I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 187: How To Catch A Nun Part 1

Chapter 187: How To Catch A Nun Part 1

3*sigh*      1

After Sairaorg and Misla had gone, Kel couldn't help but heave a sigh as if tired. Silvya quickly came to his side and showed a smile. "The herec- the guests have left. We can now relax and enjoy our day Lord Kel." Silvya suggested happily but sadly her bubble was burst as Kel stood up and shook his head.     

"As nice as that would be it's about time we start making solid preparations since it looks like the Bael clan is going to be active from here on out." Kel pointed out as he took out his phone, Silvya smiled and nodded on the surface but inwardly cursed the Bael's all the way up to their first generation.     


"Hello?" Sona's voice resounded on the other side of the phone call and she seemed a bit perplexed at having Kel call her.     

"Hey Sona, sorry if I'm interrupting but I have a favor to ask. You've been keeping a close eye on the movements of the church so I was wondering if you heard anything about any new members that may have come into town." Kel got straight to the point and asked, to which Sona went silent for a bit before the sound of papers ruffling in the background could be heard.     

"Uhh one moment." She said in hurried voice as the sound of papers being ruffled continued. "Ah here we go. Hmm strange my reports show that a good number of church members had actually been leaving rather coming but they were a few that recently arrived. Romani Levaline, Asia Argento, Maria-" before Sona could continue speaking Kel interrupted and spoke.     

"Thanks Sona, that'll suffice. Have a good day." Kel spoke quickly and left Sona confused but he cut the call before she could ask anymore.     

Silvya roughly understood his reasoning behind this but still looked at him puzzled just to confirm. "Will you be recruiting her?" She asked and Kel hesitated to answer while scratching the back of his head.     

"Recruit isn't exactly the word I'd use. Given how things have changed the event in which she died will no longer happen, I could repeat this process but it's unlikely things will go the same so I have no choice but do this artificially." Kel explained and Silvya roughly understood what he meant as it was in line with what she initially thought. "So you'll kill her yourself and then make her yours?" She said plainly which made it come across rather devilishly so Kel shook his head.     

"No, no, I'm simply going to create a few false events that may or may not lead to her death and her becoming a devout follower of mine." Kel explained as righteously as he could it still really didn't add up. But to Silvya his word was all that mattered so she couldn't help but nod with a smile on her face. "So what's the plan?"     


Meanwhile in the Bael Clan in the underworld, Lord Bael himself could be seen standing in a lavish bedroom with his hands behind his back and a stern expression on his face.     

In front of him was Julius or rather Juliet who was being tended to by numerous older looking women.     

"So how is it? Don't tell me you can't manage either?" He asked as if starting to lose both hope and patience but the one of the old women chuckled and shook her head. "Don't worry Lord Bael, it may look complex on the outside but it is a rather simple trick that we shall be able to fix, his memories may be a bit harder to put together but even that isn't impossible… as for our fee…" the old woman continued to chuckle and looked in Lord Bael's direction as if suggesting something to which he just clicked his tongue in irritation and nodded.     

"I'll get you whatever damned ingredients you want, just have my son ready well before the pre tournament banquet is held. I can not and will not allow my clan to suffer humiliation." He commanded before turning away and leaving the room.     


Meanwhile back in the town of Kouh a strange incident had been set into motion, starting at the town's local church.     

Within said church, a quiet atmosphere could be observed in the lonely looking hall with a single young looking girl cleaning the seats.     

"Asia!" Soon a middle aged voice called out to this young blonde girl with emerald green eyes. Her innocent looking face showed a sweet smile as she turned to the source of the voice and stopped cleaning.     

"Yes Father?" She replied in low yet lovely and sweet voice. The priest looked at the dust covered young girl who worked diligently and couldn't help but smile. "Bless your soul sweet child, ever since you and brother Romani arrived this church has had its spirit rekindled. Alas we are still lacking in funds but we've recently received a request for assistance that pays a hefty sum, this must be the lord giving us a chance!" The priest explained with a smile and received a nod from Asia who clasped her hands together to give a short prayer of thanks.     

"I'm glad to hear that. I'm almost done cleaning the hall to prepare for mass tomorrow." She added cheerfully and he smiled back.     

"Oh no that's fine, I'll have someone take care of this, this calling needs you instead. A young single mother called to us and asked if we had a sister that could go see her troubled child and give some guidance and prayer. I recall you saying you love children so I thought this opportunity would be best handled by you." The priest explained and Asia happily agreed while showing great concern for the mother and child.     

"I'll go right away Father." She said while dusting off her robe and received a nod from the older man. "Good, here is the address, may the lord guide you safely." He said with smile but under his glasses his eyes looked to be in a sort of daze as if not himself…     

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