I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 174: A Twist

Chapter 174: A Twist

4Before Kel could properly drift off into his sleep with Rias atop of him, he heard a light knock on his door. Already getting an ominous feeling he raised his brow in curiosity before speaking. "Uh, come in?". After that his door creaked open and a smiling Sylvia walked in, making him wonder why he assumed it'd be something bad.      1

"Oh Sylvia, since you're back I take it everyone is done investigating?" Kel asked curiously and Sylvia nodded as she came closer and turned her gaze to Rias and then back to Kel as if asking for an explanation although maintaining her usual smile the entire time. "She was sharing her mana with me so I could heal quicker, this is best done with proper body contact..." Upon saying it out loud it sounded even more ridiculous than he thought but it's the world's rules so what could he do.     

"I see. That makes sense." Sylvia nodded multiple times and began giving off her usual vibe which eased Kel's worry. 'I better get out before I have to do any more explaining.' Kel thought before turning to Rias who also raised her head.     

"What's happening?" She asked before turning to Sylvia. "Oh nothing, I'm here to help speed up Lord Kel's recovery." Sylvia plainly answered before tapping her staff and making all her clothes vanish.     

"Oh I suppose this will indeed speed up his recovery, I apologize; it's my fault he got injured." Rias expressed as she scooted over to his left while Silvya came onto his right. Their large perky bare breasts pressed against his chest. 'Does this world have some sort of law that generates unrealistic lewd scenes? I just want to sleep...' Kel thought to himself as the two women atop him comfortably laid against him.     

'It was only supposed to be me and Lord Kel but this is still a success.' Sylvia thought as she wore a bright smile as everything went according to plan, aside from the extra woman in his bed but so long as it wasn't Raynare she was content.     

The three then exchanged a few thoughts on the investigations before drifting off to sleep. But this was soon cut short when more knocking resounded on Kel's door.     

"Master~ your favorite loyal servant is back" Raynare said in an alluring voice.     

"Is the president perhaps also in there, Koneko is being stubborn and isn't saying anything." Akeno said in a curious tone trailing off.     

"Akeno, I'm here. Sylvia and I are in the midst of helping Kel heal. He was injured during our investigation." Rias sighed as she quickly explained but Raynare narrowed her eyes at the door. "And then they fucked." She muttered as she tried peeping through the keyhole but Koneko remained vigilant.     

"No peeping." She said in a plain tone causing Raynare to click her tongue in irritation. "Tsk, prude. Anyway master you may want to hurry up downstairs, there's a certain issue that's taken place that definitely needs your uhm expertise."     

"Horny succubi should just drop dead and die." Sylvia muttered in a cheery tone causing Raynare to stare angrily at the door. "Come say that to my face you sadistic witch." Raynare retorted as the two exchanged a few words before Kel finally sighed and got up.     

"Enough you two, we'll just be a moment." Kel muttered as he got out of bed much to Silvya's displeasure. "Are you sure you're well enough to move?" Rias asked in a concerned tone to which Kel nodded.     

"I'll be fine for now, it's best we see what's going on. I have the entire night to rest." Kel insisted and Rias could only accept as she also got out of bed.     

Kel who was planning to come back to sleep immediately after only wore his pants and left his upper body exposed. Rias then decided to wear only his shirt and some panties, this made Sylvia grab another one of Kel's shirts but unlike with Rias who it fit loosely and reached just slightly above her knees; Sylvia's clinged to her busty body tightly and ended around her thighs.     

With that done, Kel proceeded to open the door and immediately the scene looked rather suspicious but everyone played it off as normally. "So what exactly is going on Akeno?" Rias placed her hand on her waist and asked while sighing.     

"It's best you see for yourself, Sona, Kiba, Issei and Julius are already waiting downstairs." Akeno replied in a vague manner causing Kel to give Sylvia a glance but she still only smiled innocently.     

Kel and Rias could go downstairs to find out what was going on and so they didn't ask anymore questions. Once they got down, everyone in the living room immediately turned to the approaching group.     

"Oh hey Kel..." Issei who was about to pass his greetings trailed off as he saw Rias and Sylvia standing wearing provocative attire clearly belonging to his shirtless master.     

"Anyway what's going on? And where's Julius...? What in the world am I looking at?" Kel asked in a confused tone as everyone present was Kiba, Sona, Issei and a girl who bared a strong resemblance to Julius.     

"Don't ask me, my dick is also confused." Issei shook his head and turned to Sona who seemed to have a rough idea of what was going on.     

Her theory was that they tortured Julius mentally for information as no physical wounds could be found, however doing so messed with his memories and so to cover it up they used an unknown technique to permanently change his gender. "It's unlike anything I've seen, his or rather her memories are a bit jumbled now." Sona explained, causing everyone to turn their attention to a frowning short haired girl in a school uniform.     

"From Julius to Juliet, that's tough." Issei shook his head while Kel remained speechless at the sight.     

'Well this was unexpected...'     



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