I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 190: How To Catch A Nun Part 4

Chapter 190: How To Catch A Nun Part 4

4Upon seeing Kel the fallen angel panicked greatly, she could tell at first glance from the mighty aura that he was a pure blooded devil.     

Still, the information they received was accurate so it was best she retreated for now. But wouldn't she receive more praise if she brought Asia back… with that in mind she wanted to try her lack.     

"Oh my~ sorry for intruding, I'll just take what I came here for and leave. You wouldn't be against that now would you?" She opted to use her seductive charm to help her get some leeway in the matter, after all devils were known to have quite the libido.     

But before Kel could even respond a glowing barbed chain appeared from behind him and almost hit the fallen angel who dodged it just narrowly.     

Silyva then appeared in the sky above next to Kel while wearing a frown. "My Lord isn't interested in sluts." She said with a kind smile on her face.     

It made her look like an older bustier version of Asia, one would even think they're related if she weren't a devil.     

"Leave, my patience grows thin. I won't be so merciful next time." Kel spoke in tone befitting the pure blooded devil template, talking as if fighting a lowly fallen angel directly was beneath him.     

Asia whose years hadn't died up yet looked at the scene with wonder. Were her prayers answered?     

With two powerful devils present, the fallen angel had no choice but to frown and retreat hurriedly lest she get killed in an instant.     

After she left Kel then descended onto the ground and walked over towards Asia, however he didn't help her up or soften his expression.     

He simply looked down at her and spoke in the same superior manner. "Why was that fallen angel after you?" He asked with his arms behind his back, not caring about her condition or the tears running down her face.     

Kel was perfectly displaying the role of a devil who wanted nothing more than to know what was seemingly happening in his territory.     

"I…" Asia was hesitant to speak, just now she wasn't sure what the purpose of the attack was. It was her first time being targeted so directly so even she didn't fully understand what was happening.     

Her naive and innocent nature made it hard for her to piece together the obvious, her sacred gear. Seeing this Kel couldn't help but internally sigh.     

"Lord Kel, this young girl possesses a sacred gear, I'm sure that's what they were after." Silyva quickly descended as well and provided this piece of information.     

Although Kel looked uncaring as he spoke, Silyva looked kind and gave off a big sisterly aura as she showed a gentle smile to Asia… this was her role.     

"I see, then the church in this city may soon be at war with the fallen angels. How problematic." Kel muttered before turning away from Asia, he had learned what he needed to learn so why linger around.     

"Wait…" she called out while using her trembling hands to hide her bare chest, however Kel was given a very nice panty shot. This world's higher powers truly were wonderous.     

"What?" He answered indifferently and received a smile on Asia's tearful face. "Thank you…" she muttered.     

"You would thank a devil? No wonder your god doesn't answer your prayers. If you're smart you should leave this town quickly, it's not a place for someone like you." He warned while preparing to leave.     

Kel had two options for Asia, either recruit her or have her leave so as she doesn't come into the story. Even difficult and immoral decisions didn't bother him, he would still try not to depend on them. If there was an alternative that wasn't demanding then he would opt for that.     

In this case Asia was an innocent girl being strung along by the plot like so many others. He gave her a chance to escape this fate.     

"I won't leave… God sent me here for a purpose and I must fulfill it, even if it means risking my life." She replied in soft tone while wearing a weak smile.     

Kel only shook his head at her before flying up into the air.     

"Then I'll have no choice but to use you." He muttered under his breath before flying away.     

Silyva glanced at Asia and smiled before flying away as well, leaving the innocent girl greatly bewildered as to what happened.     


After the leaving the scene the duo returned to their home immediately and found Issei and Raynare waiting having changed out of their mother and son disguise.     

Visible displeasure could still be seen on Issei's face but it wasn't addressed. They all went inside to discuss how to go about things from here on out.     

"So what next Master~" Raynare asked playfully while leaning towards Kel.     

He was all but used to this behavior of hers so he just got to the point. "Now we just wait, you two will keep a close eye on the church's movements while Silyva will observe the fallen angels. If the girl is smart she'll leave, if not then the fallen angels will definitely act." Kel revealed causing Issei to show a complex look.     

"We'll help right? I mean she's a good person and I know what it feels like to be targeted because of the gear." Issei could relate to Asia but more than that he genuinely just wanted to help her out.     

Kel however shook his head. "If she won't leave then her power is better in our hands and those of the enemy." The meaning behind these words was crystal clear.     

Issei didn't know wether this was a good thing or not but as far as he could tell the devils weren't bad people and neither was Kel. His means were devilish yes but his goals were moral, at least on the surface.     

"That's all for now, you're all dismissed."     

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