I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 176: Path Pending

Chapter 176: Path Pending

4Later that very night after the sleeping arrangements had been set, Kel had left the girls having dinner and decided to go take a shower.     4

He quickly made his way to his room to change before going to the bathroom to shower. 'Things are moving strangely...' Kel sighed as he began thinking about how to go about Julius's new situation.     

He may have had amnesia but the guys past actions in just two weeks were still punishable. There was no guide and no rules as to how Kel could punish and judge, he was the judge, jury and executioner.     

He considered the possibility of amnesia meaning he forgot his actions and was in some way a new person but in the end what he did was still apparent. Unlike the others, Silyva knew many more of his deeds and naturally informed Kel.     

'I guess the only real question is, should I purge him now or punish him more?' Kel thought to himself while in the shower, letting the water run down his body without much movement himself.     

His though process was disturbed when the door to bathroom opened suddenly. Out of nowhere Silyva and Raynare who both towels walked in while glancing at each oddly.     

"Can I help you two?" Kel asked being sure he had locked that door. Silyva turned her attention away from Raynare and walked closer to the shower before responding. "You're still injured so I was going to help wash you up." Silvya explained with a smile but Raynare was quick to join in. "You mean we."     

Kel remained silent for a bit and didn't respond but instead turned off the running water and walked out from the shower. "I appreciate the concern but I'm already done, I was only cooling myself off." Kel explained before turning to leave.     

Thus the two were left staring at each other awkwardly as both their plans had failed. "Tsk, you ruined Lord Kel's mood." Silyva narrowed her eyes at Raynare and stated while she herself denied and returned the blame.     

As for Kel who was returning to his room, he could only sigh. 'I'm starting to feel like a real harem protagonist and I don't like it.' Kel thought to himself as he made his way to the door.     

Before being sprawled into the affairs of gods and destroyers, Kel was a member of what otaku's called the "no harem sect". Why? Because harems had ruined so many good stories and shows for him.     

A stupid Mc, women who bought nothing but problems and less than satisfactory fan service. What was there to like about it? Women arguing for his attention, drama and in some cases a young master who will admire his woman or women. The very thought of it was a headache.     

His plan all along was to finish what he came to do and return to his loving milf. But one had no control over there heart, in his case each day he grew closer and closer to the clumsy voluptuous woman who he once thought would be nothing but an annoyance.     

So far he's kept himself in check, the first world he visited was reset so the relations he forged didn't matter. Modred was a special case in that she was a spirit seeing Kel not as a lover but master and friend. Serana was an immortal vampire who needed his blood. Meridia was a goddess who in his thoughts hated him greatly and whose concept of intimacy was blurred.     

As for the last world he couldn't bring himself to bring anyone along, simply because he didn't see it as fair. At first everything would seem okay but then what? Was he in love? No, would he be overtime? Did he have the time to give them attention? Could he see a future with them?     

This was his life and it wasn't just some show like he watched. His choices would have consequences, a happy ending wasn't guaranteed with some season finally. Was it worth risking just so he could sleep with a character from shows he used to watch? No.     

'Let's just get some sleep.' He thought to himself as heaved an exhausted sigh, a part of him wished he could just be carefree in everything he did and everything would just workout but then would it be real?     

As he entered his room, Kel only threw his towel aside and sat on the edge of his bed naked and stretched his arms. "Everything okay?" A voice from behind causing him to turn hurriedly.     

He never turned on the light in his room and he was too deep in thought to notice the naked crimson haired girl that laid on his bed. "Just some random thoughts about life. I think best in the shower." Kel responded in his usual manner of speaking and caused Rias to glance at him oddly as he got in the bed.     

Kel didn't say much after that and closed his eyes, hoping to get passed the intimate situation peacefully but then... "Tired?" Rias asked curiously but Kel shook his head and replied honestly "No, just worried that if I step any longer looking at you I won't be able to sleep at all." Kel replied as Rias's perky nipple pressed against his body.     

"You're quite honest." She replied, not flustered at all by his comment, almost comfortable with it even. "Building a relationship off lies is a recipe for disaster." He replied causing Rias to raise her brow in curiosity.     

"So we're building a relationship?" She asked almost in teasing manner causing Kel to sigh. "Talking to you sometimes feels like I'm playing a game of chess and losing." He clicked his tongue and commented causing her to smile.     

"Well then let's have a few games before falling asleep." Rias replied while pressing her body more against Kel.     

A/N: Sorry for the late Chapter was debating on which route to take. As usual hope you enjoy the Chapter and please continue to support my original novel King Of Limbo, give it a read even. I guarantee you'll be hooked.     

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