I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 161: Views

Chapter 161: Views

4That same eventful day when the school day had come to an end, Kel was leaving his classroom when he found Issei waiting for him outside by the door.     

"Is there something you need?" Kel didn't stop walking but instead only slowed his pace, Issei soon followed and nodded his head.     

"I'm about to head out and start patrolling the area as you have said to. I was just wondering what should I do In case of um, an emergency like you know an angel or fallen one tries to kill me?" Issei looked around to see if anyone was close by and whispered this but Kel showed a carefree smile.     

"Just call like I said, besides if you get any lethal injuries I'll know so you can patrol without care. I'll probably join you after I meet with the occult research club's president." Issei could only sigh and trust Kel's words as the two parted ways.     

'I go around being a bait while he goes around to do devil things with one of the hottest girls in school, if that isn't big dick move then I don't know what is. But during the explanation, he did mention when I become powerful I'd get my own subordinates but more importantly he'd tell me who's responsible for that fire...' Issei thought with a serious expression as his motivation rose and he quickly rushed away.     

Meanwhile, Kel who was on his way towards the occult research club ran into Julius who seemed to have been doing the same. Upon seeing Kel's face, he had flashbacks of the events he experienced earlier instantly dropping his mood.     

"What's with the glaring? It was just a basketball game." Said Kel as they approached the building with a smile on his face while Julius glared at him even more so.     

'Was this fucker on it? Maybe he worked with whatever damn fallen angels are behind this but if I say anything I may just give him information...fuck' Julius internally debated on how to proceed about the situation while Kel simply continued to walk casually until they reached the door.     

As Kel was about to knock, Julius walked past him and knocked first instead before clearing his throat and adjusting his uniform while Kel just gave an odd look.     

After the two knocked and were allowed entry, Kel and Julius walked in. After doing so however Kel noticed two new familiar faces in the room.     

"Welcome Kel, Welcome Julius. Kel I believe you haven't yet met Koneko and Kiba, the other members of the occult research club, and my, well I don't need explain more. Please take a seat." She gestured to Kel and Julius which Julius seemed to do more hurriedly as he wanted to sit directly opposite of her.     

'So he comes here a lot if he's already met with Koneko and Kiba. Got to admire the persistence at least but I should also step up my game just in case' Kel thought to himself before walking over to Kiba and Koneko.     

A/N: Didn't do descriptions for Kiba and Koneko because I assume everyone is aware of how they look since I didn't see anyone say they don't know anything about DxD but let me know just In case and I'll be more descriptive in other chapters.     

"It's nice to meet you both, I look forward to working with you in future endeavors," Kel said to which Koneko who was eating a bar of chocolate nodded while Kiba extended his hand and shook it with Kel. Kel did this to show he didn't see himself as above others, unlike Julius who had only greeted Koneko the first time he met them.     

After doing so, seeing as all the seats were occupied Kel chose to just stand with his arms crossed. Kiba was the first to stand and offer a seat as having an heir stand while they sat didn't look good at all.     

"Don't stress, I won't die if I stand for a bit. I'd be more uncomfortable having someone give up a seat for me like I'm some special existence. Just relax." Kel patted Kiba on the shoulder and advised with a smile to which Kiba looked to Rias who nodded before he sat back down.     

"Now then, I asked all of you here to warn you about the increasing fallen angel activity as well as the church in our territory. We don't want an all-out conflict to begin so when confronted, please handle the situation with care. Lower ranked devils and humans who associate with them are especially targets." Rias explained while everyone listened carefully.     

"Taking them out is child's play. The second they try to disturb the peace I'll finish them without causing any fuss, those horrid fallen angels. Just a bunch of selfish abandoned creatures with no place to call home..." Julius leaned back into his seat and boldly declared still angry about the letter he had received.     

However, when Julius was speaking he hadn't noticed but Akeno had chosen to lower her head. Rias was quick to catch on and was about to speak when Kel did so first.     

"You judge too carelessly. Although I'm yet to meet one I highly doubt every fallen angel is as you think about them. To angels and them, we are the abominations. Unholy creatures without morals who shouldn't exist but yet we feel, we're compassionate, we love, we hurt, we mourn, we sacrifice. Just like humans, angels, and even fallen angels."     

"Our cultures and beliefs may be different but we're all fighting for the same beliefs we so strongly cherish and believe in. If you fight only to kill, another generation we'll come and the slaughter will never cease unless an entire side is completely wiped out. But can such a world even function? I don't know what you're aiming for but I believe we can all live, not in peace as conflict always exists but in balance." Julius frowned at Kel's stance and glared at him before speaking.     

"You'd choose to spare the very angels that wiped out your entire clan? If that isn't cowardly then I don't know what is. Do you think the other clans will accept such a view?" Kel however only laughed at Julius's provocation.     

"Killing every angel won't bring my family back, it will only destroy more families. I know that pain, I know that loneliness and I don't wish for others to have to experience it. And if the other clans don't accept, they are free to try and stop if they feel they are capable." Kel's gaze settled on Julius as the entire atmosphere slowly began to change, making everyone present feel a cold chill run down their spine.     

A split second later, however, Kel's phone began to buzz causing him to divert his attention and the atmosphere to vanish. He quickly checked his phone to find a text from Issei reading.     

[ A cute girl asked me out of nowhere, I'm scared she'll kill me if I look away. Please hurry. ]     

"Seems that I have something to take care of, have a goodnight everyone," Kel said in his casual tone before his body vanished completely right before their eyes.     




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