I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 194: Meeting The Others

Chapter 194: Meeting The Others

0After leaving the church the group immediately went back to Kel's residence where they found Issei and Raynare who had already been told to wait for them.     1

"You!!" Upon the two groups meeting a feeling of surprise filled the air.     

Kalawarner looked at the very much alive Raynare in utter shock and pointed at her as if looking at some ghost.     

The same could be said for her two comrades Dohnaseek and Mittelt who looked at her oddly. "So you actually got caught not killed…" Dohnaseek muttered helplessly.     

"Master is this why you went away? To catch these guys? I thought the target was her!" Raynare exclaimed in surprise while pointing at Asia who was just standing there still adjusting to her current predicament of being surrounded by devils and becoming one her self.     

Every now and then she would try to pray to see if her words would be heard but each time she felt a splitting headache strike her hard.     

"You can have your reunion in the living room as we speak and not the doorway." Kel who wanted nothing more than to sit down quickly cut their exchange short and began walking over to the living room.     

Once everyone settled a sort of strange atmosphere was present. Enemies, comrades, rivals all in one room with a mutual captor.     

"Now then, You're all more or less acquainted with each other so I won't waste time with introductions and cut to the chase. Aside from Asia who has potential I only recruited the rest of you to fill up numbers for the upcoming rating game tournament." Kel revealed bluntly leaving the three former fallen angels feeling even more depressed than they already did.     

"As far as I know there's no limit to how many pieces you can enter a game with though…" Issei who had been studying up on all that is devil like brought up this point to which Kel nodded.     

"Right you are, but if I just enter with Silyva they may suspect I'm that confident in my ability. It's highly unlikely but still." Kel replied and brought his reasoning to light.     

"So master wants them to think you're just average and have them challenge you and accept your challenges before thoroughly crushing them! The thought of that makes me wet~" Raynare declared rubbing her legs together in a manner that got her glares from Kalawarner and Silyva.     

"Being a devil really suits someone as depraved as you Raynare." Kalawarner said with clear disgust in her voice while Asia hesitated before lifting her hand and speaking in a very low tone.     

"Um… what's a rating game?" She asked gently and caused a lecture explaining what it was thoroughly.     

In summary it was explained that the rating game was basically a real life version of chess with devils and their servants as the pieces. Being like a chess, the goal is to defeat the other king or cause him to surrender.     

The games themselves aren't held in the real world but in dimensional gap where any map can be created to the users liking. The rating game also held many variants but the tournament would focus solely on the main version so not much detail was covered for them.     

"With that said, you're all mostly worthless as you are now in the rating games considering the people I'm targeting. I'm pretty sure someone among them even possesses a king piece." Kel revealed nonchalantly without a single worry on his face.     

Once this was said he once again received a look of confusion from Asia and proceeded to explain before she could ask him about it.     

"It's a rare piece banned from being used in the games because of the immense power it gives. Anyone who has it would basically sweep their opponents under normal circumstances but that remains to be seen."     

Kel wasn't sure how this would be due to all clans being present in the current version of DxD he was in. Some clan head's differed and different power houses existed, especially in the rating game sense since it was such an important custom.     

How well demons performed in these games determined their power and social ranking so using them to find the one to become the next and fourth Satan wasn't all that surprising.     

"Then what's our role exactly? Cannon fodder?" Dohnaseek asked with visible worry on his face. Was his life spared just so he could take a beating for this sadistic devil?     

Luckily for him this wasn't the case. "No, you'll only be useful during the first few matches. After winning those I'll have proper powerful pieces that I will employ to target the very top ranked rating game masters. Unless…"     

Kel trailed off there as what he was thinking didn't need to be said aloud.     

Soon nothing more on the matter needed to be said and so Kel dismissed them to go on about activities unless he called for them.     

This wasn't a problem for Dohnaseek and Kalawarner who had double lives to cover for them but for Mittelt who was basically free loading wherever she could by using her powers was at a stump along with Asia who surely couldn't return to the church.     

"Uh, you can stay at my place if you have now where to go… I can just trick my parents and sneak you guys in." Issei offered while Raynare just laughed.     

"How noble of you Issei, giving up your precious masturbation space to allow two innocent girls a place to sleep." She mocked causing Issei to grow flustered like any other virgin male under these world's laws.     

Upon hearing the name Issei, Asia subconsciously felt wary of the offer and immediately denied. Mittelt however was desperate and would have agreed but Kel spoke up.     

"You two can stay here and help around the house. You're servants either way so." Kel shrugged and offered causing Mittelt who loathed labor to frown while Asia steeled herself to do her very best.     

"Thank you um Sir Kel?" Asia didn't know how to address Kel and so she tried this to which he just nodded. So long as it wasn't a weird nickname he didn't mind what they chose to call him.     

"That's fine, now I'd you'll excuse I need to call Rias and tell her to help me cover up the church fiasco."     

A/N: Avoiding the variants like capture the flag and shit to keep things simple. Unless you all prefer to have them.     

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