I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 181: Calm Before The Storm Part 2

Chapter 181: Calm Before The Storm Part 2

2Later that very night after Issei arrived, a meal had been prepared and Kel sat down with the group to go over some matters.     0

The main topic being Issei and Raynare's patrols and the results they yielded. Both had satisfactory statistics with Issei showing a lot of improvement, he was no trump card but he was at least useful and the presence of a somewhat regular otaku was refreshing to see for Kel.     

"That's one matter down, as for the tourn-" Before Kel could proceed and bring up another topic, the door bell rang and caught the attention of everyone present.     

"I'll get it." Silyva stood up from the dinning table and went to check who it was. Upon opening the door they found it was none other than Rias and Akeno.     

Silyva didn't seem very pleased by this sight but she was beamed a smile and invited them inside. It was only when they walked passed and she had to close the door that she displayed the irritation on her face. "Tsk. As if Raynare wasn't bad enough." She muttered under her breath before following behind.     

"Good evening, I hope we're not intruding." After reaching the dinning area, Rias politely passed a greeting to everyone present before taking one of the empty seats alongside a smiling Akeno who had her eyes locked to Kel.     

"Not at all, but something tells this isn't a friendly visit." Kel could feel a plot thickening the second they walked through that door, he could only that it wasn't anything troublesome and in relation to Julius.     

Rias smiled as her intentions were seen through, this was to be expected as it was plainly obvious to begin with.     

"Well then I'll cut to the chase, Lady Bael and my cousin Sairaorg will be coming to this town soon to conduct an investigation regarding the culprits behind Julius's unfortunate situation. I've been tasked with asking local allies to corporate in any way they can with this once they arrive." Rias explained and Kel roughly understood the whole picture.     

Basically they were sent for revenge and to show their power after having their heir face such humiliation. Prestige was taken quite seriously in the under world so of course they retaliated.     

"It's only natural they send people to investigate I suppose. No need to worry, I'll corporate and provide assistance should they require it." Kel replied and brought the topic to an end as there was nothing left to add on.     

So the group went on to continue eating their meals along with their guests. Not much apart from light banter was exchanged during this but one topic seemed to have changed the mood once brought up.     

"Are you guys ready for the devil tournament or whatever it it's called? Kel has been training us hard to prepare for it so I'm guessing it's not easy." Issei turned to Rias and Akeno for an answer but they was a slight shift in Rias's mood upon hearing this.     

"The competition is always fierce and difficult, it's just that this time... everyone is staking a lot." She said in low tone and before quickly shifting back to her usual demeanor as if nothing occurred.     

When the meal was done, Silyva began clearing the table and was surprisingly offered help from Rias and then Issei afterward.     

Raynare simply excused herself to shower and tend to her sore bum leaving only Akeno and Kel in the living room. This quickly became awkward as all she did was just look at him with a small smile on her face.     

"I need some fresh air." Kel sighed and quickly excused himself from the situation and stepped outside to the backyard and sat on a swaying bench while enjoying the cool night breeze. The door leading to the backyard soon slid open and Akeno walked through. "I just realized I might need some air too." She said before taking a seat beside Kel.     

"Something on your mind?" She asked curiously and Kel nodded. "Quite a lot actually but nothing I can't handle, maybe. Yourself?" Kel replied in a carefree manner and returned the question.     

"I'm worried about Rias..." Akeno showed a weak smile and began swaying her legs gently backs and forth. "This coming tournament, she's got a lot to lose."     

Kel couldn't help but remember something from the canon show regarding devils. 'Probably something to do with marriage I'm sure. This world's laws and mechanisms for the most part are still true to the show.' Kel thought while feigning a look of concern on the surface.     

He just couldn't genuinely bring himself to feel bad over something that felt so forced. It was clearly a plot set up to give in this case Julius a chance to win over Rias and gain fame in the underworld, blah, blah.     

Unless a reincarnator specifically requested for the world to change in some way before hand like what Yorgen and Alex had done, the laws will remain largely the same.     

So if a world was filled with nonsensical and dumb ploys that could easily be resolved then this trait would remain. This matter Akeno brought up was probably among the many events related to characters that would aspire to give chance to anyone seeking to win them over.     

The terrible part of all this was that what the characters felt was true emotion. So even if it looked utterly ridiculous to Kel for example, to Rias and Akeno this was a genuinely troubling moment for them.     

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Like having cheat codes in a hentai game, Kel easily chose the answer Akeno would find appealing. Any self respecting Otaku could easily do the same, it wasn't rocket science.     

Akeno showed a slight look of surprise to Kel before showing a smile once more. "You're really kind but there's no way for you to help. Not unless you can somehow emerge as number one in the upcoming tournament." Akeno muttered in a low tone.     

'There it is.' The condition to overcoming this scenario was given there and then, he basically needed to fight for her. It was actually quite sad that this world was designed in such a way the more Kel thought about it. He was starting to see the true value behind having world alterations.     

"Then I'll strive to do just that, I friend's problems are my problems." Kel replied with a smile that warmed Akeno's heart. Without warning she leaned forward and gave him a small peck on the cheek.     

"Thank you... I'll be heading back inside." She quickly excused herself afterward and left Kel to his thoughts.     

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