The Shinobi of Straw Hats

185. 2nd Attempt

185. 2nd Attempt

0Jon has been freed from the bind of his past life. He also get some reward from the system after that. Some explanation from system have clear up many things in Jon's mind. After he state his wish for the system to get life, Jon get out from his mindscape and wake up.      3

"Boss, you finally wake up, and your hair suddenly grow long just now."-Zetsu #1     

"Don't mind my hair, how long have i gone for?"-Jon     

"You've been unconscious for 15 minutes."-Zetsu     

"Phew, i thought i've gone for hours. What's the situation?"-Jon     

"Kaido have returned to Onigashima, so your friends have no choice but to fight him alongside Big Mom. The Supernovas fight them together, but Kaido & Big Mom show a great teamwork. With their power, Kaido & Big Mom can easily overpower your friends."-Zetsu #1     

"It's not strange for them to have good teamwork, they're from the same crew in the past. What else?"-Jon     

"Kaido have attempted to lower our morale by announcing that you've been killed. But i've asked number 2 to deny it, and your friends believe number 2, so their morale didn't drop. And thanks to Kaido announcement, we've found all the Marys and defeat them. Only the human Marys are left now."-Zetsu #1     

"Hmm, it's not as bad as i thought, but it can't continue this way. I need to go there and fight Kaido again."-Jon     

Jon tie his new long hair in a ponytail, and wear Madara'a armor. He also place Zetsu in his seal again, as he don't need a life saving plan anymore. It's now all or nothing, if he win he live, if he lose he die.     

Jon teleport back to Onigashima, but didn't teleport straight to Kaido. He teleport inside the dome first to look at the situation. He activate his new EMS and spread his observation haki. Now he can see almost every corner of Onigashima with this.     

Jon suddenly disappear and reappear in front of Tama. He catch Ulti's hand that almost hit Tama who try to protect Komachiyo. Jon look calm but he is very enraged that someone try to hit his new little sister.     

"Tama, stand back! Stay with Nami & Usopp, i'll take care of this dinosaur."-Jon     

"Big brother Jon?"-Tama     

"!? DAMN, WHO ARE YOU?"-Ulti     

"Someone that you don't want to have as enemy."-Jon     

Ulti got angry and try to headbutt Jon in her hybrid form. Her forehead is covered by armament haki, and she slam it at Jon. Jon raise his hand, then catch Ulti's head.     

"I've told you to stop right?"-Jon     

Jon flow lightning chakra on his hand and electrocute Ulti. Ulti try to attack him, but Jon just make a ribs skeletal susanoo to protect himself. Only his hand is out from the susanoo.     

After sometime, Ulti start to get weakened and almost pass out. Jon deactivate his susanoo and stop his lightning attack. He let go of his hold on Ulti's head but it didn't mean he's finished.     

"An adult that hit children is just a trash."-Jon     

Jon cock his arm back, and cover it with armament & conqueror. Then he hit Ulti's torso with full power and she spat some blood. She got fling away and crash to many walls until she get out from the dome.     

Jon suddenly flicker and appear in front of the laying Page One, who's still conscious. He kick Page One with the same technique toward Ulti's direction. He know that Usopp & Nami can't fight these 2 by themselves, so he will take care of it.     

"Usopp, you do great."-Jon heal Usopp's broken nose     

"Jon, what happen with your hair?"-Nami     

"Don't worry, ut's not a bad thing. Anyway, i'll go up there, take care of yourself!"-Jon     

Jon didn't wait for answer and teleport to the rooftop.     

~On the rooftop~     

The supernovas are fighting the 2 Emperors at once. They're struggling a lot just to hit the 2 Emperors.     

"What is this? That kid give me more fight than the 5 of you fighting together."-Kaido     

"Mammamamma~, they can't overcome our combination. Still, i never thought that you'll get that many wounds from fighting someone."-Big Mom     

"He has strange technique, and can use conqueror coated attack. He also have a strong companion, but too bad he didn't want to join my crew. And you also got some injuries, Linlin."-Kaido     

"Hmph, that Straw Hat also can cover his attack with conqueror. They are very troublesome, Straw Hat Pirates. And the other guys keep helping Straw Hat like he is their leader."-Big Mom     

The supernovas are panting heavily with their injured body. They've got many injuries, and unlike Jon, they can't heal themselves while fighting. Still, injuries like this are not enough to stop them.     

"We need to separate them, their teamwork is surprisingly strong."-Law     

"Even without their teamwork, one of them is strong enough to fight us all. We can't face Big Mom when she's alone, and now Kaido is here too, our chance is small."-Killer     

"I can't even imagine what Jon do to injure Kaido like that."-Zoro     

"There's no point in thinking about that, let's separate them."-Luffy     

"I think that's the only way."-Kid     

"Why don't you guys fight Big Mom again while i take care of Kaido?"-Jon     

""!? JON!""-All     

They are very surprised by Jon's sudden entrance. Even Kaido is surprised to see Jon still look fine and healthy. Jon even have the time to change his clothes, so he looks like he is 100% fine.     

Jon then make some clones to heal their injuries, even if it's just for a little. Having less injury is always better than having more. Now they know how Jon can still look fine even after fighting Kaido.     

"Healing ability, just how many power did that brat have? Just what is the source of his power?"-Kaido     

"Even if he can heal himself, he will still need to spend energy for it. If he keep doing that, he will run out of energy sooner or later."-Big Mom     

"You're right, unless i have a way to replenish it."-Jon     

Jon suddenly appear behind them and talk to them. Kaido have seen this teleportation many times, so he have anticipated this to happen. Kaido swing his tail at Jon at very high speed, but Jon disappear again.     

"Slippery bastard."-Kaido     

"It's the advantage of having more speed and being faster than enemy."-Jon     

Jon appear in front of Kaido and touch Kaido's stomach. Then they suddenly vanish from Onigashima's rooftop. Jon has teleport them back near Prisoners Mine where they fought before.     

"How did you survive that? I'm sure i can't feel your presence anymore, so you must've died."-Kaido     

"Maybe you should check if the one you killed is really me."-Jon smirk     

"Then i will check it after this."-Kaido     

Kaido flash and swing his kanabo at Jon, but Jon teleport away again.     

"Do you want to keep running, or fight?"-Kaido     

"Running? I just want to prepare myself."-Jon     

Red light start to generate from Jon's stomach. It cover his stomach and keep spreading to his whole body. A long red cloak like an Admiral also appear on Jon's shoulder. Then black markings spread on his whole body.     

Jon has use Kyuubi chakra mode, but instead of yellow like Naruto, it's red. The cloak also didn't look like Naruto's cloak, but Admiral's cloak. Maybe it's because of his preference, or maybe it's because the cloak in this world is like this, but Jon really like his new appearance.     

"Now, let's continue our battle!"-Jon draw his swords and activate his new EMS     

"Worororo~, just getting brighter won't make you win. Do you want to be a lamp?"-Kaido     

"..... Uuh, i don't know you like to joke, but maybe you should try to not use a dad's joke. Youngster like me didn't find it funny."-Jon is dumbfounded by Kaido     

Kaido have a dark face because he don't mean to joke. He want to be sarcastic and mock Jon, but Jon didn't take it that way. Jon is actually dumbfounded, and didn't mean to mess with Kaido.     

Kaido brush it off and flash at Jon again to strike him. Jon now didn't teleport and counter Kaido's kanabo with his swords. Kaido do the same trick with his tail again, and Jon just grin. Nine long tails suddenly appear from Jon's back and block Kaido's tail attack.     

"Do you think that only you who have tail right now? Hah, you only have one, but i have nine."-Jon     

'Kid, i don't think that's something that you need to brag about. Beside, that's my tail, not yours.'-Kurama sweatdrop at Jon     

Jon ignore Kurama and still bragging. Kurama just sigh and didn't pursue it further, it will just waste his time. Kurama just focus on supplying his chakra to Jon and replenishing his own chakra.     

Jon now have similar strength with Kaido in hybrid form. He can defend Kaido's attack without being pushed back. Kyuubi chakra mode really enhance his physical strength by a lot.     

If this is Naruto world, Jon's basic physical power will be as high as Guy with 5 gate open. Then with Kyuubi chakra enhancement, Jon might be as strong as Guy with 8 Gate open, or more. With 8 gates, Guy can be as strong as a tailed beast, hell, he even become as strong as a Six Path Madara that have Ten Tails in him.     

This world's law support physical growth more than Naruto world. In Naruto world, chakra is the source of power, unlike this world. So their physical strength can't reach this world top tier physical power.     

In Naruto World, Madara can destroy a mountain with his susanoo. Bijuu also can do the same thing with their power. But Garp can destroy a mountain with his barehand. Mihawk also can cut it just with a swing of his sword.     

Both world have their own advantage and law of power. Jon who have both world's power in his hand is very lucky indeed. He can grow strong in physical strength or in chakra aspect.     

This world's physical growth law also make Jon abandon his Eight Gate training. That technique will just hinder his basic physical growth. He can reach the Eighth Gate's power if he have enough time to train. There are people like Garp, and Rayleigh who have reach it after all. Then there is this guy, Kaido, who is said to be the strongest creature.     

~Back to Jon's fight with Kaido~     

Jon can hold Kaido's attack and just getting pushed back a little. They start to exchange blows with their weapon, coated in armament & conqueror haki of course. They keep going like that for sometime, until both of them back off.     

Kaido then open his mouth and shoot a small version of Bolo Breath. Jon flow water chakra and swing his sword to cut the fire breath. Just when Jon cut it, Kaido appear beside him and attack Jon.     

Kaido use his Bolo Breath as a cover for this attack. However, Jon won't fall for this trick with his stronger eyes. Jon use his nine tails to defend Kaido's attack, and he also coat it with armament.     

Kaido's attack hit Jon and Jon got fling away, again. However, Jon can stop midair with his Geppo and not getting damage. He teleport behind Kaido and strike with his sword, but Kaido have anticipate this and get away from his spot.     

Kaido then get into stance, but he is still far away from Jon. Jon didn't know what Kaido will do, so he get ready. Kaido swing his kanabo toward Jon even though they have some distance between them.     

Jon is confused, but then he feel danger and cross his sword in front of him. Jon suddenly got hit by an invisible force and got fling behind. Luckily he follow his instinct and defend himself.     

"Is that haki projection? He can shoot it like a bullet, i never know that it's possible, and he suddenly got stronger."-Jon rub his wrist, it got hurt by Kaido's attack force     

"You're still too green with haki, brat. Let's end this fast, no need to hold back anymore i guess."-Kaido     

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