't have a nice talk. I don't like it when you give options that sound like threats, and did you want to imply that we won't help Vivi?"-Nami     

"N-no way, i just want to say that there are more than 1 option. Those things are short & long term solutions."-Jon walk back     

"Well, you also have more than 1 option. Stay where you are and it will end fast, or try to run and it will take longer. Now choose!"-Nami     

Jon gulp his saliva and raise his hand to surrender. Nami crack her fists and then start to bea- discipline Jon. The others just ignore it and leave, they also pissed by Jon's words after all. Only Vivi that seem concerned, but the others just pull her away from there.     

"Let me hear it!"-Nami     

"I'm sorry, i won't do that again, please forgive me."-Jon kneel with bumped face     

Jon is not really at fault for telling them about what they can do and what will happen. He even talk to them first before deciding everything, not just decide it by himself. It's different from Robin, Sanji & even Usopp that decide what they'll do without talking to the crew first.     

It's just that the things he said are pissing them off & he sound like he underestimate their friendship. Jon never underestimate it, he just feel like they need to know that they have options, so he told them.     

After the beating- *cough* disciplination finished, they talk like usual again. Now they will discuss their strategy & what they'll do before war. They go to Sunny because they want to eat while discussing.     

"So, where is Sabo now?"-Robin     

"Impel Down obviously, but they've raised their guard by a lot after mine & Luffy's infiltration 2 years ago. This time the Marine is dealing with Revolutionary Army, so they can't let their guard down."-Jon     

"Why is that?"-Luffy     

"Unlike pirates, they're specialized in stealth & infiltration. If even Luffy can get inside, the RA can do it easier. Take Iva as an example."-Jon     

"Then how will you get inside?"-Nami     

Jon just about to answer, when his clone suddenly call. Cobra's surgery have finished, and now Law need him to use his medical jutsu. They halt their discussion, and Jon go to Polar Tank.     

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