The Shinobi of Straw Hats

181. Chasing the Beast

181. Chasing the Beast

3Jon clash with King that try to stop him from getting close to Kaido.     

"You can't go straight to fight the boss before defeating his mens."-King     

"Oh yeah? But i like to not play it by rules."-Jon     

Jon create a rasengan & flow a lot of fire chakra to it. The rasengan turn red and keep getting brighter. Then the fire suddenly turn into blue colour, signifying the raised heat. Jon had found this possible with senjutsu chakra's power.     

"Senpo! Katon: Phoenix Rasengan!"-Jon     

Jon slam his firey blue rasengan at King, and the guy defend with his haki covered sword. The clash create a shockwave and they have a stalemate. However, Jon's rasengan is fused with senjutsu & became stronger.     

Jon push his attack and King got fling behind. King crash into the wall behind, & the blue firey rasengan explode. However, Jon know that this is not enough to defeat King.     

Jon is right, King get injured but not a big one. If he get a big injury because of something like this, then he won't be Beasts Pirate's 2nd best after Kaido. His ancient zoan fruit & haki make his body a lot more durable.     

King come out in his full pteranodon form. King fly and attack Jon with his beak pierce attack. Jon take out his swords and cross them in front of him to defend, he can't dodge it as he know King can chase him if he dodge.     

Jon defend King's piercing attack, and he got pushed back. But then a big skeletal hand appear on Jon's side. The skeletal hand punch King from above to the ground and make him pass through many floor.     

Sudenly, Kaido make a speech, he want to wage war with WG by claiming One Piece & the Ancient Weapons. Then he want to make Wano a lawless territory for pirates to do their illegal business, with the denizens of Wano as their slave workers.     

Jon is angered by this, as that means that Tama & Toko are included in that. Jon need to reach Kaido and want to throw his marked kunai, but Kaido suddenly kill Orochi. Jon is surprised, it seem Kaido didn't have any use of the shogun anymore.     

However this is not a bad thing for Jon, as it means that one enemy has gone. Jon want to throw a marked kunai to teleport to Kaido, but someone hinder him again. King has fly back and attack Jon, still in his full pteranodom form.     

"Persistent bastard."-Jon     

"Something like that won't hurt me at all."-King     

"Then, let's try some moves on you, tough guy."-Jon grin     

Jon & King fight with their swords, but King is really strong. Jon can't really match him physically, so he know Kaido is stronger. However, Jon know he can't just rely on his physical strength to fight these guys that have trained for many years longer, that's why Jon train so many jutsus.     

"Let's cool down thay firey head of yours. Suiton: Water Dragon Bullets!"-Jon     

3 water dragons appear around Jon and attack King. King counter by shooting a fire breath at Jon's water dragons. Jon is using his remaining senjutsu chakra, so the dragons are very strong.     

The water dragons overpower King's fire breath and move toward King. However, King can avoid the water dragons at the nick time. He is very agile even on mid air, thanks to his devil fruit.     

"Big brother, are you okay?"-Jack     

"Jack, you've come at a good time. Help me defeat this guy, he is very tricky!"-King     

"Yes, big brother."-Jack     

Jack take out his blades and rush at Jon together with King. Jon also prepare some hand seals, and he grin sinisterly. King & Jack have come near Jon and attack, but Jack's attack hit King instead.     


"I'm sorry big brother, but i'm not Jack."-Jack grin     


Jack suddenly turn into Jon, and then King also got bound with some woods.     

"Come on, don't forget about me!"-Jon     

"What are you doing? What happen to Jack?"-King     

"Silly you, searching for a dead person."-Jon     

"What!?"-King widen his eyes     

"Ups, i don't have time for this. There's a dragon that need to be chased."-Jon     

Jon see that Kaido has gone, so he also need to leave. Killing King will take more time, so Jon just throw him to the hall below. Then Jon suddenly disappear, his clones have spread the marks on many places here.     

Jon appear on where Kaido stayed & kill Orochi before. Jon look at Orochi's corpse and see a strange thing. He smirk and put a mark on the 'corpse', then he leave to find Kaido.     

"Cunning guy, but you won't be able to fool my eyes. Still, i don't have time to play with you, so i just put mark on you in case i need it later."-Jon     

"Boss, they have 'eyes & ears' everywhere."-Zetsu     

"You can take care of them?"-Jon     

"Of course, but-"-Zetsu rub his hands like a wretched merchant     

"I know, i know, i'll give more pocket money for you next time. My remaining clones will help you too."-Jon sweatdrop at Zetsu     

"Roger."-Zetsu merge with the ground again     

"Sigh, just why they like money so much?"-Jon sigh at Zetsu     

Jon continue to follow Kaido's trace, and he seem to go up. Kaido must've gone to the rooftop, as he can't tranform inside. Jon teleport to the closest mark with the roof and immediately go there.     

Jon arrive on the rooftop and see that Kaido is really there. Kaido is still in his human form & he fight with the Nine, no, Eight Red Scabbards. These guys can hold on their own against Kaido.     

"Wait, there are 9 of them. Isn't that Izo from White Beard pirates?"-Jon     

"Jon-ya, where are the others?"-Law     

"Law, you're here too? Even the minks?"-Jon look at Law & the minks behind.     

"I just transport the Scabbards here, and just about to leave myself."-Law     

"Oh. Well, they're in the 1st floor, and it seem i reach this place faster. So, when does Izo come?"-Jon     

"Just when we arrived here, he came with Neko & Marco."-Law     

"That lazy eyes is here too?"-Jon     

Suddenly they hear a loud sound and it's from the Scabbards that strike Kaido together. Surprisingly, their attacks work and they all fall from the rooftop to the bottom floor.     

"As i though, they can project their haki too. But damn, just when i reach this place, they go down."-Jon     

"Just wait here, Kaido can only use his full form in here."-Law     

"I know, and this is the best place to fight. There are too many enemies down there. Even after i cut their number, there are still many of them."-Jon     

While waiting, Jon make 2 wood clones and make them hide somewhere. They will gather senjutsu chakra again to be used later. Senjutsu chakra will make his attacks a lot stronger, so he hope it can injure Kaido on top of his conqueror haki coated attacks.     

Suddenly Kaido come back in his blue dragon form. Jon also see the Scabbards are clinging to Kaido. Then, there's also an annoying guy that join the dragon train and come here.     

"Tsk, King."-Jon click his tongue     

"Don't expect that you'll get rid of me easily!"-King     

"Do you really want to get killed by me?"-Jon     

"Your chance to kill me has gone, you should do it earlier."-King     

"I can always do it again."-Jon     

Jon take out his swords & King do the same. Law want to join, but Jon ask him to get Luffy from below. Law want to object, but Jon grab him & throw him through the hole that Kaido made.     

King turn into his hybrid form, and Jon also use his Yin Seal & lighting mode. Jon then flow sharp wind chakra on his swords. Both Jon & King also coat their swords with armament haki.     

"Bankai: Tensa Zangetsu, Wind Cutter!"-Jon     

Jon's haki fuse with his chakra, and make the sharp wind chakra aroudd his swords turn dark. Since Jon can project his haki, it can fuse with his chakra like this. It make his attacks more lethal and the blade become sharper.     

Jon & King clash again, and King is very surprised at Jon. He know Jon had just project his haki, and it's strong. It didn't feel like someone that had juat learn how to project their haki.     

However, Jon didn't coat his attack with conqueror haki. It will be a surprise attack for Kaido, so he can't use it now. Jon also run out of Senjutsu chakra, so he activate his Yin Seal.     

"Fuuton: Rasenshuriken!"-Jon     

"It's useless."-King     

Jon throw a rasenshuriken at King, and King avoid it. But Jon didn't get frustated and he is grinning instead. King realize something and look back. The Rasenshuriken is moving toward Kaido.     

The Rasenshuriken hit Kaido that is too focused on the Scabbards. It hit Kaido's left face, and explode after grinding his skin. Jon is anticipating the result, as it will affect his strategy.     

The Scabbards use this chance to attack Kaido together. They attack Kaido's big scar that inflicted by Oden 20 years ago. Their attack surprisingly work, as it can cut through the scar. Altough it's not big, but it really cut it.     

The smoke from Rasenshuriken's explosion has gone. Everyone look at Kaido's left face and didn't see any wound. However, Jon can see a different thing with his eyes. He see that There are many scratches on the dragon's skin.     

'It's not too deep, but it's there. It's not strong enough to make the scratches become wounds. However, i'm just using my normal chakra, no senjutsu or Kurama's chakra. Now this will be very interesting.'-Jon     

Jon just use his normal chakra on his attack before. It just scratch Kaido's skin, but there's a possibility that senjutsu or Kurama's chakra can injure him. Furthermore, Jon still has conqueror coated attacks too.     

"Brat, don't interfere in the adults fight!"-Kaido     

"Don't tell me what to do, old man!"-Jon     

Kaido send a breath attack at Jon, so King get away from there, but Jon didn't. Jon activate his mangekyou and create an upper humanoid susanoo. The susanoo take a sword with 2 hands and Jon flow water chakra on it.     

"Water Sword: Crescent Moon!"-Jon     

Susanoo swing it's sword downwards and cut the fire breath. Jon's attack shapes like a blue crescent moon, because of the water chakra. The attack cut through Kaido's fire breath and still move toward Kaido.     

"Fight energy with energy, but fight fire with water."-Jon     

Jon's water slash attack hit Kaido, but the dude is fine and just pushed back a bit. The attack's power has diminish a lot due to the fire breath. Even so, it still has the push back Kaido even for a bit.     

"A big golden frame around the body, you're the brat who run with Speed some days ago. So you survived that attack, and succeed to fool me."-Kaido     

"If i prepared for that breath attack & didn't need to protect some people, i won't need to fool you. Your breath attack is not something that i can't defend against, and it stink."-Jon     

"Wororororo, you sure like to talk big, like your captain."-Kaido     

"Master Kaido, he has killed Jack some days ago. The one who stay with us for some days is his clone in disguise."-King     

""!? WHAT?""-All     

"HE KILL JACK?!"-Inuarashi     

"Is it when he go to Okobore town 2 days ago?"-Kiku     

"That must be it."-Kawamatsu     

"No need to praise me, i'll get embarassed if you do."-Jon smirk     

"King, take care of these samurais, i'll kill that brat myself."-Kaido say with a cold voice     


"You want to avenge your subordinate?"-Jon grin     

"It is Jack's fault for being weaker than you, so he got killed. But as a captain, i will avenge my subordinate."-Kaido     

"Then come!"-Jon     

Jon turn his susanoo into a perfect susanoo and draw his swords. Kaido send his breath attack again, but now it's not fire, but wind blades. Jon use his susanoo's swords to defend the wind blades.     

"Show me why they call you the sttongest creature, old man!"-Jon     

"Worororo, then don't die too early, brat!"-Kaido     

Jon finally fight with Kaido.     

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