I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 167: Exposed

Chapter 167: Exposed

2The break period was coming to an end while Raynare and Issei were in a bathroom stall, capturing a very strange scene that had now come to an end.      4

"Fuck, that's just what I needed to relieve my stress, you'll forget everything that happened during the sex. You'll tell your friends I have a big dick and made you orgasm multiple times." Julius whispered in a low tone as the girl he was with had her eyes change before she nodded and repeated his words.     

'Now that's just false advertising...' Issei thought while shaking his head in pity as he and Raynare waited for both Julius and the girl to leave before finally speaking again.     

"Congratulations, Issei, you will no longer be the biggest pervert in school. Toe sucking, asshole fingering, and tongue fucking, he even bent over.... and here I was just trynna make a sex tape go viral. We came looking for copper, but we found a diamond." Raynare held the camera in her hand with a large smile on her face while Issei just shook his head.     

"I've watched some questionable stuff but that damn guy… And 'big dick' my ass, he's about the size I was when I was 4," Issei added, causing Raynare to burst into laughter.     

"Congratulations, you've scored a few manly points with me, Issei, now I won't call you a virgin in public." Issei frowned at this, but Raynare simply ignored him and took out a phone and a cable. Less than a minute later, she showed a mischievous smile before tossing the camera aside.     

"Uh, so…what? Are we going to send the video to some girls then let them spread the rumor or…?" Issei asked, but Raynare simply put her phone in her purse and began heading for the exit with a casual and satisfied expression.     

"Wait for it." That's all she said before leaving Issei confused in the bathroom until he heard his phone ping. When he checked, it just showed a must-watch video from "anonymous."     

"Oh no...."     

Just as Issei muttered those words, everyone who had a phone on them—not just in school, but the area as a whole—received that message. From businessmen at work to officers on the street, so long as you had a phone, the message was received with a video attached.     

Kel was on his way to class when he began seeing some people in the halls opening and checking their phones hurriedly, making him raise a brow. Before he could question it, however, his phone pinged; he stopped walking to check.     

"What in the actual..."     

"FUCK!" Julius' voice could be heard across multiple halls as he gripped his phone so tightly that it began to display cracks; he saw himself in all his glory. Bent over like a bitch while getting his ass eaten and fingered in glorious 4K.     

Unlike the others, Julius's message even contained a written message.     

[We happened to catch a glimpse of your show and thought that the world deserved to know that the Bael clan's heir enjoys questionable acts in bathrooms.     

Sincerely, the fallen angel Yuuma, Muah!]     

Julius was left speechless as he looked at his phone with trembling hands. As he looked around, he began seeing both male and female students look at him with either disgust or mocking gazes.     

As if that weren't enough, he felt a tap on his shoulder before turning around angrily, ready to shout but found it was a familiar face.     

"Koneko? Uh, what do you want? I can explain, you see—" Before he could start explaining, Koneko gave a small bow as he was still a high-ranking demon before speaking.     

"The President has called for a meeting, and I was told to deliver the message..." Koneko quickly said what she needed to say before leaving. Julius could feel his heart beating tremendously, but he could only clench his teeth as he went towards the occult research club.     

Once there, he found plenty of familiar and unfamiliar faces. Rias was seated on one of the sofas present with Kel whilst their servants stood behind them. Sylvia, Issei, and Raynare were present on Kel's side while Akeno and Kiba were present on Rias' side. Seated on the opposite sofa to them was Sona who had come with three servants of her own as well standing behind her.     

Once Julius arrived, he was gestured to take a seat while Koneko gave a bow to everyone present and went to join Kiba and Akeno. Julius then took a seat with visible anger on his face but neither Rias nor Sona looked pleased either. Kel, on the other hand, even leaned back while wearing a casual expression.     

"I'm sure you can guess why this meeting was called, Julius Bael," Rias spoke as she sighed before turning to Julius who gave a small nod and grit his teeth.     

"The video on its own isn't a problem, what you choose to do in your free time isn't our business. However, it does become our business when said activities risk our exposure." When Rias said this, Julius looked a bit puzzled, but it soon became clear when Akeno placed a phone on the table and played the later part of the video after the scene had ended, clearly showing Julius manipulating the blurred girl's memories.     

"That wasn't my doing, it was the fallen angels. We can discuss this later; shouldn't we make sure we alter the memories before this gets out?!" Julius angrily blurted this out to which Kel showed a smile before speaking.     

"Luckily for us, the video in which you used your abilities was only sent to devils, this on its own is concerning as it means we have an enemy who not only knows our identities but is good at hiding their own. Today's investigations after school may shed some light on this but until then, please put your use of abilities for trivial things on hold." Julius frowned as he felt he was getting lectured by Kel, only adding to his humiliation.     

"That video is forged! I was in the bathroom earlier and a girl did walk in and offered me her body, but I denied her and left. Why can't you all see this is a work of those blasted fallen angels, I even have proof..." As Julius took out his phone ready to reveal the message, he received he found it was gone. At this moment, Issei couldn't help but chuckle under his breath catching Julius's attention and anger.     

"Is something funny? Know your place." Julius, being angered more, stretched out his hand towards Issei before a large magic circle with his crest appeared. However, Sona and Rias were quick to react and attempted to stop him, but suddenly all their magic circles cracked and vanished leaving only a large dark blue circle hovering above them all.     

"This is no place to fight, if my servant has offended you then confront me about it in the right place and time. Should you attack again, then I promise you my house won't be the only one near extinction." Kel gave Julius a deathly glare before dismissing his own magic circle and going silent.     



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