I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 172: Silyva’s Scheme Final

Chapter 172: Silyva’s Scheme Final

4A/N: Read this at your own risk, my advice is just wait for the next chapter.     

Warning: Gore and Torture ahead     

Warning: Since you've made up your twisted mind. Sign here and agree that I shall not be held responsible for the consequences this chapter may inflict upon the reader.     

Warning: Seriously man don't read this you'll regret it. I'm kidding, it's actually pretty mild since I wasn't very detailed, enjoy.     

"Tsk, still no response but the message has been delivered." Sona clicked her tongue in irritation as she put her phone away and looked at the barrier with narrowed eyes. "Should we try breaking through with force?" Raynare asked in the best concerned tone she could muster up but Sona shook her head.     

"It's pointless, we've already tried, if we waste too much energy on the barrier we won't be able to save Julius and may end up getting caught as well. It's not worth it." Sona sighed as she explained their position on the matter. "At least they won't escape right? Since to do that they'd need to break the barrier so in a way we have them cornered." Issei pointed out to try and lift Sona's mood.     

"Hmm, that's true. If they had another way they'd have left already and without anyone maintaining this type of barrier it could be easily broken. Good thinking Issei." Soma showed a small smile and praised Issei who just cleared his throat and nodded his head as coolly as possible. "Well there are some words you don't hear everyday." Raynare added quickly, bursting Issei's short lived happiness.     

Meanwhile inside the now lit warehouse Julius who had been knocked unconscious and was currently laying on the cold wet floor of the warehouse. Numerous female fallen angels hovered above him and just looked at him with malicious smiles.     

One feature among them all stood out however, their eyes looked to be a strange matching color with a strange pattern. "Shall we wake our guest~" One of them asked while showing a devious smile to which the others nodded.     

This fallen angel then showed before extending her hands in the direction of the floor, what occurred next was lighting fired from the tip of her finger tips and hit the wet floor before surging violently.     

"Gahh!" This violent surge woke Julius right up and had him yelling in pain while jerking his body madly. "Stop, please! Ahh!" He yelled at the top of his legs as this unreal feeling of pain continuously attacked his body.     

"That's enough." One of fallen angels ordered, causing the one firing the attack to pout and click her tongue irritatedly before landing down along with the others. Julius attempted to stand but found his body was still recovering from what he just underwent.     

"Don't worry, the entire floor is basically one big magic circle courtesy of our benefactor. So long as you are in contact with it, no matter how fatal the wound, you won't die. Yay~ isn't that great? Come one cheer with me~" The chirpy fallen angel asked to which Julius just groaned in pain while giving her a glare.     

"I said cheer with me you damn rapist fuck!" Her bright smile soon faded and was replaced by one of anger; she violently kicked Julius in the face. "Tsk. To think an high class devil would lead defenseless high school, middle school and elementary school girls into his home and **** them, then use his powers to alter their memories and their families. Must be fun to feel like you got away with it, but we fallen angels who've been watching you devils saw everything and our benefactor didn't like it one bit." The girl explained the wear of utter shock and worry.     

"I didn't **** them, t-they wanted to. I just changed their memories to not cause trouble! I'm telling the tru-" His plea was cut short as he received another kick to the face.     

"Tsk. Are you calling us blind, save your excuses. Our benefactor had only planned to teach you a minor lesson but what we revealed~ They agreed a bastard like you deserves the worst punishment possible. The magic circle also withholds your power as a devil, right now you're just a powerless victim, doesn't feel good does it?" She asked as the other fallen angels came closer and brought him to his feet.     

The formerly chirpy one then proceeded to remove his shoes and threw them aside before another fallen angel passed her a hammer. Julius tried to struggle and plead but he was helpless in front of their superhuman strength. "Shhh, be calm little lamb. You need to maintain contact with the floor, I'm just ensuring you do just that!"     

The fallen angel exclaimed as a nail made of light, a devil's natural weakness appeared in her hand. Without hesitation she placed the nail against his smallest toe and nailed it hard to the floor while wearing a bright smile.     

"Gahh!" Julius screamed but was drowned out by the many giggling fallen angels as each toe of his continued to get nailed to the ground until all ten were firmly nailed and set to the floor.     

"Hmm, this doesn't seem quite firm yet." The fallen angel rubbed her chin before another more nail appeared in her hand and hammered it into his foot, right through the bone. Julius's eyes looked bloodshot as he yelled in pain and agony at this unreal nonstop pain.     

"Isn't it amazing how creative we can be with light?" She asked playfully before standing upright. "Okay ladies, chain his hands up." She quickly instructed and immediately some fallen angels raised his hands while another chained his hands before hanging them on an iron hook above Julius.     

"Okay ladies, pick a limb and some pliers then start pulling out nails! Yay teamwork~" The fallen angel cheerfully instructed, causing Julius to widen his eyes and shake his head but before he could speak, she held him by the jaw with his mouth open and licked her lips.     

"Oh you poor thing, you were gonna say you want me to deliver divine punishment weren't you? Don't worry, I won't miss out on the fun, give me a little kiss." She sensually said while sticking out her tongue before forcefully kissing him, not long into the kiss, Julius's eyes widened and tears began to run his face.     

The fallen angel simply gave him a wink before violently pulling away, ripping his tongue out of his now bloody mouth and spitting it onto the floor in the process. "Ruahh!"Julius let out strange sounds of pain but the fallen angel hadn't let his jaw go still as she revealed a set of pliers and waved them in front of his eyes. "Your teeth are really white! I want em." She said in her sensual manner placing the plier against his tooth and yanking it out, then another and then another and then another, until every single one of his teeth were laying on the floor.     

All these while his nails slowly got pulled out from his fingers and toes by other fallen angels.     

"Perfect!~" The leading fallen angel excitedly proclaimed before she stepped back. Julius, who was still in unimaginable pain just watched as they formed a circle around him. Too weak to even muster the strength to beg anymore.     

"You're forgiven once we say you're forgiven. For now we need your clothes off but since no one is willing to put their hands on a filthy bastard like you, we can only use plan B." They giggled in unison before each hand a long glowing white whip appeared in their hands.     

"On your marks, set, Go!" The leading fallen angel yelled out before numerous attacks were fired upon Julius consistently. He could only cry and let out inhumane sounds as they whipped him hard.     

Tearing at not only his clothes but his flesh as well as pieces of his skin hung loosely from his body. The barrage of attacks only ended when he was buck naked.     

"Ouu, quite the sexy body you have. Shame about your personality." The chirpy fallen angel commented as the angels began coming closer to him. "Time to play nurse!" She exclaimed excitedly before taking out a large syringe.     

"Did you know some food places stuff their meat with chemicals to make them bigger? Gross right? But I'm curious to see how it works. I'm so glad I have you here to help me." She cheerfully said before bringing the syringe next to his dick. "Wow, is this the reason you resonated to raping little girls? Don't worry I'll make sure you'll never do so again!" She giggled as she aggressively shoved the needle into his dick and injected the chemicals in, not stopping until the syringe was empty.     

The result was a bulging veiny penis the size of an arm. The fallen angel clapped at her handy work before two other fallen angels came to her side and whispered something into her ears. "Ouuu I like that idea let's do it!" She exclaimed before a fallen angel opened Julius's mouth and placed a disk shaped gag there that kept his mouth open to the limit.     

"We can't have you screaming now can we?" She chuckled before taking an even larger disk and looking at him. She smiled and placed her finger onto the disk and it surprisingly went in, when she pulled it back out it was covered in blood and saliva but she still smiled at Julius who now looked at her wide worried eyes while shaking his head.     

Without wasting time, two fallen angels held up his freakishly large dick while another approached and slowly started making it go through the disc. By the time half of it had vanished into the disc a large bulge could be seen on Julius's neck. They didn't stop there however as they continued to drag it in until the very end. From there they began to pull it in and out in and out until after a while it began jerking violently. "Ouu you serviced yourself, I didn't think that was possible."     

"Oh well since that hole is taken, I'll be taking this other one Kay~" The fallen angel cheerfully proclaimed as she created a strap-on of light the size of an arm. "Aren't you glad I removed all those pesky teeth now?" She started arching his back and shoving the strapon in no man's land all while the other fallen angels continued to move the disc back and forth and forth.     

"Mmm I feel it coming, be ready to be impregnated and purified by the light of god himself!" She exclaimed before a bright light shone. When dimmed down, one could see Julius's stomach now bulging and ready to burst.     

"I wonder how many eggs of light are inside you. Oh well, girls move the discs away, he'll need every single one of his holes to remove them." She instructed hurriedly before something caught her attention.     

"Hmm, it seems some people have gotten through the barrier, oh well. At least we've passed divine judgement once the eggs of light have cleanest your body, all this will seem like a simple everyday nightmare heh." The fallen angel said with a smile before they all held daggers to their necks with smiles.     

"We did it, Benefactor!" They cheered in unison before killing themselves.     

A/N: That's enough suffering for the reincarnator for now, need lemons and development next.     

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