I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 155: Changes

Chapter 155: Changes

1It was now evening and the school was now coming to an end. At this time Issei was making his way out of the nurse's office with a strange expression on his face as he looked at his bandaged arm.     1

'Just what is happening to me...' He thought before clenching his fist and walking away.     

Meanwhile, Kel had just walked out of his classroom after finishing his last lesson for the day.     

"I'm starting to remember why I hated school so much..." Kel sighed and shook his head before a voice called out to him. He slowly turned to the source of the voice and found it was Akeno who had also just stepped out of a classroom.     

"Evening Akeno, I take it you also finished the quiz quickly?" Kel turned to her before asking with a small smile on his face. Once Akeno had reached a few feet away she returned the smile and did a small polite bow before nodding at his question.     

"Mhm, I'm smarter than what I look like, you know." She pointed out causing Kel to shrug at the statement innocently.     

"I never doubted you in the first place. Anyways I should be off, I need to see your president before I leave." Kel gave a wave to Akeno and prepared to walk away but was stopped and she spoke again.     

"I'm also on my way there, I always go there after the school day is over to assist the president."     

"Well, then shall we be on our way?" He asked to which she nodded before the two began walking side by side. Most of the other students were yet to have their classes dismissed so much of the hall was empty.     

Both Kel and Akeno had walked in silence for quite a good while but as they got close to the old school building where the occult research club was based Akeno broke that silence with a statement.     

"You're quite different from how the president and I pictured you. It's refreshing." Kel raised a brow at this statement before responding out of curiosity.     

"Different how? The lack of prestige?" Kel asked before chuckling as if he didn't care for status but Akeno shook her head.     

"Let's just say most pure-blooded devils from prestigious clans tend to treat us non-pure blood differently, especially the males," Akeno explained in her usual soft alluring manner of speaking while Kel pondered on it for a bit before replying.     

"At the end of the day we're all devils, that and I don't see the point of always trying to assert dominance and power even when unnecessary," Kel explained, causing Akeno to smile mischievously as a thought crossed her mind.     

"So when necessary you do assert dominance and power. I do hope I get to witness that someday."     

Kel only shrugged at this and the two chuckled before resuming to walk in silence until they reached the occult research club. After entering, they found Rias was seated comfortably reading a book.     

After exchanging their greetings, Kel sat opposite of her while Akeno had excused herself to go prepare some tea for Rias and Kel.     

"Care to play a game of chess?" She asked with a smile on her face and Kel nodded as he sat upright with a firm gaze but friendly demeanor.     

"I had hoped to introduce you to the other members today but something came up. There has been an unusually high rise in activities in this territory these past few weeks. Your assistance will be very much appreciated." Rias leaned forward slightly and made the first move on the chessboard as she explained.     

"It's quite alright and the activity doesn't shock me much either given the current state of things. Feel free to ask for assistance if you need it, it's beneficial to all of us in the end." Kel explained and Rias smiled as she observed the move he made.     

The conversation carried on for a few minutes longer before Rias became engrossed in the game of chess. Not many moves had to been made but Rias already found herself in a terrible place which was no surprise considering Kel had used his instant comprehension a while back to become a master strategist.     

"My, my this is interesting." Akeno playfully remarked as she came back with Rias's tea only to find her struggling to make the next move.     

"Akeno I'm trying to concentrate," Rias muttered, clearly getting competitive and wanting no distractions. Akeno still smiled at this as she leaned in and watched.     

Soon Rias let out a sigh and tipped her king piece over. Akeno looked a bit surprised at this but Kel smiled and nodded at her.     

"Good game, you can learn a lot about a person from playing a game with them." Kel let out a friendly chuckle but Rias still wore a small frown as she looked at the board trying to find where she went wrong.     

"And what did you learn about madam president?" Akeno couldn't help but ask and Rias out of curiosity raised her head to hear his answer as well.     

"Your moves are planned and well thought out but despite your calm demeanor, you do get nervous under pressure. However, you remain clear-headed enough to realize when you can't win and you'd sooner surrender than sacrifice more of your pieces for an outcome you've already foretold. This tells me you're kind and caring to those close to you." Rias could only sigh at his answer while Akeno couldn't help but chuckle.     

"Is something funny Akeno?" Rias asked with squinted eyes and Akeno playfully nodded in agreement.     

"It's not every day I get to see you outplayed, I'm simply enjoying the moment please don't take offense to it." Rias could only smile as well before turning to Kel and responding.     

"I'll admit you completely had me this time but I hope you'll have a rematch with me soon," Rias asked as she reached for her cup of tea while Kel stood up and prepared to leave.     

"Not a problem, It just means I'll learn more about you," Kel replied, giving a nod to them both and leaving.     

"Well?" Akeno turned to Rias and asked but she simply looked at the chessboard before showing a smile and standing up.     


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