The Shinobi of Straw Hats

174. Oiran Komurasaki

174. Oiran Komurasaki

4Jon find the real Kanjuro in a small house, hiding. Then Jon see some people are hiding in the house. Jon look at them with his sharingan and smirk, he know who they are.     

'Oniwabanshu, Orochi's shinobi force.'-Jon smirk     

Jon know this group from Zetsu's investigation at Orochi's castle. They are said to be an extremely capable group of ninja. They can caught intruders or anyone by surprise without being detected. It's too bad that they can't hide from Jon's eyes.     

Jon see that there's only 3 members of Oniwabanshu here. He see Kazekage, Hanzo, & Sarutobi, which make him uncomfortable. It's like he see 3 strong shinobi from Naruto's world.     

Jon brush it off and create a seal to close the house from outside. The seal will prevent anything come out or in, even sound. Jon can only make it small, so this small house is perfect. He can't take risk of alerting people from the fight that will happen.     

'Hmm, i can't fight with my real appearance, who knows what message they can send to reveal my identity even after their death.'-Jon     

Jon transform into his sonic disguise that he haven't used for a while. This also mean that he will only use his adamantine chains. No one in the crew know this technique, not to mention Kanjuro or these ninjas. So it's perfect to hide his identity.     

Jon slip underground and positioned himself beneath Kanjuro. He see Kanjuro make a signal and Hanzo come down from the ceiling. Then Kanjuro give the letter to Hanzo so that he can send it to Orochi.     

Jon see that it's his only chance before the ninjas leave and realize the seal. Jon aim his chains spear toward his enemies. Then he thrust his chains at fastesr speed toward them.     

Kanjuro & Hanzo are very close to Jon, so they can't react. Kazekage & Sarutobi are surprised by what happen to their comrades that they can't dodge in time. However, the two can avoid vital attack, altough they still got heavily injured.     

Still, Jon has pierced the 4's body and then he bind them with his chains. Jon come out from underground and pull the 4 victims closer to him. He haven't kill them because he have a use for them.     

"*cough* Who're you?"-Kanjuro cough some blood     

"Who knows, there's no use telling a dead man about myself."-Jon     

Jon knock them out with his Conqueror haki. Then he put them under his genjutsu to make his plan easier. Jon make 4 wood clones, and then they use Yamanaka's mind switch jutsu to get their memories.     

Jon decide to use clones, not Zetsu as this will be a short mission. It's also a close ranged mission, so his clones are enough. Beside, he just have 5 zetsu now, so it's a waste to use them for this. The shortcoming is that he will get too many memories in the end.     

But Jon never worry about memory overload, as he can sort them using his system. Altough the system has been quiet for months, but it's still there. Jon didn't really need system's assistance to grow stronger again, so the system let him grow on his own.     

The clones enter their target's mind and search through their memory. They got many important info and memorize them all. They finish after sometime and then transform into their targets.     

"You got them all?"-Jon     

""Yes, boss.""-Clones     

"Alright, let's start our plan."-Jon     

Jon kill the 4 and save the corpses for future use. Then he send his clones to do their infiltration task. Jon then come out and plan his next move.     

'Orochi has find out about Kozuki's followers, what should i do now?'-Jon     

Jon want to tell Kin'emon about this, but he cancel it. This is the best opportunity to make Kin'emon's group realize that there's a mole inside them. He can save Kozuki's followers anytime later.     

"What should i do, boss?"-Kanjuro (disguised clone)     

"For now don't do anything, we don't know what Kin'emon has planned, and i don't want to ruin anything. The best action is to just stay silent, and didn't send any information to Orochi."-Jon     

"Alright."-Kanjuro (disguised clone)     

Orochi has got enough information about Kozuki's followers. Now Jon won't give him anyt information again. However, Orochi will send orders to Kanjuro, so Jon will know his next move.     

Jon send Kanjuro (disguised clone), to do a real information gathering now. While Jon himself go back to Amigasa Village, where he asked the alliance to go there after Oden castle was destroyed. It can be their base of operation right now.     

Jon arrived at Amigasa Village and meet the others who evacuate there. They've made a plan for tomorrow, and it will be important. They tell Jon about their plan, and Jon didn't have any objection.     

Tomorrow Kin'emon, Inuarashi, Momo, Kiku & the minks will go to Mt. Atayama. They will try to recruit one of Oden's retainer, Ashura Doji. The poor guy didn't get transferred 20 years to the future like his friends.     

Jon was very surprised when he know the time travel incident. He never thought that it will be possible, but when he thought about his world travel, the time travel now looks cute.     

While they recruit Ashura Doji, Raizo will go to Udon & try to free Luffy. Nami will become a kunoichi & infiltrate Orochi's castle with Shinobu. Kin'emon ask Jon to steal resources at Flower Capital especially foods for their mens.     

Jon knew that Robin has became a geisha to get close to Orochi. Franky became a carpenter to get the castle layout. While Brook became, well, corpse and haunting ghost to gather information. That's why they're not here right now.     

Jon didn't know where Zoro has gone though. Zoro can even disappear when he is with everyone. Well, he can even get lost in a straight road, so it's not that strange anymore.     

Jon rest until morning then he train with Tama for a short time. After that, he go to Flower Capital immediately. Jon still left some clones to train in Amigasa Village though. He need to make sure he got strong enough at their raid time.     

When Jon arrive at Flower Capital, he start his action. Jon move stealthily and enter many buildings to check the resources. He take small amount from each buildings, but then he start to take more.     

Jon get food, water, clothes, medicines, and even weapons. Jon just steal everything he can from these rich people that didn't care about others. Jon take more even if they'll notice it because he want to give the food at Okobore Town's people.     

While stealing from building to building, Jon see an interesting thing. He see a Soba stand, and the seller is Sanji. He also see Robin, Franky & Usopp eating there, so Jon decide to join them.     

"That soba looks good."-Jon     



"Yo, you guys seem to enjoy your life here."-Jon     

Jon then talk with them and order a Soba from Sanji. Then he tell them about Kanjuro, and they are very surprised. They come over it easily, as they trust Jon, and they didn't know Kanjuro that long.     

Suddenly a commotion happen, three thugs from a local Yakuza group try to extort Sanji. Of course he'll refuse, so they start to break the stand. In the process, they almost hit a little girl's bowl, but Jon flash and stop it.     

"You alright, little miss?"-Jon     

"Ahaha, i'm alright, thank you."-Little girl     

"Your welcome, why don't you eat on the table with my friends there."-Jon     

"Oi, how dare you stop me, don't you know who we are? We are from Kyoshiro Family."-Yakuza A     

"Hmm? I don't know a no name like you."-Jon     

Jon bring the little girl to Robin's side to eat on the table. The Yakuza try to attack Jon, but Sanji kick the Yakuza. Sanji is pissed because these guys just waste the food he made.     

Franky also move to attack the other yakuza that have big body. Jon flicker and attack the last one that stand quietly behind. It seem he's too shocked because someone dare to attack his group.     

The Straw Hats defeat the 3 yakuza easily, and Sanji feed them with the spilled soba. Jon go back and eat his soba, or Sanji will get mad at him too. While eating, Jon look at the little girl that keep smiling and laughing when she talk.     

'!? Wait, this girl, could it be? No way.'-Jon got shocked     

The little girl introduce herself as O-Toko, and she like to make jokes about her name. Her name will sound like 'Boy', even though she's a girl. She like doing this because people will get happy when she do it.     

Jon though, didn't really pay attention to the conversation. He is using his sharingan to inspect the little girl, and his suspicion seem right. This little girl must be a devil fruit user, and it's not a normal devil fruit, it's SMILE, the defected one.     

'She keep smiling and laughing, meaning that the SMILE she ate didn't work. However, she still got the curse of devil fruit like seawater & seastone. Just why a little girl like her also ate that damn fruit?'-Jon     

Jon bite his lips and clenched his hands tightly until it bleed a little. Someone must've gave this girl a SMILE despite knowing the chance is low, and Jon didn't like it at all. He don't care if Kaido gave it to his own crew, they're pirates & adults that know the consequence, but a kid like her, shouldn't eat that fruit.     

'Damn Kaido, and it must be Orochi too. First, there's Tama that can't eat properly. Now Toko can't even express herself properly. I've decided, i'll kill that f*cking eel myself.'-Jon     

Jon now resolved to fight Kaido, and kill that guy. He know there must be more kids like Tama & Toko. Jon will never forgive that guy, after he see the destruction and what happen with this country.     

Jon is someone that dear children greatly, so he didn't like if children suffer. Jon know he can't save every kids, and there are many kids that suffer out there. But he can save the one he meet, like what happen now.     

O-Toko suddenly leave after she finish her meal. She need to attend an important event, as she work in that event. She will be the Kamuro of the Oiran Komurasaki which is said to be the prettiest woman in Wano. Robin also picked up by an old woman, as she will join the Oiran to the castle.     

The boys want to see the Oiran, especially Sanji. They arrive beside the street and look at Komurasaki's entourage. There sure are a lot of people just to escort a single woman. Well, she's going to the shogun's castle, and she's the shogun's favourite oiran afterall.     

The boys look at Komurasaki, and Sanji got enchanted by her beauty. Usopp & Franky also got mesmerized by her. While Jon is not reacting too much and just think that she's a little pretty.     

'Hmm, Vivi is still prettier than her. The levely should've started, i wonder what she's doing right now?'-Jon     

Jon immediately forget about Komurasaki & think of his beloved Princess. He look at the oiran again when 3 old guy suddenly appear and get mad at Komurasaki. They have spent all their money for her in hope to marry her, however, they were left after they don't have anything else.     

Jon didn't feel any pity to them and their stupidity. They have wife & family, but decide to give everything to an oiran and left their family. There's nothing to say about them but stupid.     

"Hey Sanji, don't become an idiot simp like those old mans alright?"-Jon     

"Huh? Just what do you think of me? I'm not that stupid even if i love womans. I've learned from WCI incident."-Sanji     

Sanji try to sound convincing, but Jon, Usopp & Franky didn't believe him at all.     

""Sigh, he will still love that woman even after he lost all his money.""-Jon, Usopp, & Franky     

"CAN'T YOU GUYS BELIEVE IN ME?"-Sanji get angry & have a tickmark     

""No.""-Jon, Usopp & Franky     

Sanji got defeated and sulking, so he leave them and look at Komurasaki again. The three sneer at him, but Jon suddenly become serious when Zetsu send an information to him.     

'CP-0? Now this is very important.'-Jon     

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