I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 177: ‘That’ Part 1

Chapter 177: ‘That’ Part 1

2The night seemed to run slow as Rias and Kel shared a bed and their warmth. Despite being reluctant he ended up enjoying the somewhat normal conversation with Rias.     

To him it was nice to forget about the reincarnators, gods and worlds even if only for a brief moment till both he and she fell asleep.     

The next morning Rias woke up to find Kel had already woken up and was nowhere to be seen but a short moment later he returned into the room with his lower body wrapped in a tower.     

"Good morning, it's still a bit early so feel free to sleep in." Kel turned to Rias and advised with a small smile on his face. "If that's the case how come you're awake already?" Rias raised a brow and asked but Kel passed it off as just wanting to avoid a morning queue. In actuality he just didn't want to have to deal with Raynare's antics so early in the morning.     

"Well since you've already bathed why not sleep in too? It should be a few days before an envoy from the Bael clan arrives to see Julius. Plus aside from the Julius incident the investigation was a success. I think a break is well deserved, don't you?" Rias lifted her head causing the sheet that covered her to slip to her waist and expose her perky breasts as she asked Kel this question.     

'Well she's not wrong, until the Julius issue is resolved I'm basically on standby... ' Kel thought to himself before dropping his towel and returning to the bed. "I'm pretty sure I'm healed though." Kel pointed out but Rias maintained her casual expression and still pressed her body against his. "Isn't it much more comfortable to sleep this way? Personally I haven't slept this well in a long time." Rias revealed with a small smile on her face.     

Kel could neither refute nor agree with her statement and just enjoyed himself as they once again began to converse.     

A little while later, Sylvia and Raynare had both awoken and were currently standing in front of Kel's door. "Fancy meeting you here" Raynare sarcastically said but Silyva didn't even glance at her.     

"I always wake up Lord Kel at this hour, you wouldn't know this since you haven't been with him for as long as I. Sluts wouldn't understand.' Sylvia confidently responded, she knew no matter what she was the one person Kel spent the most time with.     

Raynare frowned at her statement for a moment but her face soon curved into a smile then she spoke. "Well I'm here to perform my duty as a slut and relieve Master of his pent up morning stress." Raynare boldly declared while making vulgar gestures towards Sylvia.     

Sylvia chose to ignore her and just knocked on Kel's door and asked that he wake up. "Thanks Sylvia but I'll be sleeping a little longer, I'd like to spend today resting, feel free to do the same. Don't forget about 'that' though." Kel's voice resounded from the other side of the door.     

Raynare seemed displeased knowing she wouldn't be able to go in at this time while Sylvia on the other hand looked happy. She was the only one who knew how stressful Kel's duties were, so hearing him say he'd rest, especially in his normal carefree tone made her happy.     

She agreed without hesitation and left while dragging Raynare along. "Hey are we just gonna leave Master there with that Gremory girl?" Raynare was quick to protest but Sylvia nodded at her words. "Yes, he gave us instructions so it's only natural we follow. Do you remember what that is?" Sylvia replied before shifting the topic from Kel's bedroom adventures.     

"Yea I remember, innocent blonde nun girl that possesses sacred gear will arrive in town some time soon and we should establish friendly contact blah blah blah, am I right?" Raynare asked for confirmation and Sylvia nodded. "Correct, you and I will patrol while Lord Kel takes a Well deserved break and if you perform well he'll likely reward you." Sylvia revealed, causing Raynare's interest on the matter to rise.     

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but I didn't like not updating for a while. For those who aren't aware my right hand up to my wrist is hurt and bandaged so I've been recovering. I can barely type 200 words without feeling some stinging pain so this is all I could manage today. Unfortunately the only books I have advanced chapters for are Kol and Goto, hence the lack of releases. Hope you enjoy the short chapter. You can also check out my other stories while I'm recuperating, have a good day.     

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