I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 178: ‘That’ Part 2

Chapter 178: ‘That’ Part 2

4A little later that very morning when Silvya and Raynare had long since gone. Kel woke up from his extended sleep to a beautiful sight, a large pair of perky breasts firmly pressed against his body.      2

Rias who was still asleep fidgeted slightly causing her breasts to rub against Kel even more, waking up more than just his mind. 'A healthy young man like me can only endure so much.' He sighed before getting out of the bed and stretching his arms.     

"Good morning..." Almost immediately after Kel separated himself from Rias, she woke up and let out a soft yawn. As she spoke to Kel, her eyes wandered and so the bulge in his boxers leading her to smile. "Seems you're energetic this morning." She teased as she got out of bed without even bothering to cover up her nude body.     

"It's hard not to be given my circumstances, you seem energetic as well." Kel retorted while directing her attention to her perky now hard nipples. "Well it is a bit chilly..." Kel showed a doubtful look at her response before turning to get dressed. Rias on the other hand took a towel and left for the shower.     

After getting dressed in some comfortable loose clothes, Kel left the room and proceeded to head downstairs where he found Akeno and Koneko fully awake.     

Koneko was seated in the living room quietly watching television while Akeno's voice could be heard in the kitchen.     

"Good morning, enjoying yourself?" Kel made a stop in the living room and asked Koneko this to which she gave a brief nod. "Morning, the selection isn't bad, this show doesn't make much sense though." Koneko replied turning Kel's attention to the strange Japanese show on the tv.     

"Is that a man wearing a magical girl outfit fighting the president of Russia?" Kel asked and Koneko nodded in agreement. "Yes, he's secretly an evil magical girl who must be stopped before he turns all cats in world into cat girls and forming the Soviet Nyun Nyun." Kel could only nod his head as if he understood before walking away from the scene.     

"How's he the bad guy? Sounds like a visionary to me." Kel asked to which Akeno shrugged lightly. "Dunno, for plot maybe."     

Kel stood and watched the strange show for a moment before sighing and walking away when the dreams of the Soviet Nyun Nyun perished. He made his way to the kitchen to get himself some late breakfast and found Akeno wearing an apron cooking happily.     

"Good morning~" Upon seeing Kel she gave her greetings in an alluring tone, Kel gave her a nod but he didn't face her and immediately went to the fridge to get a drink, however when he turned he almost choked on said drink when he saw Akeno's back.     

Underneath the Apron there was only a thin panty tightly hugging her asscheeks and nothing more. 'There's too much plot in this house today...'     

"Is something the matter?" Akeno asked without turning but she did lean slightly forward, exposing more of her ass to Kel, even wiggling it slightly as she stirred the meal she was preparing. "No, something just got in my eye." Kel replied and closed the fridge while Akeno giggled mischievously.     

"Is there anything you want to eat? I can quickly prepare it for you?" She turned to face Kel and leaned forward, her cleavage in full view. "Bacon and toast can work." Kel acted completely unbothered by her teasing and to some extent he was so he just answered her question and made his way out of the kitchen and returned to the living room.     

Later once Akeno had finished cooking and Rias had finished her bath everyone gathered in the dinning area to eat.     

"To think the queen of England was a magical girl too." Kel muttered while shaking his head while Koneko looked somewhat downcast. "I never saw it coming. I guess we'll have to wait for season two to see what happens" She added leaving Rias and Akeno confused.     

"How's the food?" Unable to join into the current topic, Akeno shifted the direction of the conversation to the food she prepared.     

"No complaints here."     

"I've always liked you cooking Akeno."     

"It's yummy."     

From Kel to Koneko no one had any complaints about their meal bringing a small smile to her face. "Any news about Julius?" Kel asked aloud and Rias responded almost immediately.     

"Well no further difficulties have come up but he or rather she has shown small signs of her memory returning so the whatever effect she's on it's likely temporary. We'll know more once he returns to the underworld." No one asked any further questions or added anything on the matter, seemingly content with the progress thus far.     

"So then it's only your meeting with some visiting heirs that we should be expecting?" Akeno asked aloud causing Rias to look at her with a frown. "Akeno, now isn't the time to discuss that." Rias replied in a serious tone and Akeno apologized before going silent.     

Kel did show a look of curiosity for a moment but didn't say anything. When Rias turned towards him he simply shrugged his shoulders. "If you something to discuss privately then it isn't my business, I won't pry. It's not like you can divulge your secrets to another clan heir." Kel said in neutral tone before standing up from the table.     

"If you'll excuse me I'll be going out for some air." Kel stated and before anyone could reply, his figure vanished. Rias lowered her head slightly and ceased to eat along with Akeno who felt she shouldn't have said anything.     

Kel on the other hand just didn't want to be around If drama erupted and so he left. As for the topic of their discussion, he really did not care.     



A/N: As usual hope you enjoy the Chapter and please continue to support my original novel King Of Limbo, I only do fanfics for fun and practice so support on my original is a big help, give it a read even. I guarantee you'll be hooked.     

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