I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 185: Calm Before The Storm Part 5

Chapter 185: Calm Before The Storm Part 5

0Days began to fly by since Rias and Akeno's last visit to inform Kel about the tournament and what it would hold.      3

Currently he was comfortably laying down in his bed sound asleep with Silyva by his side.     

*ring* *ring*     


Suddenly he awoke to this scene and saw that his hand was firmly buried between Silyva's bare breasts. 'That explains why I dreamt about Mrs. Johnson... '     


Soon after he awoke Silyva also arose and should Kel a small smile. "Good morning Lord Kel." She said energetically after enjoying an entire night with him.     

It was only recently she learned that Kel didn't at all mind her coming to sleep with him so she had more or less fully migrated into his room.     

"Huh? Why am I on the floor..." A surprised Raynare muttered before looking up to the bed and seeing Silyva smiling happily while squeezing her breasts against Kel. 'I could've sworn I snuck in here first.'     

It was far too early for him to pay mind to their schemes as all he wanted to do was return to his milf dream.     

*ring* *ring*     

Just as he was about to do so he was reminded of why he woke up in the first place.     

"What kind of unholy person calls people so early in the morning... on a Saturday? Tsk" Kel muttered in displeasure as he reached for the phone resting atop a dresser.     

"Hello?" He answered rather blandly and drowsy like, unlike the voice on the other side.     

[ Good morning~ ]     

"There's nothing good about this morning, how can I help you Akeno?"     

[ Aww, we haven't spoken in so long yet you can't even say you miss me? Were you even worried about me Kel? ]     

Kel could see this conversation steering off track and his sleep slipping away so he chose to quicken it. "Come see me in person and I'll show you just how much I miss you."     

[ Ooo~ In that case I'll tell you the news in person. See you later ] *beep*     

'Hmm, it actually worked?' Kel thought before turning back to sleep.     

Without asking Silyva he groped her breasts as if massaging a pillow before resting his head on them. "Don't wake me up."     

"Eh?" Silyva was only left confused although she couldn't really complain.     

"It's always the titties, Tsk... I'm going on patrol." Raynare stood from the floor and left rather dissatisfied.     

Silyva could only look at Kel before showing a droopy smile. 'Loose women never prevail. My breasts are full of love for Lord Kel and it grows by the day.' She thought while gently stroking his hair.     


Kel woke up a few hours later and found Silyva was still stroking his hair.     

"Were you just watching me sleep?" He asked with a bit of curiosity and Silyva nodded proudly. "A little."     

'I now know how many hairs Lord Kel has on his head.' Silyva thought while smiling as if she had received some great fortune.     

"Right, well then let's go bathe. Akeno should be here soon." Hearing these words Silyva couldn't help but feel even more elated.     


However her dreams were shattered as the front door bell rang and brought an end to their plans.     

"Guess she's here early. You go keep her company while I freshen up then you can shower after I come down." Kel instructed before getting up and grabbing a towel.     

Silyva could see her wet shower romance slipping through her fingers as Kel did so, leaving only a mundane lone shower awaiting her.     


An annoyed Silyva soon came down stairs to respond to the door and found it wasn't actually Akeno but unfamiliar individuals.     

"Wrong house." She muttered before trying to close the door but the two guests spoke abruptly.     

"Wait, wait. We've never met formally but my name is Sairaorg Bael and this is my mother. Does Kel Zagaroth not live here?" A casually dressed Sairaorg asked for clarity while looking at his phone.     

"Yes he does, please come in and wait in the living room as he is currently in the shower..." Silyva politely welcomed them with a bright smile which faded upon them entering. 'Heretics...'     

Once inside the mother and son pair took a seat in the leaving room before Silyva gave them some drinks and snacks.     

"Thank you for the hospitality, you must be his queen yes?" Sairaorg asked but Silyva shook her head. "I'm anything Lord Kel wants me to be."     

"Such dedication..." Misla couldn't help but smile at this before looking to Silyva. "While we wait for your master may we please inquire what you know of what transpired to Julius? I understand that you were also present during the event, he is my child you see.     

"It would be my pleasure." She replied with a smile.     

'A heretic mother of a heretic, please just die so Lord Kel and I can have our naked soapy bodies against each other.'     

"Uh Miss? Are you okay?" Misla asked after seeing Silyva look up with a dreamy smile.     

"Huh? Oh yes reality. Anyway what occurred is..."     

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