I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 156: Recruitment

Chapter 156: Recruitment

4Kel had spent around fifteen minutes at the old school building before he decided to leave because the school day was five minutes away from coming to an end.      3

As he was walking away, he took out his phone and sent a message to Silyva stating that he'd meet her at home. He walked towards the front of the school just as the other students were leaving and as he did so he felt a tap on his shoulder.     

'Talk about timing.' Kel thought as he turned around and saw it was Issei who had tapped his shoulder. Rather than immediately replying to him, he was curious as to why Issei took the initiative and looked for him as he raised a brow in response to his action.     

"Just wanted to say thanks for earlier. They'd have beaten the crap out of me otherwise." Issei expressed in a casual tone but his body language showed that he found the situation awkward.     

"No worries. By the way, why are you still wearing the bandage when your wounds and burns have already healed?" As Kel said this, Issei quickly held his bandages and looked at Kel oddly.     

"How do you-" Before Issei could talk, Kel began walking away and gestured to him to follow.     

"This isn't the place to talk, are you coming?" Issei showed some slight hesitation but eventually followed Kel.     

They had left school and were currently walking in a residential neighborhood in total silence. Issei would occasionally glance at Kel and try to speak but would back out at the last minute.     

'He hasn't said a word and why are we on this street...'     

Eventually, the two reached a damaged house where Kel decided to stop. Issei did the same and looked at the home with a complex gaze while clenching his fists.     

"Why did you bring me here?" He asked while keeping his head down while Kel, who had his hands in his pockets as he looked at the building answered him     

"Well because this is where it all started. I'm sure you also had questions after you regained consciousness. How did a fire like that appear out of nowhere, how come you came out with fewer burns than you had within the building, and why your scars and cuts have already healed. Not to mention your enhanced senses." Kel's explanation had Issei grit his teeth as he rushed to him and gripped his jacket.     

"Tell me...Please, I need to know why my father and best friends died while I lived." Kel nodded as he took Issei's hands off his jacket and began to answer.     

"Well, it's like this..."     

Kel had explained to Issei that he possessed a sacred gear that some may consider it being a threat and tried to kill him over it before further revealing the existence of demons, angels , and fallen angels. Issei found this all hard to believe, it would explain the strange changes he had been experiencing plus a small demonstration from Kel left him no choice but to believe.     

"So you're saying the reason that fire began, was that someone wanted me dead?... then why did you save me?" Issei asked with a clear expression of anger from what he had heard so far.     

"Because I could. Technically speaking you died, I just reincarnated you as a devil... you aren't human anymore Issei. As for my reasons for doing so, I saw potential in you and decided to take the gamble."     

"You may not remember but inside the house, as you were about to die, I made you an offer. Your servitude for a chance to live once more, a chance to get revenge. You weakly accepted and thus you became my devil servant." Issei looked at the wrecked house and began to recall the dreadful moments that took place, the screaming, and the pain.     

"It all seemed like a nightmare, then when my body went numb and everything went dark... I heard a voice calling my name and asking me if I wanted to live. It took all my strength to say yes and the next thing I knew I woke up in a hospital. So it was all real, dad, my friends..." Issei clenched his fists as his eyes became slightly teary.     

"... You know, despite all that happened my mother wore a bright smile on her face since I woke up. Even when she cried at the funeral she had a weak smile every time she looked at me. she said she didn't know what she'd have done if she lost us both, same way I don't know what I'd do if I lost her so I have no problem becoming a servant if it means I can protect her and get my revenge."     

Issei has gladly accepted his current situation, whether from being desperate to protect his mother or from the desire to get revenge. The two soon left his former home while he explained more about what it meant to be a devil and a servant.     

"It kind of sounds like a one-sided deal not gonna lie, so am I supposed to call you master as well?" Issei asked with a very worried expression on his face.     

"Don't even think about it. Keep any gay thoughts you have to yourself. Just talk to me regularly, the last thing people want to see is a guy calling another guy master." Kel warned to which Issei wholeheartedly agreed.     

"That's a relief, the title is already making me question my masculinity. So uh, when do we train since you said I'm too weak to get revenge as I am?" Kel stopped walking and turned to Issei before shaking his head.     

"Soon, we'll talk more about it later. As homework when you get home try and meditate while focusing on the strongest part of your body and no I don't mean go jack off. You know what just focus on your hands alright?" Kel explained quickly as he grew tired from explaining things the entire night before walking away in the opposite direction leaving Issei to ponder everything he had just learned.     



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