I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 173: Aftermath

Chapter 173: Aftermath

4Outside the warehouse and barrier just before the fallen angels had decided to end their session, Raynare, Sona and Issei could seem standing near the barrier waiting patiently for back up.      2

"Do you think he'll be ok?" Sona asked in a concerned tone but Raynare didn't hide her lack of care while Issei just shrugged. "I'm not sure, you're really worried huh?" He asked curiously to which she nodded her head.     

"Well yes, despite his rather 'odd' personality he is still the heir of the Bael Clan, one of the biggest and most powerful families there is. Should he die by the hands of fallen angels a major conflict or perhaps even a war may arise." Sona explained the gravity of the situation and continued to ponder carefully. "Well he's fine I'm sure, if he's from a clan that powerful then he's obviously pretty tough. You know, like a cockroach." Issei's attempt at cheering up brought a smile to Sona's face as she giggled while shaking her head.     

"That's probably not the best example huh..." Issei chuckled while shrugging his shoulders but Sona shook her head. "Not the best but I found it rather humorous, thank you." She expressed but before Issei could reply Raynare spoke up.     

"Finally they're here, I was starting to feel like a side character in a cliche teen romance story." Raynare expressed in displeasure as she turned her gaze to three figures that came flying towards them. Akeno, Silyva and Kiba.     

When they landed down Sona hurriedly briefed them on what had occurred, as expected despite the gravity of the situation no one seemed they were in any particular hurry to save Julius as they all remained calm and collected, Silyva even wearing a gentle smile telling them all would be fine.     

"Do you have a plan?" Sona turned to her and asked curiously but she simply walked to the front and brought out her large staff. As if acting from experience, Akeno and Kiba took a step back and advised the others to do the same.     

But all Silyva did was tap her staff onto the ground before the barrier violently shook and dismantled. "Why are you all standing over there? The spell drains a lot of my energy so I'll leave the rescue to you." She explained with a smile on her face before turning away and taking flight, eager to return to Kel's side, not quite happy about leaving him in the hands of a vixen. 'Lord Kel was supposed to heal himself after the act and come here around the same time as us...' She thought to herself with a pout.     

The group watched her leave for a moment before everyone's attention soon turned to the warehouse. "When we first went in there were a lot of attackers, I can safely say there were more than ten so we needed a strategy before carelessly rushing in." Sona quickly explained before they quickly formulated a plan and charged towards the warehouse.     

Without wasting any further time, the group cautiously made their way into the warehouse but found it was no longer pitch black but instead well lit by strange egg shaped lights three times the size of a soccer ball.     

Next to them was Julius who laid on the ground seemingly unconscious but unharmed. "It looks like we arrived before whatever it is they were planning could be carried out." Sona pointed out as she and the others assumed the eggs of light were to keep him weakened and trapped in place.     

"Where are the fallen angels then?" Issei asked curiously as everyone's eyes began to wander the warehouse but none could see any fallen angel, instead only pitch black feathers could be seen falling from above.     

Meanwhile at Kel's residence just within his bedroom, his decision to remain acting injured in order to avoid seeing whatever sick things were happening to Julius backfired and he found himself in a rather unique situation.     

There he laid inside his dimly lit bedroom but atop of him laid Rias, beautiful crimson hair with charming aroma and a soft bountiful body laid atop him. Her eyes not once veered away from his face even as he decided to open his eyes. "Thank goodness, I was starting to grow worried." Rias expressed her relief with a small smile while Kel acted his part and asked what had occurred.     

She proceeded to explain the events that lead them to where they are now. She didn't bother explaining much about why she laid atop him naked as such knowledge was known to most high ranking devils thus even he didn't show much reaction as they casually exchanged words despite having each other's naked bodies pressed against each other.     

"You seem concerned. Is it regarding the mission?" She asked after Kel had remained silent for a while. "No, no matter what occurs I'm confident in my servants as I'm sure you are in yours. I'm only thinking about how I'll explain having finished early to lay in bed with the occult research club's president." Kel joked, bringing a small smile to her face.     

"Worry about that after you've fully healed, now close your eyes and rest." She asked but Kel shook his head. "You look more exhausted than myself so you should take your own advice, besides sleeping while being looked at is hard." Kel explained to which Rias smiled before laying her head in his chest and closing his eyes. 'Not getting erect in such a situation, having an indomitable will sure has its perks...' Kel thought to himself after making sure the situation didn't escalate.     

However, just as he was drifting off to sleep, Silyva had arrived at the residence.     

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