I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 168: Teams

Chapter 168: Teams

1After Kel had threatened Julius, the atmosphere in the room had grown tense for a moment; everyone remained silent before it could go any further, however, Rias stepped in.     3

"Let's just focus on the matter at hand, now isn't the time for interpersonal confrontations. Since it doesn't seem like anyone other than devils has seen the latter part of the video, we can put it off for now and focus on the investigations after school, hopefully, they breed useful results that may even prove Julius' claim." Rias suggested and turned to the others to hear their thoughts on the matter.     

"The investigations will definitely prove those fallen angels are behind it, no complaints from me," Julius stated with a smirk on his face while Sona nodded in agreement.     

Only Kel remained quiet for a moment longer before giving a subtle nod, clearly showing that he was still irritated.     

"I hope it doesn't encroach on the plans you had after school, Kel?" Rias turned to Kel and asked to which he shook his head before replying.     

"No, Issei and I will reschedule since this takes priority. Right, Issei?" Kel's tone had changed to a formal one from his usually relaxed tone which made some feel it was because his mood had shifted.     

"Right, no problem," Issei quickly answered as all eyes had shifted to him for a moment to which he just chuckled while rubbing the back of his head.     

"Good, with everyone on board, everything will operate more smoothly. We'll split into three mixed teams to cover the three areas we're supposed to scout out."     

"Sona, Julius, Issei, and Raynare will cover the first area."     

"Akeno, Sylvia, and Kiba will cover the second."     

"Then lastly Kel, myself, and Koneko will take the third. Sona has offered to send her servants to some minor areas of interest, so that leaves everything covered. Anything to add?"     

After Rias finished explaining the arrangements she turned to the others and asked if they had anything to add, no one seemed like they had anything to add until Julius suddenly raised her hand.     

"I'm fine with the arrangement except for having Issei on my team, Sona and I are more than enough, so just add him to the second team." Julius glared at Issei as he said this while Issei just sighed and turned to Rias and waited for what she had to say.     

"Do you have a valid reason as to why? I'm more aware of Sona's abilities in battle than anyone else, hence why I added Raynare and Issei for additional support. If you feel you're capable of handling an entire region on your own that's fine, but Issei and Raynare will support Sona unless she says otherwise. If that bothers you, I can assign you to lead the investigations on the minor regions so as not to offset the balance here."     

Julius was unable to complain further after Rias replied to his complaint despite her tone being friendly and calm.     

'Damn, this guy's luck just seems worse than mine. I don't think the prez realizes her words hurt more when she puts it politely like that...' Issei thought this as he chose to not fuel the flames by speaking.     

"As long as Lord Kel doesn't have a problem with this then neither do any of his servants." Sylvia politely added on her behalf as well as Raynare's and Issei, something Issei didn't mind, but Raynare furrowed her brows at this.     

'So it's a contest about who sucks up the most, huh, Sylvia? Bring it on you.' Raynare simply smirked and crossed her arms without adding anything to the conversation.     

"Well, seems everyone else is content so we can end the meeting here, we can meet at the park at 6 p.m. to go over things for a final time before setting out in our respective directions." Rias ended the meeting with those words while everyone began saying their goodbyes and left except Akeno and Rias herself.     

When Kel was also about to stand and leave, he was gestured to wait by Rias. This gesture was also noticed by Sylvia whose eyes were almost always on Kel and thus, she also stopped walking and waited, causing Issei and Raynare to do the same.     

"Go ahead, it's fine." Kel waved his hand towards Sylvia and the others, gesturing them to leave without him which they seemed reluctant to do but eventually left.     

Sylvia in particular gave Rias a piercing gaze before turning to leave, followed by Raynare who just seemed carefree while Issei looked confused. Once out of the room, only Kel, Rias, and Akeno were left. Rias chuckled at their behavior before turning to Kel who was still being stoic.     

"Your servants don't seem to like me very much aside from Issei, he's a peculiar one." Rias showed a smile and sat next to Kel while stating this fact.     

"Sylvia is that way towards everyone she considers well, not sure exactly what her criteria is but don't take it personally. As for Raynare and Issei, I have no idea what goes on in their minds aside from perverted thoughts." Akeno, who stood behind Rias and Kel, showed a smile as she heard this but didn't voice her thoughts.     

"Is that all you wished to ask me?" Kel didn't beat around the bush and thought there had to be a reason Rias asked her to stay behind.     

"Hmm, you've become so serious after Julius provoked you. I honestly just want you to stay a bit longer and converse, nothing particularly important to discuss either. I just know so little about you, after all." Rias replied honestly, causing Kel to smile on the surface while his mind went a different route.     

'This feels like a flag...'     

[E/N: Go ahead and put your memes~!]     

[Edited by SHADOWLORD the Julius lover, MagnuS pfp whore, and Ramen_Sensei_MC the resident femboy…]     



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