I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 179: ‘That’ Part 3

Chapter 179: ‘That’ Part 3

1The calm days continued to pass without much event. Julius had been returned to the underworld but his situation wasn't made public, although quite a few notable figures were already aware.      4

As for Kel and the others, they continued to go about daily life more or less. Kel simply enjoyed not having to overly stress himself for once while Raynare and Issei continued with their patrols and training to better their teamwork.     

Just like that an uneventful week had passed and a new weekend approached. Kel was currently making his way out of the last boring class of the day deep in thought.     

'Still no sign of Asia, in the original series she should have appeared in the city by now I think or did Julius's actions along with mine change that?' Kel questioned himself and looked a little bit relieved, the more people that popped up the more arduous things would become.     

If one of the main characters wasn't going to pop up this time around then it more or less made things easier for him.     

Just as he was on this line of thought, he received a text on his phone from Raynare.     

[ Nothing today as well master, please punish me~ ]     

Kel looked at the text for a moment before choosing to not reply as he saw Issei waiting for him outside his class.     

This had become a common sight over the week as he always saw Kel before heading off to patrol the streets as valiantly as he could or so he said.     

"You look unusually eager today, is there something I'm missing?" Kel asked with his brow raised as Issei couldn't hide the eager look on his face.     

"Well I have a really good feeling about today, not only do I not have to work with Raynare but Sona offered to help." Issei said with a smile on his face as if all was right with the world.     

"Considering how you've been "offering" help to her I'm not surprised she's returning the favor. Who says persistence doesn't pay off right?" Over the past week, Kel had noticed Issei offering help to Sona every chance he got.     

"She's just free so she wanted to help, it's nothing major really. Anyway I'll be setting off soon and I'll give a report as soon as I'm done." Issei said casually and received a nod from Kel before rushing off.     

'I planned on telling him we can stop with the patrols but then that'd be outright cock blocking him. Well at least the guy is enjoying himself.' Kel watched Issei run off and showed a small smirk before turning to leave as well.     

Unlike Issei who'd been busy and active, Kel for the most part was basically unseen. He neither visited the occult research club or saw the others as he always directly went home with Silyva and Raynare after school.     

Today however before he could go far, he felt a hand clasp onto him from behind causing him to turn with a brow raised at the culprit. "Hmm?"     

"You're really hard to catch, you know that?" The culprit who was none other than Akeno pressed her body against Kel slightly as she stated this to him.     

"My class is right next to yours, how could I possibly be hard to catch?" Kel asked plainly while shrugging his shoulders as he made a point.     

In truth despite him not visiting the occult research club or visiting them, he was relatively easy to reach. As for why they didn't, it was partly due to the awkwardness from when they stayed at his home, seeing as he wasn't visiting the club anymore it was only natural they assumed he was directly avoiding them.     

Akeno however chose to try and approach him today. He reacted more or less how he usually would which made her be somewhat at ease.     

"I can't very well argue with that..." Akeno replied with a small smile as she pulled away from Kel and began walking beside him.     

Despite the noise in the hall, the atmosphere between Kel and her felt rather quiet as neither spoke after that, just walking in silence instead.     

"Something on your mind?" Kel broke the silence and decided to ask while Akeno seemed a little on edge.     


Meanwhile back in the underworld in the Bael Clan's estate, Lord Bael was currently seated on a throne with a stern expression on his face.     

"Those damned fallen really have gone too far this time, if they think we'll just sit back and watch they're surely mistaken!" He yelled out before focusing his gaze on a figure bowing not too far in front of him.     

"Sairaorg, take this opportunity to prove your usefulness to the family. Find out just who was behind what happened to your brother and make them suffer for it. Am I clear?" He asked but left no room for refusal.     

"I understand father."     

Moments later Sairaorg left the room and turned his attention to the woman waiting for him outside.     

"I'm sorry mother, he denied anyone seeing Julius until further notice. Our request was declined and I've been given a mission instead..." Sairaorg proceeded to explain what little he was told by Lord Bael to his mother.     

"To think they'd go so far as to attack an heir, no something feels off about all this. Sairaorg I'm coming with you, I won't be able to sleep with how worried I'll be. If they can do that once then perhaps you'll be targeted next..." his mother explained in a tone of pure worry that left Sairaorg unable to refute her.     

It was pointless to try and stop her, her stubborn nature is the reason he wasn't abandoned as a child after all so he could only smile and give her a nod before they walked away from the main hall together.     

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