The Shinobi of Straw Hats

176. Slandering Others

176. Slandering Others

4Jon continue hid advanced armament haki training in the morning. He also make clones to train his ninjutsu. However, when he train for an hour, he get an information from one of his clone that disguised as Oniwabanshu ninja. They've caught the thief that has been stealing on Flower Capital many times, Witch Hour Boy, and his identity identity is very surprising.     

"Former daimyo of Hakumai, he will be a great threat to Orochi. I can't let him die, as he must be blamed for my stealing 2 days ago. Boy, i feel very bad for him, so i can't let him take the blame."-Jon     

Jon will not let that guy die, as he posed great threat to the shogun. He can't reveal the samurais existence, but not his crew's as Luffy has been caught, so there's no problem revealing it. Threatening the shogun is similar with threatening Kaido, so he'll take this chance.     

Jon run off to Flower Capital, as the former daimyo, Yasuie will be executed today. He need to arrive before it happen, as his clones won't be enough to fight all Orochi's mens. The Flower Capital is close, so Jon arrive just in time when Yasuie is crucified.     

Jon move underground and merge with the wood crucifix. He go up and stop behind Yasuie, but Jon didn't show up, he just let his mouth out. He didn't want to alert Orochi's mens.     

"Don't make a noise, i'm Kin'emon's friend."-Jon whisper     

"!? I'm glad that he has found a capable friend. Please help his plan, i will make this destroyed plan, start all over again."-Yasuie     

"What did you plan to do?"-Jon     

"I will say that all these secret message is just my prank, and that mark is just a popular tattoo in the past."-Yasuie     

"!? You want to put all blame on yourself?"-Jon     

"Yeah, this is our 20 years long wait, so if i can help by sacrificing myself, then i'll happily do it."-Yasuie     

"..... Don't worry old man, just do what you want to do, and i'll do what i want to do."-Jon     

"What do you-"-Yasuie     

Jon leave before Yasuie finish his sentence. Jon go to a hidden place and call Zetsu out.     

"Where are those CP-0 guys?"-Jon     

"In Orochi's castle, they still try to persuade him to sell those Liquor Iron Ore weapons to them."-Zetsu     

"Good, i'll destroy their business after this. Keep monitoring them, and tell me if they make a move!"-Jon     

Jon then change his appearance into one of CP-0's agent. It's just a mask & CP-0 clothes, as that's their usual appearance. No one except the CP-0 agents or WG know their real face. Altough Jon know it too since he plant spies to follow them.     

The public execution procedure start without any problem. Orochi come and tell everyone of Yasuie's real identity. He really want to show the citizens that Kozuki's simpatisans will get the same treatment as Yasuie.     

All Kozuki's followers that detained in the prison behind seem surprised by Yasuie's real identity. Even the citizens also recognize him now. Kin'emon's group also come and they can only cry as they know Yasuie did this for them.     

Jon then see some poor folks come crying while laughing. Jon know they're from Ebisu Town & SMILE's victims. He bite his lips seeing these poor guys condition. They can't even express their sorrow when their saviour is suffering.     

Yasuie then start to confess about his stealing & the mark prank. Jon didn't have much hope if this will work, but it actually work. Almost everyone that didn't get involved in the plan to take Orochi down believe Yasuie's story.     

This make Orochi angry, as the citizens start to think that he is a coward. They know that he's very afraid of the prophecy about Kozuki's return in 20 years. Orochi immediately order the executioners to do their job.     

The executioners come with weapons, and Jon know it's time to make a move. He also see his crewmates except Luffy & Chopper come. Then he see something that shock him to the core. He see Toko is running to the fence while crying.     


'!? HE'S TOKO'S FATHER? Damn, i never know this, now i really need to save him. There's no way i'll let her suffer more than she already is.'-Jon widen his eyes     

The executioners get ready to shoot, and they shoot at the same time. Everyone prepared to see Yasuie got shot numerous times. Orochi also got excited to see one of his enemy die.     

However, a giant golden skeletal hand suddenly appear and cover Yasuie from the bullets. Jon has appear at the nick of time with his skeletal susanoo ribs & right hand. He stand on the crucifix, and surprising everyone with his entrance.     

'That timing and those surprised faces, i think this entrance is very epic.'-Jon     

"Hmm? That skeletal hand, isn't that..."-Zoro     

"It's Jon, i'm glad that he make it in time. He must've planned something because he disguised himself too."-Robin     

"Heeh, so this man is your enemy, Orochi? Then this is perfect, as a CP-0 agent of WG, i will take this man from this execution. Unless you fulfill our demand about that weapons trading, then you will have this big enemy of yours linger around. Who knows what he can do to your rule over this country."-Jon     


"And i have the biggest power in the world behind me, Marine & WG. Not even Kaido will mess with us as he want."-Jon     

Orochi get angrier and tell his mens to attack, but they can't get past Jon's susanoo defense. Jon's crewmates seem to realize Jon's plan and smirk.     

"Cunning like usual."-Nami     

"What do you mean?"-Shinobu     

"He want to put the blame of saving Yasu on the WG. From his words, he know that CP-0 have come to make a deal with Orochi. He want to save Yasu while angering Orochi, and mess with the WG."-Robin     

"!? As i thought of Jon-dono, but what if Orochi realize he is not from WG?"-Kin'emon     

"Then he will say that it's our crew who want to mess with Orochi or Kaido. Luffy has been captured, so there's no problem revealing our crew's name."-Robin     

Jon's clones then start to appear with CP-0 attributes. Some clones also tell his friends to leave and bring Toko away while he create a mess. They all agree and move immediately.     

Jon's clones attack Orochi's mens to stop them from atyacking Jon. Jon himself activate a full body humanoid susanoo. He bring Yasuie with the wooden pillar on his right hand. Then he grab the wooden prison with the other hand.     

"It seem you are afraid of these guys who have stupid marks on their ankle. Then i'll take them too, my condition is still the same. Fulfill our demand if you want to get them back!"-Jon     


"I don't have much time Orochi. Fulfill it, or you'll live with fear of the prophecy everyday."-Jon     

Jon then run off with his susanoo's giant steps. His friends also have run off when his clones attack Orochi's mens. Now Jon is running toward Mt. Atayama to cover his track of going to Amigasa Village.     

Jon didn't stop on Mt. Atayama though, he keep going to the sea. He arrive at the sea, well, the sea water that go up to Wano's border. Jon jump on the water and he run on it toward the beach near Amigasa. The water will erase his trace to Amigasa.     

Jon arrive on Amigasa & meet Sanji, Robin, Franky, & Usopp. He put Yasuie & the wood prison box down. Then he free the Kozuki followers from the wood prison. They immediately scatter around and throw up after such a long wild ride.     

"Yare yare daze, can't even hold a little wild ride. These guys must've became soft in these 20 years."-Jon     

"You were shaking them too much."-Usopp sweatdrop     

Jon look at Yasuie that has been freed by Zoro from his rope tie. Toko has get near her father and cry while laughing like usual. Jon approach them and crouch beside Toko & pat her head.     

"Why'd you save me? You don't even know me."-Yasuie     

"But i know your daughter, altough we just met for a moment. Furthermore, i have a debt with a Shimotsuki."-Jon     

"A Shimotsuki? Who is it?"-Yasuie     

"Shimotsuki Kozaburo, a swordsmith."-Jon     

"So he's still alive, i'm glad."-Yasuie     

"Yasu, it's good that you think of this country & the citizens. You must've also think that making this country a good place is good for your daughter future. But i disagree with that, your daughter need you right now & in the future. Well, it's just my thinking, because i am someone that will even betray my country for my loved ones."-Jon     

"That's why i do what i do, because i love my daughter, this country, and it's people. I can only give my life for it, but i never know that you will have another way."-Yasuie     

"Then discuss something like this with the others! They also care about you as much as you care about them. Maybe someone will have a better solution rather than sacrificing you."-Jon     

Yasuie look down and just stay silent. Jon really don't like the idea of a father killed in front of his child, especially when the child is still a kid. No kid should watch their parents killed in front of them.     

Jon leave Yasu with Toko, and the samurais that want to see their daimyo. Jon go back to his crewmates that watch from the side.     

"Did anyone see Tama? I haven't see her since morning."-Jon     

"Ah, she's with Momo this morning, they want to train together."-Nami     

"Oh, alright then. Anyway, we need to focus on training now, i'll cover the information gathering with my clones. Some of my clones have enter the inner circle of Orochi & Kaido's force. We need to raise our power in these few days."-Jon     

"You're right, with 2 Emperors against us, it will be a hard battle."-Sanji     

"Yeah, you guys just train to fight, i'll train to escape."-Usopp     

Jon is forcing Usopp to train, but suddenly he get a call from his clone.     

\Boss, there's a serious situation in Udon. Big Mom is here.\-Clone     


Jon is very surprised, and he immediately set out to Udon. He didn't even tell the others and run off by himself. He use max speed to run and arrive in Udon after half an hour.     

He want to get inside, but he see a big group of people come out from the prison. Jon hide and look at the group, then he got very surprised. He see Queen, and many Beasts Pirates, but the shocking thing is that Big Mom is there, being tied up with seastone chains and get dragged on a big cart.     

'WTH, What's with this situation?'-Jon     

He come with anticipation to fight with Big Mom, but she had been captured. He don't know how Queen stop this monstrosity, but it's a good news for him. Jon decide to plant a clone in this group, they must've set out to Onigashima.     

Jon move underground and take out some Pleasurers & Gifters by pulling them underground. They're weak enough for him to kill without alerting anyone in the group. Jon then make some clones to impose as the killed Pleasurers & Gifters.     

Inside the Prison, Luffy has made all prisoners here follow him in rebellion. Chopper also have cured the prisoners that got poisoned by the vice warden. The warden & all beasts pirates have been defeated too. Then when the prisoners see Momo, they really want to join the rebellion.     

Some ex-yakuza leaders then approach an old man that stand near Luffy. They got angry and point their weapons at Luffy when he call the old man casually. But then, trees start to grow, bind the yakuza leaders, and tighten on their neck.     

"!? WHAT HAPPEN?"-Grandpa     

"STOP IT, JON!"-Luffy     


Jon come out between all of them from the underground.     

"You're lucky that Luffy want to spare you guys. If i see you point your weapons at my captain again, then say goodbye to your head!"-Jon     

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